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Did I have a miscarriage?
I'm hoping someone may have had a similar experience or some input for me. During the month of January I my period was about 2 weeks late. It lasted from January 28 until about January 31. Usually when I first get it, the flow is very light and gradually gets heavier. This time though, it was so heavy I didn't even have a chance to get to the bathroom. As gross as this sounds, I felt/saw a clump of blood fall into the toilet. Before getting my period I had felt nauseous and slightly lightheaded, back pains, and just not feeling well. About 2 days after the bleeding stopped I was lightheaded, nauseous(almost vomited), in a cold sweat, blood pressure dropped very low, and passed out. I actually passed out twice that day. The next couple days I felt dizzy and nauseous and sleepy and just not right. When I had taken pregnancy tests around the time of my missed period, they came back negative, but I know they aren't always 100% accurate. I went to my doctor because of the way I had been feeling and he gave me a list of things that could be wrong, one of them being a miscarriage. Because of the negative pregnancy tests I said no, definitely not. But after thinking about it, a miscarriage doesn't seem too far fetched. Does this seem like a miscarriage? If so, is there anything I should do medical wise? Is there any way to find out definitely?Thank you for any help!
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIn NY, can you leave home at age 16?
My cousin will be 16 next month and was sexually abused by her mother's fiance and placed at her fathers who is emotionally/mentally abusive. He is also an alcoholic and is not providing her with the greatest living arrangements. In a 2 bedroom apartment lives my cousin, her father, step-mother, grandmother, and 3 half-sisters. She is miserable and cries daily. When her sister was 16 she left home without violating or breaking any laws. Has the law changed or is it still the same? How would she go about leaving home? ...without being considered a "runaway?" Thank you for any help!
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoFriend is single and pregnant. Is it better to have the baby out of state?
A friend of mine is 8 months pregnant and single. She is afraid that the father will try and fight her for custody. Does is make a difference if she has the baby in another state? Her parents told her that by moving to another state she will give the father less rights and make it harder for the father to gain any type of custody. Is this true? Can you please provide me with a website that shows you if this is true or complete BS? Thank you!
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agolandlord false advertising?
I moved into an apartment last June.In the newspaper and on the contract it states NO PETS. After moving in I discovered that just about every single tenant has animals! My downstairs neighbor had 2 German shepherds that barked all the time. They would leave the dog outside tied to a pipe or something and every time I would try to scoot past the one dog to get in my door he would growl and bark and lunge at me. Also, they never cleaned up the dogs feces and both myself, fiancee and friends stepped in it numerous times! I wrote the landlord a letter telling him about the dogs and nothing was ever done! I called the rental office and asked about terminating my lease early and was told the only penalty I would face would be that my deposit would not be returned to me. Unfortunately I didn't get it in writing and now am being billed 2 months rent plus an $860 administrative fee for "skipping"! Anyway, would I win in court for the apartment company false advertising? Thank you for any help!
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoAdults/couples only resort for honeymoon?
I am looking for an adults or couples only resort (not a swinger resort) ideal for my honeymoon this august. I don't have a preference when it comes to the location, just anywhere warm and sunny! I really would like a jacuzzi either in the room or on the balcony and at least 2 restaurants on premises. All inclusive is a plus. Money is definitely a factor in choosing a resort. I love the looks of a sandals resort, but they're too pricey for me! I'm open to all tropical/warm locations. Please keep in mind I am trying to stay on a budget.Thank you!
4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoWhat disorder would this be?
I met a boy who claimed he was God and was on top of the world. He demanded everyone bow to him. I can't remember what disorder he had. Would he be Bipolar? Was he experiencing an episode of mania? Or is it something different? Thank you!
7 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoI was told no penalties for terminating apartment lease early, now being billed!?!?
I signed a 12 month apartment lease with my fiance June 1, 2008. At the end of October I contacted the office and spoke with them ans was assured there would be no penalties for terminating my lease early. The only penalty was that they would keep my security deposit. I asked several times over and over if I would have to pay anything else and was told no. They would JUST keep my security deposit, I hand them the keys and thats it! I moved out by the first week in November 2008. Today, March 27, 2009, I received a phone call AT WORK from a collection agency saying that I owed over $1300 for November and Decembers rent and late fees because I haven't paid yet. 1, they never attempted to call me on my cell phone or send me a bill; the first time I was contacted was today at work. 2, I wasn't even living in the apartment in November and December, I handed them the keys! 3, they told me that I didn't have to pay anything! Thge lady on the phone told me she was sending me a bill and I would have to pay or else it will affect my credit. Any help? (I live in NJ, if this helps)
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhat do I need to do to be married in a Catholic Church?
I spoke with the church today and I was told I'd have to complete Pre-Cana. What exactly is that? Also, I was told we would have to go through questioning and fill out pre-nuptial paperwork and fillout something else. What types of questions will we be asked? And what is all of this? I'm just a little nervous! Any help would be great! Thank you!
13 AnswersWeddings1 decade agowedding first dance songs for 2009. MODERN/CURRENT?
I am getting married in August of 2009 and still do not have a wedding song. I want something new, that has come out within the past year or two or has just come out. Thank you for your help!
