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Can i get some advice?

Im not quite sure what's going on right now. Im a senior in highschool, only 20 days left. Leaving home soon and heading off to college. Im sad to leave home and worried about being on my own. Im away on vacation right now, the week is already over, I had my heart broke while i was here by a girl that I thought was into me. I have absolutley nothing to look forward to. No vacations, College, Girl of my dreams gone. Please, help me.

1 Answer

  • 4 years ago

    Why isn't college something to look forward to? You'll find another girl. There's lots of college girls looking to meet guys. You should be looking forward to becoming an adult. If your school has a counselor, see if you can schedule a visit with him/her. You're right, you need someone to talk to. I think more that anything, you're just a little scared about venturing into the unknown. Start asking other friends that perhaps have went through the experience how they coped with their 1st year of college. Good Luck.

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