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What type of fitbit should i get?

I just want one that counts my steps and maybe tells time (idk if that's a thing). I don't need it to do all that extra stuff you see in commercials just a basic one. 

2 Answers

  • 4 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here are some of the more basic ones that revolve mainly around physical fitness and they tell time. They don’t have the extra bells and whistles but they will tell you time, heart rate, distance and sleep. Any of the other features that they may come with are optional and up to you to activate or not. You want a Fitbit tracker and these are a pretty good place to start. 

    Attachment image
  • kelvin
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    why not look around at different stores and you just might find what you are looking for

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