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I'm a grandmother of 4 children been married 28 years

  • How do you answer this question that a child ask . The child was put up for adoption illegal?

    The child is 4 now. He asked his father why his other family took him How would they feel if someone took their trees or babies. He also will not sit by black children or mexican children. When asked why said he doesn't like them. I asked who told him it was alright for him to talk or act like that and he told me that the wan ta be adopted couple told him. I tried to explain that god made everyone equal but then he told me that god wasn't real only the heavenly father. My son has been fighting for him since birth. This is not how we raised our children. How do you explain this all to a child. He knows his dad loves him but doesn't understand why. This is the same couple that will not give up for the child and what is best for him.

    5 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't this be better in adoption if instead of the tax payers paying for the births, medical, and income?

    For adopted parents. If at birth the birth parents or natural parents have to pay child support to the child. For putting their child through this?

    9 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Failed adopted child asked me why he couldn't come home. What would you have told him?

    My son and I and my granddaughter went to see my grandchild (my son's little boy) this last weekend and what a joy my son's daughter got to go to. So brother and sister got to visit. When time to take him back he wanted to know why he couldn't go? What do you say. Now for those that don't know my story here is a small dose of nightmare. My son's ex girlfriend (the mother of his daughter ) they broke up and she moved with another man within 2 months. Found out she was pregnant and hid my granddaughter from my family and the father. Gave the baby to her new boyfriends family. Son found out 2 days before birth and has been fighting evey since. Has visitation once a month and for the month of july. Until court gets things straight the child is almost 4 years old now. Couple who has him Can't adopt him.

    6 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How do you explain this to a child?

    I went with my son to visit my grandson that was put up for adoption but the adoption failed because my son fought and is still fighting to have his son returned to him. My granddaughter went to. Here's the question. he asked why does she get to go with daddy and i have to stay here. He is almost 4 years old? How do you answer him

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • About a child that was put up for adoption?

    Most of you know my son's story. If not his child was put up for adoption with out his consent. In court they could not find him unfit. He is still fighting for his son. The couple couldn't adopt him, He has visiation once a month which is coming up this weekend. I go with him because this couple has gone as to lie about child abuse. Even got the child to say my son shot him and did other things to him which is lies. OK question we live in Texas there is a lot of schools closing due to this flu. In fact my son's daughter and sister to the baby is 5 and her school might let tomorrow. The mother or both children said the daughter can go but has to be back for dentist appt early Monday We are going to drive since it would be safer. Should we go or not. What would you do? There are no cases where he lives. But we miss him.

    2 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Madonna wanted to adopt out of a orphanage why is that so bad?

    I mean why is everyone down on her don't they understand that the child is in a orphanage. If her grandmother or father really wanted her she would be with them. The age of death over there is in the early 50's. Why would anyone want to stand in the way of this little girl getting a better life. The grandmother at one point said it was stealing but that's not what it's called It's called adoption out of foster care right?

    10 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Just wondering if birth mothers got the same Moneys that you get when you adopt?

    Would they be able to keep their child. When you adopt out of foster care you get payed for adopting or just caring for the child. When the child gets older they can go to college and their rent payed. If the child doesn't come out of foster care the adopted couple get a big tax deduction . Now most if not always the tax payer gets to pay for the birth. My question is don't you think if the birth mother got that kind of help she would keep her child? Do not even try to say she can get child support check it out most fathers don't pay. Maybe food stamps but so can the adopted parents. Medicaid now that is what they do get. Wow.

    16 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • A judge asked a good question in court about a wrongful adoption?

    She asked the lawyer for a couple who will not give a baby back to the natural father. If some one kidnapped a baby and kept it for a year to you cont to let the child live with the kidnapper because the child bonded with them? What would your answer be? His was of course not that was illegal. But what is it called when a father from the beginning says he wants to raise his child and they take off with the child anyways.

    8 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this adoption story?

    Look under this link. or if you can 't get it that way try shawn mcdonald lds and look under the news

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Just how many children would be put up for adoption?

    If the father's had the same rights as the mother. If the fathers were able to decide that he wanted his child. The birth mothers would have to pay child support. I know the adoption agency use this if the mother say I see if the father wants to raise the child.

