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Ruan asked in HealthMen's Health · 4 years ago

Have my feet stopped growing?

i recently bought some really expensive shoes (yeezys) and they are a size 11.5 I'm about a 10.5-12 normally

I'm 13 a few months ago my feet had a massive growth spurt and right after that i had a massive growth spurt.

Do You think these shoes are going to fit for a few years (or forever lol) my feet have stopped growing for about 4-5 months but i am still growing

1 Answer

  • 4 years ago

    At your age it doesn't make sense to buy clothing, and expect it to still fit even 6 months later. It's probably a poor investment to buy expensive shoes if your feed are still growing. Good shoes can last for years, but a 13 year old boy is still going to have large growth spurts.

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