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Why is the redistribution of wealth that would benefit 95% of American accused of being "socialist?"?
When the redistribution of wealth that has taking place over the last 20 years, but especially over the last 8 years and has benefited the top 5% of Americans at the detriment of the other 95% (and specially the middle class) is praised by Republican as healthy capitalism???
Where is the fairness?
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIf Obama looses the election. . .
What would Black Americans supporting Obama do if he lost? Would they feel betray by the system? Would this rejection of the first successful Black presidential contender take us years behind in Black/White relations in the US?
By the way, I am white and I support Obama because I believe he has a vision that represents our best chance to get out of the mess G. W. Bush and Cheney have created. And I don't believe McCain would do much to improve our situation, neither here or abroad.
19 AnswersElections1 decade agoAirline travelling with my dog
I'll be flying with my dog (in the cabin) from South Carolina to Washington Dulles, then to Belgium. What kind of carrier should I get? Any one has a suggestion for a light, resistant, and small enough to fit at my feet under the sit in front of me? My dog is a pomeranian, he weighs about 11 lbs and is about 11 inches at the shoulder.
Can you take the dog out of the carrier for a while when the plane is in the air? Thanks.
1 AnswerAir Travel1 decade agoHas anyone received political e-mail from "friends" bad-mouthing one candidate or the other?
I keep on receiving these political e-mail from "friends" describing all the evils of Obama (i.e., Obama's 50 lies). However, these "friends" have not even taken the time to read the WHOLE article and/or forwarded only half of the article. . .obviously, the half that suit their need!!!
i.e. One article that was sent to me titled "Obama's 50 lies" on That article showed the 50 "urban legends" lies of Obama in a blue box. Most people only read that blue box and forward it to friends. But any one with a brain looks a little further, and eventually discover that the job accomplished by "" actually analyzes each one of those 50 so called "lies" and give the "truth" about these "lies."
Why are people so stupid?
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoSince when are we expected to be "proud" of our governement no matter what?
I love the United States. I am happy to be American and to live here. I like Americans in general, and I trust in this country's ability to heal itself. I believe the United States has more potential of providing freedom and a fertile ground for healthy diversity than any other countries I know of. And I love our military for doing their jobs in the best way they can in a war that had no meaning to begin with. And I want them to come home and be proud of what they accomplished in this difficult, no-win situation that was imposed on them. I want them to be cared for when they return.
However. It doesn't mean that I feel obliged to be "proud" of everything the US government represents, especially not in the last 8 years. I do not have to "buy in" to everything our government has imposed on us, including the lies, or half-trues, or false interpretations that have led us into this horrible war.
But that doesn't mean I am not a patriot.
10 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoDo I have reasons to worry?
My husband of 37 years recently received a call from an old girl friend inviting him to a 50th high school reunion. At first, he wasn't keen on going, since he has seen none of his friends in 20 years. But the woman and my husband started e-mail to each other, and within a week, the e-mails became increasingly more frequent, up to 5 or 6 times per day, first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. He would also begin to "hide" when I walked in the room. Concerned, I read an e-mail, and discovered that he had begun calling her "luv," then "love," and telling her how happy he was to have found her again, discussing each other's sex life, downplaying his relationship with me, and offering to serve her breakfast "in bed." He also readily supported my decision to not accompany him to the reunion, and made plans to go alone.
I told him that I didn't mind his having a penpal, but that I thought his calling her Luv, and telling her "luv ya" was not wise, since she is a widow.
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes any one know how to find a pen pal?
I don't mean a cyber date and I'm not looking for cyber sex. I would like to know how to make contact with a thoughtful, but fun, sensitive, but logical person to discuss just about anything on hearth. Not looking for bad jokes please.
Just looking for advice, maybe a web site or something like that.
By the way, I'm not 18, I'm 55!
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHave you read Obama's book? If yes, did it influence you positively or negatively to vote for him?
Did you read "Audacity of Hope." If not, why not? If yes, do you feel you know him better and understand his vision better after reading his book? Did it influence you in voting for or against him?
5 AnswersElections1 decade agoIf today was 2000 instead of 2008, who would you vote for, Gore or Bush?
Knowing the paths our President and All Gore have taken in the last 7+ years, If you could go back to the 2000 election, who would you vote for, Bush or Gore?
Who did you really vote for in 2000?
Does your response to this question influence how you ill vote in November?
30 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat provokes repeated cramps in the legs? How to deal with it?
10 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoCan someone living in Canada give his/her opinion on the Canadian health care system?
In this time of pre-election in United States, so many horor stories are spread about the Canadian health care system that I wonder if these stories are true (excessively long waiting, poor services, inability to select a health care provider outside the national system, etc. . .) or if these are merely "urban legends" that are spread around to scare US citizen from voting for candidates who support some sort of universal health care.
6 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoFederer is the best male tennis player. Who is the best female tennis player?
10 AnswersTennis1 decade agoMarried for 36, mostly happy, years. Discovered that my husband is dating on the web,?
He has also made a date to meet at least one woman, after exchanging some "hot" e-mails with her. What should I do? Confront him or wait until it goes away? He is generally a very honest man, and we have a good marriage. But he is more sexual than what I can give him at this stage in my life.
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhy should the vote of the people who clearly wanted a Democrat in the senate would be overturned?
Doest it seem fair that, due to a democratic senator's sudden illness, the whole democratic voting process would be negated by giving the Republican governor the right to appoint any one he wishes to replace the recently appointed Senator. Especially when this move (which would negate the vote of the majority of the people) would then give the equivalent to a power majority to Republicans while it was clear that the US people want a change in the Senate and the Congress. This seems like a huge flaw in the voting process. What do you think?
10 AnswersElections1 decade ago