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How do I get my husband to say nice things to/about me?

I’be been married for 9 years, and my husband does not compliment me or say nice things. It’s not that he puts me down or anything- he says that he loves me all the time, and I get hugs and kisses and gropes (lol) like crazy, but he just doesn’t compliment me on anything because he says that he isn’t romantic. Am I being too picky to want him to say nice things about me?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Unless he was Casanova when you were dating you may have just picked a guy who doesn’t go for that stuff. But compliments often beget compliments so make sure you’re saying nice things about him.

  • 2 years ago

    Hard to imagine much nicer than to regularly hear that he loves you and kisses you. There are lots of women on this site who haven't heard those words for years and would cherish them if they ever got them.

    You want him to tell you that you have beautiful eyes? Try telling him how lovely his eyes are and how much you love gazing into them. Sometimes we all learn by example.

    Want him to compliment your cooking? Make a cooking schedule that means he has to make an equal number of meals every week. Bet he'll start telling you how much he appreciates your cooking. haha. Yep.

  • If that is your main complaint then I would say you are doing pretty well. Focus on the positive.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I wouldn't expect marriage to change a man's behavior.

    I would be very unhappy being groped (lol or not) on a regular basis. He sounds like he's 12 years old.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Get little more aggressive on the BJ.

    Insist on compliments after he shoots his load.

    Set some rules and regulations.

    Put yourself in control

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