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Mikael asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 2 months ago

Easiest way to lose weight?

Should I eat less ? Any apps to help control calories ?

5 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no need to apply a diet that is too strict or excessive, because in fact this method is not effective. There are several easy ways to lose weight that are not excruciating, but are even more effective.

    Some things are like the following: Drink water before eating, Don't forget to have breakfast, Consume the right food, Eat small portions, Eat slowly, No need to avoid certain foods, Get enough sleep, Move actively.

    Fasting is also the perfect thing for an easy diet

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Weight loss is 80% diet. There are dozens of apps like Lose It, My Fitness Pal, and Chronometer were you can log your food and track your calories, carbs, etc.  You'll do better with these apps is you actually weight and measure your servings rather than eyeball the amount. there are apps like Noom, that help you address snacking, emotional eating, and overeating.  

    A keto diet works well for a lot of people because it decreases insulin production.  Insulin is required by your body to transport glucose from carbohydrates to your cells. Insulin also stops your body from burning stored fat.  The decrease in carbs and increase in fats does help some people minimize cravings too.

    That noted, a keto diet this is over your calories needs will not produce weight loss after the first couple of days.  A calorie deficit is still necessary.  Some people are unwilling to remove carbohydrates from their diet.  They can achieve weight loss success with calorie counting, though they may have more hunger and cravings due to the hormones produced as a result of metabolizing those carbs.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Count carbs, not calories... (Ketogenic diet or a low carb plan of some sort)

  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Ok, starting with the obvious misconception some people have:

    Exercise is the worst possible way to lose weight.

    1) Exercise causes oxidative stress in muscles, leading to increased desire to eat.

    2) Even vigourous exercise is quite slow at burning calories

    E.g., 30 mins on an exercise bike doing high-intensity exercise will yield about 330 KCal. 

    A kitkat bar is 109 Kcal. The average main meal is 600 to 800.

    This means that one snack and a heavier meal completely ruin the 30 mins intense exercise as far as weight gain goes.

    This is my advice:

    Quick weight loss is easy to achive but maintaining weight requires forming habit, and you can't really form a habit if you lose the weight in 3 weeks of intense dieting.

    Instead, find what you can cut from your diet.

    Here's what I do:

    1) No food for breakfast: I drink 1 L of proteinworld slender blend (150 Kcal) and coffee

    2) I then eat half my main meal for lunch

    3) I then cook a full main meal and eat half at dinner, saving half for the next day's lunch.

    4) I have a protein shake (same as in 1) at 22:00 before bed.

    That's it.

    I can consistently do this without feeling hungry. 

    The weight loss initially comes from water loss due to less salt intake and less water retention.

    Then, it takes months to lose weigth on this strategy, but you quickly get a healthier metabolic profile, because:

    Blood metabolite levels drop e.g.,

    Glyceride levels

    Fatty acids etc

    So how much do I lose per day?


    Breakfast: 130 (Toast and marmalade)  + 330 (cereal & milk) = 460

    Snack: 2 biscuits = 60 Kcal

    Lunch: Soup (330 Kcal) + 1 slice bread/marg (116) + apple (60 Kcal) = 506

    Snack: kit kat = 109 Kcal

    Dinner: Main meal (700) Kcal; Dessert (300) Kcal, Total = 1000 Kcal

    Snack: Toast and marmalade = 130 Kcal

    Total: 2265

    Total excess calories for my age/physical characteristics = 1960 Kcal/day

    Daily calorie gain = 305


    Breakfast = Protein shake = 150 Kcal

    Lunch = 1/2 main meal = 350 Kcal

    Dinner: 1/2 main meal (350) + yogurt (100) = 450 Kcal

    Before bed: Protein shake = 150 Kcal

    Total calories = 1100

    Daily loss: 1960 - 1100 = (-) 860/day

    Just to give you an idea, that's 860 Kcal less than my body burns per day, equivalent to 80 mins on an exercise bike doing high-intensity routines.

    So just by changing my diet, I avoid paralysing levels of exercise and lose weight.

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  • 2 months ago

    I think intermittent fasting is probably the easiest way for me. Basically, you only eat when you're actually really hungry, and you only eat enough to satisfy that hunger no more

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