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Those who live by the sword will be shot by those who don't.

  • Why is it so difficult for me to wake up in the morning? Never had this issue before.?

    I’ve been a morning person my entire life always up by 6am but more typically up at 4am even on weekends. My preferred bedtime is 7pm. Now for the last few months my job has forced me to get to bed at 11pm! But instead of waking after eight full hours of sleep at 7am it’s been impossible to get out of bed until 10 or sometimes 11am!

    What is going on? It’s been eight weeks. When the alarm goes off it’s like having a fever dream I am totally out of it. I’m getting way too much sleep and missing out on the most important part of my day. I am working to get out of this nightmare job but it will be at least seven more months of this... Help!!

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • How can I make an anonymous instagram account?

    I'm trying to create an anonymous account on instagram. I used an email that is in no way connected to my personal instagram account or my personal or commercial Facebook accounts. A personal friend from FB found and followed me straight away. I have gone through every aspect of settings to figure out how this is possible- what am I missing? I can find nothing that would tie me to my 'contacts'.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Do you HAVE to re-wind 35 mm film before putting it onto a spool?

    My film got trapped at the end and won't re-wind. Can I just take the whole camera into the darkroom and pop it open and feed it into the developing canister from there? Or must I re-wind it inside the camera? I know how to make sure it doesn't get forced onto the spool backwards. Just wondering if I could skip the re-winding step. Thanks!!!

    5 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Am I just not a dog person? Fostering a dog?

    I've worked as a dog groomer and volunteered at our local shelter working with dogs. I adore dogs of many breeds and always enjoyed time spent with them. My sister is trying to re-home her mini schnauzer due to asthma attacks so we agreed to foster him for four months to give her time to find the perfect home. I was excited to take this opportunity. If the dog worked well in our household we were planning on adopting him ourselves.

    I'm sad because I don't feel I am bonding with him at all. We go on daily walks, we've been hiking a couple times, and he is a very well-trained little dog. He's run away from home twice when a friend left the door open but he came right back at the call of his name. I'm starting to wonder if I like the idea of having a dog more than actually having one. We have many other pets and I spend an entire day a week cleaning cages so I'm no stranger to the responsibilities in owning critters. I don't feel like the extra time caring for him is putting me off. But even though my guinea pigs are bewildered and emotionless I find more comfort in snuggling them than I do the dog.

    Dog owners- have you found that different breeds/personalities of dogs suit different people or am I just not a dog person?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Refusing medical treatment- any EMS out there?

    What are a person's rights in regard to refusing medical treatment? I certainly wouldn't, but I was wondering today. If I were to get in an accident and be so injured that I was bleeding out or certainly going to die without intervention would I have the right to call off any medical assistance? Is that a choice the government offers people?

    I could see them saying I wasn't in a condition to be making that decision, but if I have a notarized living will stating I don't ever want to be on life support and that holds up then what is the difference?

    Would love to hear from EMS personnel as you've probably been briefed on the rules regarding this

    3 AnswersFirst Aid7 years ago
  • Did he do this on purpose or was he just not thinking?

    I was at work on a ladder counting for inventory. I had a question about one of the boxes and my co-worker came up the ladder behind me to help (it's like large steps, not a painting ladder).

    I was kind of surprised since it's not really a two-person ladder and his hip definitely touched my butt. He wasn't creepy about it, just wanted to see the item I was asking about.

    (A large lady I work with frequently runs into me with her large chest when she's trying to help me at the computer so I might just be overly-aware about physical contact.)

    Was he trying to get close to me or am I reading way too much into this? I would think as a male in the workplace he'd be a little careful about stuff like that. He doesn't know I'm married.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What about me makes people want to be rude to me?

    I am very outgoing and friendly and try very hard to be polite to people even when I'm correcting them (or lecturing them for their own good lol).

    I used to be very mean to others in high school and ever since I woke up and realized I was a ***** I've been completely different.

    For some reason I attract rude/mean/openly condescending people and I'm not sure why? I have 2 faces, the very mean cruel part which is always there with a comeback and the kind understanding person I constantly strive to be, although sometimes it's reeeeeally hard.

    When people are mean/rude I ignore them because the only other option my brain gives me is a cruel comment or a punch…

    Do all nice people get attacked? I'm told I'm bossy so maybe I appear a certain way?

    4 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • How to care for puppy I don't want?

    My husband and I have been discussing getting a dog for a year or so and while we were both excited to get one, about 4 months ago, the date kept getting pushed back. (Breeders ended up not having enough puppies) We had a very serious conversation where I was clear about not wanting to raise a puppy during the winter. It can be done, for sure, but why not make it far easier on ourselves and wait for spring?

    We had a great talk, and I communicated that I wanted to wait until next spring and I would take a week off work to get a routine established and generally care for it. (My family has had puppies before so I'm familiar with the two weeks of hell).

    Well he was adamant, saying we'd waited long enough and that no time would be a good time etc. We got the puppy. He has to bring it to work with him until I get off work and can pick it up.

    I love my husband, he does so much for me and it's nice to be able to let him have some fun for once. But I do not want this puppy right now and I have yet to feel any kind of attachment to it. It's my turn so here I am at 3:30am not having slept a wink (crate training and it really is working wonderfully)

    I guess my actual question is- Any tips for caring for a puppy I am opposed to having? I want him to have a wonderful, loving and enriched environment. I am glad I get to assist my husband in this fun but I have no interest (and a lot of frustration/anxiousness) towards this pup.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is it normal to feel this way? Apathetic and passionate at the same time?

    I've been with my boyfriend for three months now and everything is fantastic. He treats me like a princess and we talk about EVERYTHING together. We're a perfect match and I couldn't be happier.

    But this is the strange part- when I think about being with him forever it makes me happy and I like the thought. But I also feel if he was gone my life would still go on, albeit I'd be sad for awhile. Does anyone else feel this way? Is this normal? I've been with guys where the thought of losing them made me ill and wondering how I would cope.

    Sometimes I find myself wishing he would break up with me so I could see how much I would really miss him... is this a terrible way to think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Restricting family members on facebook?

    I love my family but they have been meddling in ways I wish they didn't have facebook. I'm trying to figure out how to share facebook with them while blocking them from some of my friends and posts. I'm finding some hope in adding them to a limited profile- is there a way to add them to a list and block them from certain friends/posts? It wouldn't be appropriate to un-friend them, I just want some peace back.

    3 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • Restricting family members on facebook?

    I love my family but they have been meddling in ways I wish they didn't have facebook. I'm trying to figure out how to share facebook with them while blocking them from some of my friends and posts. I'm finding some hope in adding them to a limited profile- is there a way to add them to a list and block them from certain friends/posts? It wouldn't be appropriate to un-friend them, I just want some peace back.

    2 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • Great boyfriend but feelings for ex? Being honest with myself hurts?

    I've been dating my current boyfriend for three months now. He's amazing, we have so much in common, get along great, my friends love him, just perfect.

    But I still have feelings for an ex. It was only a two month fling and one month after I broke up with him I jumped into a relationship with my current bf and although it is amazing I find myself wondering if I did it too soon. My ex let on that he still likes me (I've since blocked him with an explanation) and that made everything worse.

    Half of me is so overjoyed to be in a relationship with this fantastic guy and half of me is aching to try to get back with my ex... I know 100% if I wasn't dating someone I'd be trying to get back right now. It makes me wonder if I'm being fair about my current relationship....

    What should I do? I don't want to lead anyone on and it hurts to think about this but I have to be honest about what's going on.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I get over him? I feel like this is affecting my current relationship!?

    A couple months before I met my now boyfriend I was involved with a guy whom I had a lot of feelings for. It ended suddenly and I had a very hard time dealing with it.

    The man I'm with now is wonderful and the best thing that's ever happened to me. Why can I not stop thinking about that other guy? It never would have worked out for many reasons and I really want to get over it. I took him off facebook and blocked his number when he texted me.

    I know it takes time but it's been five months for crying out loud! What am I doing wrong?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Fun, sex, he's gone, over it. Then he texts me?

    Why? Is he just curious? He was the one who really really wanted to stay friends. Then he just ignored me and blew me off. I got over it! Then four months later he asks to get back on my FB and texts me to see what's up.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Weight issue, how to handle this?

    Me and this guy mutually like each other. Thing is, he is a little overweight (maybe 30 pounds?). It's not a deal breaker for me because we are very compatible in other ways but it's hard to get past...

    I work out regularly and health is very important to me. And I hope I'm not being shallow but I would be more sexually attracted to him if he got in shape.

    How do I even approach this? Is it even any of my business? Should I just take him as he is?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to not get your hopes up in the early stages of dating?

    I know logically in my head I need to take things slow, find out what the person is like, and not expect too much of them straight off. Problem is I tend to get way to excited with someone I like, and way too passive with someone I don't.

    What are some tips to keep things in perspective so I don't keep messing things up?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I find someone with the same morals as me? Troubles with sex?

    So I'm a very sweet decent girl but I still want exciting sex in a relationship. The type of guys I approve of morally tend to not want sex until marriage. And then the guys who are excited about having sex I find out are usually morally lacking. Why can't I find a middle ground with these boys?!

    Or are people usually one extreme or the other?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why does he want to be friends so bad?

    Saw this guy for two months, he was my first, I really liked him and he really liked me but because of work rules he said he couldn't date me. I cried cause I wanted to date him but then got over it, and am done with him.

    But he wants to be friends really bad? Like he said he couldn't stand losing me as a friend? I like him as a person too but I would think he'd want to get away from me since he got what he wanted.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Okay guys, why are you so confusing? Do you want the chase or not?!?

    Guys tell me they want to chase a girl, win her affection, try to impress her.

    So when a guy likes me I flirt and let him know I reciprocate, then hold back a little and let him call/text first but be really excited when he does.

    So why do you just stop and ignore me then? After like a week I'll text to see what's up and you act all excited that I still like you. How can I show interest while still letting you take the lead?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • He does not want me- how can I get this through my head?

    After being led on for several months I told him I needed to know if he had any intention of dating me. In short, the answer was no. Why can't I make myself believe this?

    Shortly before I asked we had been cuddling and he was very affectionate, nuzzling my cheek and playing footsie and always being the one to pull me closer to him. I guess he just wanted a cuddle buddy.

    I want to keep seeing him so bad but he does not want me! I don't know how to convince myself of this! I have a false hope that he'll eventually fall for me if I keep seeing him... :(

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago