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  • Going under anesthesia with bad lungs?

    My dad has a surgery coming up. I m worried because the doctor said that since he s had pneumonia a lot, his lungs are scarred. He said there s a chance of his breathing stopping because of the anesthesia and it will be very hard to get it going again. They changed the surgery from normal to risky but he is gonna have extra doctors. Should I be worried? With the extra doctors will everything be okay?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • What to do with a bleeding bird?

    I saw my cat playing with something so I went to see what it was and it was a bird. I picked it up and noticed it was bleeding from its chest and back, but not too badly. I put it in a box and gave it some water. It's 1:30 in the morning right now so I can't take it anywhere. But what can I do to help it survive until morning? And who should I call when it is?

    2 AnswersBirds5 years ago
  • Does anyone else think animals acting like humans is really creepy?

    I once watched a video of a cat barking like a dog then once it noticed the person recording, it started meowing like nothing ever happened! It creeps me out because it obviously knew it wasn't supposed to be barking, not to mention it didn't seem to know how to meow as well as it could bark.

    Also I read a story and someone says they were driving and saw a coyote walk across the street on its hind legs. Like wtf. That's not natural. Does it scare you? And do you have any freaky animal-doing-human-things stories?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore5 years ago
  • What to wear under my graduation gown?

    I'm graduating from my ged class and I don't know what to wear. I want to look nice but it's just ged so I feel like I shouldn't dress as fancy as if it were a real graduation. I have a simple pink dress which is basically all I have other than a fancier blue dress. Which would be better?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Who do you think sent lorelai the ice cream maker in gilmore girls?

    In the episode Run Away, Little Boy, someone sent lorelai and ice cream maker. There's no card or return address so she doesn't know who it is. I personally think Emily sent it because in a previous episode she said how now she has to return the gift she bought lorelai for her wedding since she isn't getting married anymore. I think she wanted lorelai to have it anyway or didn't want to return it so she sent it anonymously because she knew lorelai would give it back if she didn't.

    2 AnswersDrama5 years ago
  • How do you make blue eyes really stand out?

    I want to draw attention to my eyes without really coppery, metallic, glittery eyeshadow. What other colors could I use and what could I wear?

    2 AnswersMakeup5 years ago
  • Someone owes me money?

    A few weeks ago I babysat for someone and she said she'd pay me $30. Then I didn't have to babysit anymore so a few days later I told her I need to be paid. She didn't get back to me so I asked again the next day. She told me when she would get paid but when that day came she didn't pay me still. I asked her again today and she isn't responding again. I just want to know when I'm being paid but she won't reply and I need the money. What do I do?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Back acne will not go away?

    I've had it for a few years now. It's not severe but it's enough to be annoying and make me self conscious. It used to be just on my upper back but recently it spread to my lower back. I have no idea why I have it because I'm not super unhealthy, it doesn't run in my family or anything, and I always wash my back really well. I even use one of the things with a handle and I don't miss a spot. I just use soap now because nothing else seems to work, and it did work for a while. I noticed my back start to clear up, but then it came back. It's almost summer and I want to be able to wear a swim suit or tank top without being uncomfortable. What are some causes and what can I do/what products can I use to help? Thanks.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • What exactly is horsepower?

    When I was younger I thought it was equivalent to how fast it would go if that many horses were pulling it. Looking back I'm not too sure lol but I still don't know what it is. I know it has something to do with the engine, but what is the difference between a car with like 200 and 300 horsepower?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • My friend hooked up with a guy who likes me?

    So this guy's liked me for a really long time and I don't like him back. Partly because he whores around, partly because he likes my sister, and I'm just not interested. Anyway he would always try to get with me and say how I'm the only girl he wants blah blah blah but I always turned him down. Then we just kinda stopped talking.A few weeks ago, my friend had sex with him. A few days later he's messaging me again saying the same **** "I still have a thing for you, I only want to be with you" but I didn't know what to say. I had already known about him and my friend so I was annoyed that he was talking to me saying that. What do I do? I'm not interested in him but should I mention it to him that I don't want anything to do with him because of that?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • One red spot on my tongue?

    I was brushing my teeth and noticed a little spot my tongue, like on my taste bud. It's red and a tiny bit swollen or something. It's like near the back and a little to the side. It doesn't hurt at all and doesn't affect anything I wouldn't have even noticed it if I didn't brush my tongue but it wasn't there yesterday so it's kinda weird.

    1 AnswerDental5 years ago
  • What could be wrong with my car?

    Earlier today I was driving my car perfectly fine then I went to go to the store. I turned the key and it wouldn't turn on. It made the sound like when it starts but it never fully started. If that makes sense. Anyway then I took my brothers car to get gas and put in about 2 and a half gallons just in case. I never know exactly how much gas I have because the gas gauge is broken and I have to calculate the miles I've traveled. I tried starting it again and the same thing. My brother checked the oil and said it was low so I went and got some oil, put it in, nothing again. Then he sad it could be the battery but I just got a new battery about 2 months ago. I mean he's not a mechanic but he knows a little bit about cars. My mom said it sometimes has to have more gas to actually start but if that's not it, what else could it be? I have a '99 subur

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • My eyes see two different colors of white?

    When I have them both open and look at something white it just looks white. But sometimes if I close my left eye, my right eye sees the white thing with like a reddish tint, and if I close my right eye my left eye sees a green tint. Why

    5 AnswersOptical5 years ago
  • I don't know how to phrase this question? Mostly for guys.?

    I heard one time that if someone (typically a girl) asks for help (from a guy) it'll make him like her more. Is that true? I heard it's because helping her tricks you into thinking you like her if you do her a favor. If a girl asked for your help, like for directions or to reach something high up, do you think you'd be more attracted to her?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • My best friend always takes my aux cord?

    It's MY aux cord that I bought with MY money in MY car. Not that I care if she plays music but the problem is how she does it. If we get in the car and I grab the cord, she takes it out of my hands or unplugs it. Then we have a tug of war for the cord for like a minute. When I win she gets mad and says like,"I hate you. I seriously hate you right now." in her car, I don't play music unless she asks me too because it's her car and it's just courteous to let her play it. One time she unplugged my phone mid song, unplugged the cord, and threw them both in the back seat. I would have no problem with it if she asked, and I'd most likely let her. But this **** is getting old how do I make her stop

    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Is it possible to find posts about someone?

    Like posts other people made? Some people are spreading rumors about my friend and I don't know who they are or their names but I know they posted about her on Facebook. Is there a way I could search their posts?

    1 AnswerFacebook5 years ago
  • Why do I have such a hard time sleeping?

    I cannot for the life of me go to sleep at a normal time. I usually go to sleep around 4am and it's so frustrating because then I wake up around noon. It's not even that I'm not tired at night, just the thought of me going to bed at like 11 gives me anxiety or something and I can't shut down. I feel like I'm missing out on something if I go to bed early, when in reality it's the other way around. If I sleep through the whole day I miss out on something. I hate it!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years ago