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If UK leaves the EU, won’t we be so desperate for new trade deals that we negotiate from a position of being bent over a desk?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    "not even going to get the desk", you are holding your ankles.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    We weren't desperate before we joined that vermin,so why should we worry about what happens when we leave.

    There has been so much scaremongering from remainers that it can only be regarded as a joke....we will be fine !!!!!!!!

  • 1 year ago

    Why do you think that, parliament doesn't want to leave the EU?

    The last three and a half years has shown beyond doubt that our negotiating-deal-skills are not what we think they are.

  • 1 year ago

    U.S. is going to give some favor to Britain in order to keep Britain going.

    Nowadays, the economic situation is similar to that just before WWII. The bond between U.S. and Britain is essential to keep the world running.

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  • 1 year ago

    No desk, we'll be on our knees begging.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    I'm way beyond caring anymore

    I'm booked on a flight to Atlantis

  • Jack H
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Yes, it's obvious, I remember leave promising 40 free trade deals to be ready for signing within seconds of brexitting, they managed to get 6, one of which was the Faroe islands. Accept that you make very little 100%, so Country of origin rules will screw you everywhere. 80% of your economy relies on financial services, as soon as you make a single move against the level playing field rules (your first Freeport will do it) most of that will go to Europe. Boris's only plan seems to be to throw his lot in with America, the EU deal with America failed after seven years because of the side rules the Americans insisted on, including enabling corporations to sue Countries if their laws affected profits...

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Yeah all those luverly jubberly trade deals that the EU didn't want because they were just too good.

    We should be producing more of our own stuff anyway, if we steal anymore stuff from the 3rd world on top of catastrophic climate change we're going to see 10's of millions of refugees heading to Europe.

    I suppose on the one hand it's quite enjoyable to see the right create what they hate out of sheer stupidity.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    @joseph stalin, a foreign far right troll, who knows best for GB

    No idea, it always amazed me why the British think they're always so important to the EU

    REALITY check:

    UK is a tiny island with little or no leverage, it no longer offers a back door into EU for foreign investors

  • 1 year ago

    Yes, or we could go the way Boris wants to take us and become the 51st state of the USA.

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