    In my son case they had the mother sign 2 papers one saying she didn't know who the father was and the other saying my son was the father. They also told her not to name the baby or put the father's name down, Just how many mother would still have their child if they thought that they would have to take responsibility of their child

    5 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Do you think this is fair.Why do you think that a adoption couple would be like this?

    My son has been fighting to have his son returned (long story) but for now he has visation. He should have got his son on the 19th for christmas break but since their school lets out on the 23th of dec. My son didn't get his son until the 23 at 6 pm when their was no flights out so they got here on christmas eve. My grandson which is 3 had a blast with his sister and with the ton's of family members. On the 26 th he had to fly home he huged his sister and told her he would be back torrorrow. There flight was delayed in Denver and this couple who told the court it was hard to travel drove the 8 hour to denver to pick him up which messed up my son's flight and he had to change everything. Why do you think that they acted like this and would you take them back to court?

    20 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • What to you tell a child when at 3 he starts asking alot of questions?

    My grandson was not adopted but for right now he has to stay with the couple who took him at birth even when the natural father was begging the hospital to stop the adoption.

    My son has visitation once a month 3 states away. I went with him this last month so I could see my grandchild to.

    Here is my question. When the child ask if his daddy is his birth father? I was adopted right? No he wasn't the adoption was stopped.

    My last name is the couple's last name? the answer is that the child can never have their last name for he isn't adopted and have the right to have have is natural parent's last name.

    What do you tell his wonderful child? and why in the world would they lie to him?

    11 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • What do you say when your grandchild says he wants to come back home to his natural family

    He's only 3 but he says he wants to come home to be with his father and sister. The couple can never adopt him. When my son had to turn him back over he the child cryed and then said By dad I love you. How do you explain to a child he has to stay there. And why didn't he bond with them he was there since birth. And what kind of people would do this to a child known that he will never be truly theirs?

    9 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Do you think that they should take out the 14th amendment.? The right to raise your child. If not then why is?

    it so hard for the natural father's to save their child from adoption and to raise their children.

    4 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • why do people call the Birth mother and father's either drug addits or sperm donors?

    Ever time I read a answer it's almost always the mother is a drug addit or the father is a unknown sperm donor or no one talks about him.

    Most of you adopted couples wouldn't have told this mother that's how you feel before you got her child. You should be glad she LET you raise there child.Who gives you the right to throw stones

    I should hate my son's ex for what she did to him but she told the adoption social worker and the hospital and the couple who the father was and it was them that talked her into all the secrets. I don't like what she did but I'll never down grade her for given my grandson life.

    20 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Just how does a child cope with so well after being put up for adoption?

    This just might sound strange. But my grandson that was put up for adoption without my son's consent is spending the month of July with his father and the rest of the family. My son stopped the adoption and is still fighting to bring his son home to be with his sister and my son. My son went to pick him up 3 states away and the child has adjusted perfect. He's 3 and never crys for the couple in fact when my son calls the couple so they can talk to the little boy. the child calls them by their first names and never crys to go home or anything. This is so strange to us because all of our other grandchildren would have been upset if kept away from their parents for over a week. I know I shouldn't be complaining for this is weird. It's going to kill my son to have to return him at the end of July. My son is just waiting for the court of appeals to over turn the custody to him since the jury couldn't find him unfit. The baby calls my son dad and get's along with his sister perfit.

    11 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • If you were a birth mother and decided to give your child up for adoption?

    would you go to a different state if the adoption agency payed your way to have your child. This is in order for the father or others to know about the birth. Would you go?

    15 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How can you stop getting your adoption question taking off?

    I asked a what would you do question that had to do with adoption and father's rights and they took it off. I just don't see why asking if you would give back a child would be in violations can you explain this to me. Is it because I told who the adoption agency that made my family's life a nightmare?

    6 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • my father died and he had a safety depost box. The box was in both of our names Do I have to share what is in?

    with my sister. He had not talked to her in 7 years but she was named the main person on the will and me second. Before he died he said he never got a round to changing the will. The will doesn't state the safety depost box and I know for sure he wouldn't want her to have it. What now?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • my father recenlty died and owned his home, How can i change the deed?

    There is my sister and I and neither one of us want to live in the home, Can this be done with out probate court?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago