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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 6 years ago

Are we humans in the process of figuring out what we are or what we could be, as a species?

If so, have we come to any conclusions yet, or... what are we moving toward becoming?


Thank you, everyone, for all the great answers. Very interesting - I appreciate all of your contributions. I'm not sure how I'm going to pick a best answer...

16 Answers

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. We are here not only for what you say in your question. You idea is good which I appreciate. We are also here to strive for universal peace, universal happiness, universal welfare and universal prosperity. We should strive hard and struggle to unite all moral forces for this purpose.

    Source(s): own
  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes. We humans are in the process of figuring out what we are or what we could be, as a species.

    No we have not reached any conclusions yet, but the goal is just to be better. Better than before.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Figuring out?

    We are in the process of creating who we are, both individually and en mass. This is an ongoing process.

    Most people have a solid idea of what is morality and ethics. For example all of life is sacred. Now if all people understood the sacredness of life, our world view would change immediately. Nobody would choose illness, nobody would cause others harm, each individual would love themselves unconditionally and in turn that love would emanate outwards.

    We are here to learn how to use consciousness and energy. As simple as that sounds. Thoughts are creative. When you think about something negative, you give it energy and help create it.

    Sometimes it is good to still your thoughts, other times it is good to think out loud....depending on what you plan to create. Emotions are powerful movers in the fabric of time and space. Emotions make unseen connections....connections that can change the world at lightening speed.

    ----I've said enough I imagine. For now. Namaste.

  • 6 years ago

    So far we can be reduced to atoms. Basically we are carbon intelligence systems. We know that much. A lot if you look at us closely. If you look at us from a distance then we take on other forms. Go far enough and you can even see us as bacteria or virus that may need containing before it spreads beyond the small universe it is now evolving in. There is no limit when it comes to our imagination and what we can do with it. But at any rate, we know that much about ourselves.

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  • 6 years ago

    We're toddlers with matches. Humanity is a child race and we've more technology than we know what to do with. We've yet to figure out how to use to it's full potential. Take the internet for example. It's the first form of a global community of Earth's citizens, and most of us use it for petty things like cat pics and ugh 'selfies' =P. It's such bullsh!t.

  • 6 years ago

    Civilisation is making humanity less intelligent, study claims

    The simplicity of modern life is making us more stupid, according to a scientific theory which claims humanity may have reached its intellectual and emotional peak as early as 4,000 BC.

    Here are some leading theories about the why the human brain has been getting smaller since the Stone Age.

    The Limits of Intelligence

    The laws of physics may well prevent the human brain from evolving into an ever more powerful thinking machine

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Man has learnt to fly in the sky like a bird ,swim under the sea like a fish ,all he need do now is learn to walk on the earth like a man .Kipling suggested how to become a man in his poem ---IF--- Aristotle suggested --Ethics , Socrates wanted us to live a life based on justice m The Stoics would have us accept the misfortunes of life as natural . The "WE" does not appear to be the concept of man ,it seems to rest more on how the "I" live life . As in What I am or could be . All that said Plato would build a society where he could keep his eye on us so that the crooks could not get power

  • 6 years ago

    Becoming... seems the majority or those in charge of the herd are setting more things in motion.

    Mandatory vaccines, GMO foods, bionic body parts, steroids, sex changes, plastic surgery, chip implants, pills for your ailments (mental and physical..never mind the side effects), robots doing the work..

    Maybe the real question is about those who AREN'T figuring it out or just don't care.

  • 6 years ago

    No. We are going backwards. We figured out what we are and could be during the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Basically, if you think of "God" as a biological being, I think we are akin to the cells of a child God still going through the process of growing up. I explain what I mean in more detail in the link, but that's the basic gist.

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