3 AnswersDancing1 decade agoHow do I involve everyone in my wedding!?
I am having such a tough time trying to figure this all out! My fiance has 3 younger brothers(ages 20,17,11) and 2 younger sisters(ages 14,12) and I have two younger sisters (ages 18,13). Now I am not close with my sisters at all. As much as I wish I had a relationship with them, I don't. In my bridal party I have 4 of my closest friends and my fiance has 2 of his brothers and 2 friends. My sisters and my mom have been giving me such a hard time because my sisters aren't bridesmaids. I'm so torn. I don;t know what to do. Also, if my sisters are included, I want his sisters and his youngest brother to be included too. Basically I want everyone involved in someway but I don't know how to do it. Any help would be great!!!
4 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoBreast cancer? cyst? What is wrong?
For the past 2-3 months or so my breasts hurt when I am not wearing a bra. Recently I felt something hard,maybe a lump, in my right breast. When I am not wearing a bra, or if it is touched or bothered in any way, it hurts. I'm very concerned. I am only 21 years old, and I did schedule an apointment with a doctor. Any ideas what may be wrong? Thank you!
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhat is the policy/law regarding funeral processions?
During a funeral procession for my Aunt, one of the family members, who was towards the middle of the line, was pulled over by a police officer. The police officer said he ran a red light. He proceeded to tell the police officer that he was in a funeral procession and on the way to the cemetary. The police officer said so what? That doesn't mean you can run a red light and then after going back to his car he said "You better thank me, I cut you a break this time. You're lucky." Is this true? Are you really not supposed to follow the rest of the funeral procession and drive like you normally would? (this is in NJ, if that matters) Thank you!
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agostomach pains.Any idea whats wrong?
I have been having pains in the left side of my stomach for the past few days. they feel like hunger pains, so I try eating. When I am eating it feels better but 10-15 minutes later the pains come back. I tried taking antacids but those don't help either. I also feel bloated, get hot flashes and the pain seems worse when I move. Any ideas what is wrong with me?
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoWhat is wrong with me? Do I have some type of disorder?
My fiancee gets upset because I never want to have sex or or be touched down there. Every time I feel him getting close to touching me down there I freak out and my knees close shut. It is the strangest feeling and I don't even know how to describe it. I'm not concerned about what he thinks of me or how it looks down there or anything. The only way I can describe this feeling is that I freak out and it's almost like a panic attack and I feel trapped like being held against my will almost. Even if he just lightly touches me for a split second. Weird I know, please don't laugh and please do not give me stupid/smart alec comments. Thank you.
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agomy fiance doesn't show me any love?
Often I feel like my fiance doesn't even want to be with me because he seems so distant. He would rather play video games and sleep than be with me. When he is with me, I don't feel loved by him. He seems like he is being forced to be in a relationship with me or something. He isn't romantic in any way, he gives me an attitude all the time, when I cry or am upset he doesn't seem to care, he basically just isn't very nice to me. He says that he acts that way because I give him an attitude. The reason I do sometimes give him an attitude is because I am so upset with how he acts towards me and treats me. Any suggestions on how to make him see things from my shoes and understand that he isn't treating me the way he should. Any way to get him to be nicer and more romantic?? Thanks!!
9 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoIn NJ...does a landlord have to notify you of a sex offender?
In NJ, when you move into an apartment, does a landlord have to notify you that there is a sex offender living in the apartments also?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agois there any way to get out of an apartment lease?
My fiancee, son and I just moved into an apartment June 1, 2008, and we want out already. We are barely able to pay our bills and haven't even been able to go food shopping in almost 2 months. (The baby always has food, I go to my moms and feed him and I still have some jars of food left) Is there any legal way to get out of a lease? Or any like loopholes in the contract? Thank you!
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago2 missed periods, HPV, sharp pain in side?
I have not had my period in about 2 months now. I have never had missed a period(except when I was pregnant). I am not stressed, I don't exercise any more than I usually do(2-3x a week), and I am not on birth control. I have taken 5 pregnancy tests and all came back negative. There were a few days that I had to urinate very often, I have a sharp pain in my side/pelvic/lower abdominal area. The pain comes and goes. Any idea what is wrong with me? Thanks!
16 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoSERIOUS anxiety about pelvic exams?
i need to go to the gynecologist but my anxiety becomes so severe that i cant. i panic and my knees lock and cant open them. my period is over a month late and 4 tests said i was not pregnant. i'm worried because 2 years ago, my only pap smear revealed that i had hpv. im not so much scared of the results as i am having an exam. anyone have this problem? any thng i can do?
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoPeriod over 1 month late--but not pregnant?
My period is well over a month past due, I have taken 4 tests(even with morning urine) and all said negative. I have never missed a period. I'm not stressed, I don't work out too much, my eating habits are normal. Should I go to the Doctor? If so my regular doctor or gynocologist? Should I get my thyroid checked? Any help is great! Thanks so much!!
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago