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My brother is annoying and rude but I don’t want to be mean back?

I have an older brother who we’ll call George, and he is REALLY annoying. He likes to come into my room without knocking, mock me, and some worse things like hitting me over the head with stuff and giving me red marks. I can’t say that I’ve been the nicest to him, but it’s hard not to when he does stuff like this daily. But I don’t want to tell my parents about what he does because he has depression and if I were to tell them, they would go and yell at him (normal parent stuff) and I would feel really bad about it. I’ve read his diary once, and it’s really sad and I don’t want to cause him more pain. I’m not sure what to do!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    buy a small sliding bolt lock for your door, they only take ten minutes to put on (you really only need a screwdriver) and when he starts annoying you just lock him out

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    u should tell everything u wrote here to your mother and also ask her not to yell at him because he is sad. i m sure if your mother talks to him nicely and tells him what he does makes u upset he will stop. u may also try and talk to him and tell him how his actions make u feel. mostly people do not realise what affect they have on other people. he thinks he is just joking around. i m sure he does not mean to hurt u intentionally

  • 2 years ago

    Lock your door!! Or booby trap it.

    People who are feeling confident and secure and have self respect don't feel a need to call people names, criticise, bully, shout, etc.

    Bullies want attention, and my general feelings are that if people allow them to get their way through fear (the ultimate emotional reaction) they are succeeding and will continue. One way to combat verbal bullying is not to ignore them completely as this shows that they are getting to you, but demonstrate that you have heard the remark or whatever with a glance, dismissive wave or brief response ("oh yes", or similar) and THEN ignore them. Why should you care what such a pathetic person thinks of you? (Only weak and needy people feel a need to bully). Alternatively, or in addition, try to use some humour (U.K. spellings!). It need not be mocking humour, but some light-hearted banter can often diffuse situations.

    Put on an imaginary suit of golden armour, and visualise the unkind remarks (or those you perceive to be unkind - be very careful not to imagine a slight when none is intended) as arrows, harmlessly bouncing off your armour and falling to the ground.

    If the abuse is physical, you could join a martial arts or self defence class. Or even check out some moves on Youtube. Learn to defend yourself without retaliating.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    hes hitting you, just tell the police about it and they'll corne pick hirn up

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Forgive him. He’s most likely bipolar

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