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Why is it that the Christian God is the only God in history who man has claimed to have authored a book?

None of the other Gods wrote, or assisted man in writing a book. Sounds pretty suspicious to me....

11 Answers

  • sarah
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Actually, every god has a book written about him. Mohammad? Buddha?

    Even Hawaii has a volcano God with a book.

    Satan has tried to duplicate everything God did.

  • 4 years ago

    Mainstream Islam reports that Allah wrote their book, so Christianity is not an "only" on this point--unless "our" God is the same as Allah, which many of us believe but which is a notion that many Moslems find offensive--and unless the "book" to which you refer is the Koran. Most Christians believe that the New and Old Testaments (but not the Koran) was inspired by the Lord, in much the same way that other religions honor heir own scriptures; only a small minority believe that He actually wrote our Bible in the literal way that Moslems often believe.

    But if the Lord were the only One to have written a book, that'd be no surprise. The Lord God, the Father of Jesus the Christ, is the only God who exists. The concept of "God" has no proper plural form. If other dieties exist, they are not "gods." In theory, they might be "persons" or "avatars" of God, but in that case they are not dieties. Like most Christians, I tend to be suspect of splitting hairs about the exact meanings of words, whether minority-viewpoint Christians do it or Christian-hostiles do it, but I demand that if it is to be done at all, it must be done correctly. Generally I reckon that we can all get along fine even if we believe radically different things, and that the Lord is more pleased by Amity than He is displeased by doctrinal error, if any. It is better to risk error than anger, I believe.

    Source(s): I've been a Sunday School Teacher (UCC/Congregationalist) for many years. So have I taught, and so have I been taught.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The only suspicious thing is your question.

    Christianity - Christians do not claim god authored the books of the Bible. They say humans wrote them but were inspired through the holy spirit.

    Judaism - the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible is also the Jewish Tanakh, which is their so-called holy book.

    Islam - Muslims claim the Qu ran was dictated by the Angel Gabriel.

    You should really check out your facts.

  • Ralph
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The fact of the matter, The reason why is because there is only One true God and that is the one who wrote the Bible only, and that is the God of the Bible only, the Christian God, the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior only, read Isaiah 9:6 read Isaiah 43:3 read Isaiah 43:11 read Matthew 1:23 read John 1:1 read John 1:14 read John 1:29 read John 17:12 read John 20:28 read Titus 1:3 read 1 John 5:7-8 read Jude 22:25

    Source(s): King James Holy Bible
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Because He is !!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Have you studied it?

    It likely ISN'T for you.

    It IS the ONLY ONE. There CAN only be ONE.

    It is great, for sure.

    But just not for you.

  • 4 years ago

    Traditional Christian doctrine maintains that God inspired the authors of the Bible to take up writing, not that God himself wrote it.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    He wrote on stone and carved the stone out into tablets.

    His hand appeared and wrote on the wall.

    He wrote in the dust (and that's what you are).

    He wrote His laws in our hearts.

    Why are you so dull? You don't think the Life Force that created the galaxies, the heavens, the earth, the oceans and all things in them is capable of writing through men He inspires?

    He's writing through me right now to tell you to get a grip and stop being so ignorant... your life is at stake. Turn from your wickedness and repent, so God will have mercy on you and let you live.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Rev 4:11

    Source(s): What Does the Bible Really Teach? chps 1,4
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


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