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Lv 4

Do you think there is a Heaven and Hell?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    There's plenty of hell on earth (In the world) – What the Bible refers to as being in the world and of it - To be much less spiritual - Pleasure and pain ~ Karma ~ A continuum of untold suffering. And therefore, the biggest mistake we make is thinking that what mostly happens in the world is the will of God. John 7:7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil. Epistle to Jude 1:4 (to this condemnation)


    REGARDING "HELL AS A LITERAL PLACE" What do we think Hell really is? Old Testament (Hebrew) - Sheol is just the grave. New Testament (Greek) - Hades is just the grave. If you were taught that it is an eternal burning fire, stoked by Satan, please realize that the Bible says at Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:13, 14, and Revelation 21:8 that Hades and Satan are both destroyed. No Satan+No Hades, means there is no eternal burning hellfire


    The Kingdom of God -

    Loving-Kindness-Humility, Conscious minds – consciousness, Conscience, Might

    Virtue, Victory, Wisdom, Beauty, Understanding, Acknowledgement ~ The Sephirot.



    The eye of literal sight and logical brain may ratiocinate heaven to be a place where we all live happily ever after. (Somewhere above the clouds perhaps) A sin free place of happiness and eternal love, yet the major faiths refer to this as a realm of being - An awaking, a realization of a perhaps forgotten existence/vision. (Spirituality)

    In Hinduism - Sat Chit Ananda – is Truth Consciousness Bliss (Moksha - Liberation)

    Christianity – Heaven (One with Christ)

    In the Zohar, the greatest kabbalistic work, the Torah is interpreted in reference to the Sefirot - They are Keter (Crown) proximity to the divine super-conscious of the soul.

    1 Beyond etc. -beyond the relative world which is a mixture of existence and non-existence. The world is said to be existent as it is perceived in ordinary consciousness, but to be non-existent as it is lost in super-consciousness. Knowing the nature of the world, the man of Knowledge is quite unconcerned with it. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XVIII – P138


  • 6 years ago

    Even if there is afterlife, no way its gonna be an eternity in either heaven or hell. <-- Sick doctrines to make people join crazy idea's. Just a tool for manipulating people. If God is real and sends anyone to hell he is a sick twisted God (especially since he fking killed people and sinned himself). And really, eternity in heaven? For evermore in a perfect place worshipping this egotistical God? Sounds boring, its made up doctrines. Heaven and hell only exist within the mind.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Hopfully there is no hell but i would not mind a heaven as long as i am able to have free will and worship the god Apollo.

  • Al
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Of course there is no such thing as heaven or hell. Only a very gullible fool would believe in things that have no evidence.

    Source(s): Christian fools.
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  • 6 years ago

    Yes I do believe that both exist and you can easily get into heaven by faith in Jesus Christ for everlasting life.

  • Chris
    Lv 6
    6 years ago


  • 6 years ago


  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


  • 6 years ago

    from the beginning of existence till about 100 years ago everyone believed in god, heaven and hell. the greatest minds in history believed in god (plato,aristotle,socrates). Saying that 40,000 years of belief is wrong is foolish. Everyone believes in the big bang but, not the deity behind it. How can Something come out of nothing, This is complete stupidity to the fullest. A lion is born knowing he is the hunter, and a ghazal is born knowing he is the pray. The human is born believing in a creator, but artificial beliefs have destroyed our thinking and belief.

  • Helen
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

    Source(s): William Shakespeare.
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