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Anonymous asked in HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · 2 days ago

Pain Problems?


I’m 13 and home alone. I hit my pinky toe on my dresser. It’s swelled and gone completely purple .I can’t move it and it’s agony. Is it broken? What shall I do? My parents won’t be back for a while btw

3 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    It could be broken but there's really not much that they do about toes.   Ice ice and more ice.  Call your parents.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Whether it's sprained, badly bruised, or broken, you take non-prescription pain medication at the recommended dose, and RICE it.

    Rest--use the injured part as little as possible

    Ice--use ice or other cold compress to minimize swelling

    Compression--probably impossible on a toe

    Elevation--raise it higher than your heart, also to minimize further swelling

    The bad news is that even if it's broken, the medical community generally does not intervene unless you're a "serious" dancer or athlete, or if the bone break has put the entire toe out of alignment, the ends beside each other.

  • 2 days ago

    You probably just got a bad sprain, but even if it is broken, the treatment is the same.  Keep the injured foot raised as much as you can with pillows or a chair,  so your blood can flow away from the injury.

    Make an ice pack with ice cubes wrapped in a towel, and place it on the injury for a few minutes at a time to reduce the swelling and numb the pain.

    Wear slippers or just socks if possible until the swelling goes down.  If you must wear shoes, slip them off whenever you can.

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