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  • Kokopelli Pair Joined at Feet?

    I fell in love the Kokopelli on my first trip to Arizona 10 years ago. Last year I stumbled across a Kokopelli symbol where two Kokopelli were joined at the feet, making a circle. I loved the meaning behind the symbol, but now I can't seem to find it again. What is the technical name for the pair? Thank you!!!!

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Am I pregnant (Early Detection and Depo Provera)?

    If I were pregnant, I would be three or four weeks. I do not have periods due to being on Depo Provera for so long. I took my shot 5 weeks ago, but I am convinced that I'm pregnant. I bled for a day and a half, I'm sleepy all the time, I'm eating like crazy (unfortunately, my appetite has sucked since my mom's death in November, but now I'm eating much more than usual), I'm hormonal, I'm bloated, I was nauesous this morning, and there are other symptoms. I took a test this AM, and it was negative, but I know I'm pregnant. Any advice? I really want this baby!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Why isn't Maria Sharapova in the US Open?

    Was she injured, or did she just opt out?

    6 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • What Eyeshadows look best on Certain People (Color Chart???)?

    Where can I find one of those color charts that tells you what colors look best with certain skin tones, eye colors, etc?

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Quick List of Lab Techniques...?

    I'm writing my resume for my upcoming internship and I've hit a snag.

    I'm listing the procedures, techniques, and protocols that I've learned in the program.

    For some reason, the past few years are a blur. I have to write it tonight, otherwise I'd sleep it off and try to remember in the morning.

    Give me a quick list of what most labs are looking for.

    So far, I've got:

    Pipetting, blotting, electrophoresis, cell culture, cGMP, and titration.

    I'm missing so much, I know! Please help!!!!

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Resume for my Upcoming Internship at a Research Facility...?

    I've been researching it online, but I'm completely overwhelmed!

    I have to write a resume TODAY for my upcoming internship. I'm a biotechnology major and my internship will be at one of the local research facilities.

    How should I start? What should I include?

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • How to Prepare a Resume For My internship...?

    I've been researching it online, but I'm completely overwhelmed!

    I have to write a resume TODAY for my upcoming internship. I'm a biotechnology major and my internship will be at one of the local research facilities.

    How should I start? What should I include?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Kevin Sullivan/Owen Hart...?

    Two questions:

    1) Who in the hell is Kevin Sullivan?

    2) Why isn't Owen Hart in the HOF?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Nadal vs His Underwear...?

    I hope y'all don't think this question is silly, but its something that we've all noticed!

    Why does Nadal insist on picking at his underwear???? Its almost embarrassing! Doesn't he realize that he's doing it??

    What does he DO to make that happen so often? LOL!

    9 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Hilarious Video of Agassi and Federer...?

    I know this isn't a question, but y'all have to see this..

    I nearly died laughing!

    8 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Batista: A Jerk???

    I've been hearing that he mistreats his fans and his wife. Is this true? If so, how's about providing some examples so I'll be in the know. Thank yoooou!

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Meanie Butt Maria...?

    I've been reading past questions about Miss Maria. I've always liked her (she's my favorite). But someone said that none of the other players like her because she's mean to them. Is that true?

    5 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Insecurity Question...?

    My boyfriend proposed to me today, and I said yes.

    He is the executive producer for awards shows and other high profile events. He mingles with celebrities and sports stars. And for some crazy reason, he wants ME.

    He's handsome, wealthy, powerful. And he loves me more than any man ever has before.

    Now, here's my problem. I've never felt down about my weight before. I've always been super confident and happy with my looks. But if we get married, he's going to want me to accompany him to those events and award shows. Suddenly, I don't feel so confident when I think about all those size 0 chicks I'll have to meet and greet. Its all well and good when they're in the magazines, but its different when its in my face.

    He loves my body and detests the idea of my losing weight.

    How can I forget about those stupid insecurities and just enjoy all the people I'll meet and places I'll go. This is a dream for a small town southern girl like me. I want to enjoy it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Maria Sharapova Nationality Question...?

    I know she was born in Russia and moved to the USA when she was 7. So, does she claim Russia or America as her nationality when playing tennis?

    12 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Look at what I foind on my Krispy Treat...?

    I unwrapped it and took a bite. Upon further examination, I found this.

    WTF IS THIS????? I'm so grossed out!

    Should I call someone?

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Contracting Herpes When There is No Sign of an Outbreak?

    I did something stupid. Please no bashing because we're all adults here.

    I had unprotected sex with someone who has had herpes for 17 years. He only breaks out once a year, and even then its only one little blister. His last outbreak was in December.

    He said that he has never given it to anyone before. He has a 3 month old daughter. Neither his ex (the baby's mum) nor his daughter has it (I don't know what the daughter has to do with it. Can babies get it through the womb???)

    Anyway, I called a nurse that works for my Drs office. She said that I more than likely do not have it since he wasn't broken out at the time. My therapist said the same thing.

    Any advice?

    7 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago