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I have 4 cats. 3 domestics (Val, Puff and Diddy) and 1 siamese (Chloe). I also have a dog (Rush). I love my pets they are my babies..

  • Need a girl name?

    7 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Foster kitten advice?

    So I am a first time foster parents to a litter of kittens. I have helped my aunt foster tons of kittens so I have dealt with a lot of difficult kittens. But none as difficult as Ronda. She is the biggest kitten in my litter. Her little sister hisses but is no big deal, and her little brother who was sick and super skinny when we got them (probably wouldn t have lived another week) already purrs. But Ronda wont let me touch her. She hisses and swats and bites. She doesn t bite as hard as when we first got her but she still tries to bite.I am running out of ideas to get her to trust me. I pet her a little when she eats but she growls the whole time she plays with me when i have fluffy mice and things in my hand and even though i touch her with the toy as soon as she feels my finger she backs us. I have started following her around their condo. letting her sit somewhere and putting my hand close and slowly getting it closer. I did this for more then an hour tonight before she sat in one place long enough for me to touch her (just touch with the yip of my finger on her paw no petting) I need some advice on getting her to trust me. Please help

    3 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Bulldog Puppy problems?

    We have an 8 month old bulldog named Zeus and we recently got him a little girlfriend. He is fixed and most the time they get along. Zoey our new little girl likes to play with the cats or at least try to. We watch them very closely when Zeus and Zoey play because he is so much bigger and most the time thy play fine but sometimes he will bite her to hard or push her too hard and she goes crazy and this only makes him go after her more so we seperate them and give them both time to cool down because neither one quits. Is this normal for bulldogs since they do play so physical or is it something we will always have to worry about

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Should we get another bulldog?

    My boyfriend and I have a 8 month old bulldog named Zeus. We have been thinking about getting him a girlfriend for a while now and just waiting for the right one. And we found her a couple weeks ago right befor Zeus was diagnosed with a sack in his throat. He now has to be fed standing vertically in a Bailey chair and has some other managable needs. Because this voids the contract we have with the breeder becasue he was born with it we could get our dream girl for free. We are really torn between getting the girl or just focusing on Zeus he loves other dogs and would love to have a friend at home. I just need some thoughts people have on our siruation we are going to meet the girl tonight and the breeder is going to do tests on her to make sure she is 100% healthy before we take her home if that's what we decide to do. Any thoughts?

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Why does my bearded dragon dig?

    I have a bearded dragon that is under a year old its to small to even tell if its a boy or girl and all it does all day is dig. When I get home from work I flatten out the sand and recover the spots it dug to the bottom of the tank. Then the next day its all full of holes again.

    6 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • I need something to pump up the heat in my bearded dragon tank?

    Now that its winter my bearded dragon tank isn't as hot as is should be. Their basking side of the tank is around 85 and the other side is around 75 I'm looking for something that will bring the whole tank up about 10 so their basking spot is around 95. Right now they have 2 basking lamps and 1 uv lamp they have 2 heat pads under the tank a big one on the basking side and a little one on the other side. Do the red heat lamps produce a lot of heat or is here something else I could use?

    4 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • the track pad on my mac isnt working?

    i have a macbook pro its a few years old i got it in 2009. i was using it fine when suddenly it stopped clicking. whenever i click to go to a new page of close something it doesn't work. I have tried rebooting it and that doesn't help. it works perfectly fine for tracking when i move my finger it doesn't glitch or anything it moves smooth. i haven't split anything on it and it just stopped working.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • I'm worried about 1 of my dreaded dragons?

    So we got 2 bearded dragons a while ago and they started off doing well. Our female who was a little bigger to begin with was obiviously eating more food but our male was keeping up with her and gaining weight. They were both doing so well we went from the 10 gallon tank to a 20 gallon tank. They were both doing great they adjusted to the new tank quickly and seemed to really enjoy it. But now our male has pretty much stopped eating and lost a lot of weight while our female is eating about 20 sm crickets a gay and rapidly gaining weight. We have them separated now so she can't take his food. He eats maybe 1 cricket a day. Is it normal for them to shut down for winter this early? Or should I be really worried?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • How do we get our beardies to grow? And other questions.?

    We have 2 bearded dragons that are about 4" we have had then for about 2 months and they haven't grown very much they eat about 15-20 crickets a day we have started giving them fresh veggies. Is there anything specific we can feed them to make them grow faster? Their tank is 42" long and I think 10" deep. Ther can get within about 4" of the heat basking light we also have a uv-b bulb that doesn't giv off as much heat on the other side of the tank. their tank is between 90-100 during the day and 70-80 at night.

    Also what veggies do bearded dragons prefer we have tried potatoes and carrots with ours. They don't like the carrots very much but will eat the potato.

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • How do we socalize our pit bull puppy?

    we just adopted a pit bull form the shelter and asked about aggression towards other dogs. the guy said she does bite and knows she is a dog but doesn't know the limits. he said it wasn't aggressive but that she does push it. I am worried about introducing her to another dog because I don't have another dog that I can trust to be calm around her. she tends not to sniff another dog and get over excited really easily. when she gets excited she will nip at anything in her way. we have gotten control over her when the dog is farther away and not touching her. we get control of her and keep her focused on us but that doesn't actually allow her to meet other dogs and learn her boundaries. she is 5 months old so she can do damage. we also have cats and she is ok with them now but they don't try and come up to her. I know a dog park is out of the question right now because we cant control that situation but i would like to get her socialized so i can trust her off leash to run around and play with another dog without either one of them getting hurt. she is very smart but when she gets excited she is a different dog and just wants to go go go and doesn't want anything in her way. any tips on how to keep her calm when she meets another dog would be great.

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Leeches in our pond what do we do?

    recently all our fish died in our pond while we were on vacation and we r taking this time to fix up the pond. when we took out the turtle my dad noticed he had leeches on his stomach and after walking in the pond for a few min he had them on his feet. our pond doesnt have mud in it the bottom of the pond is the pond liner and the sides are rocks. should we chemically treat our pond right now since it has no life in it or are the leeches not that big of a deal because they are small. I was reading and found that a lot of smaller leeches dont attach on to the fish because the fish eat them but they had no problem attaching to the turtle. so do we kill them or not?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • I think my bearded dragons have colds?

    They are breathing with there mouths open and stuff so I was going to take them to the vet but I was just wondering what the vet does and what its going to coast me.

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • I'm worried about 1 of my baby beardies?

    Last week we got 2 bearded dragons from petsmart they r about 4 inches and I'm really worried about 1 of them. I feel like he looks really bloated like his stomach is less flat and a little on the rounder side. We give them each about 5 sm crickets a day and he eats them really fast and the other 1 is a lot more passive about hunting. When I fed them today Reptar ate 4 really quickly and I noticed his stomach looked a little bloated I put some water on his snout and he drank it. Could he just b bloated cuz he ate so fast or should I be worried about it? Also what kind of veggies would b the best to get them? We go them the juvinial food but they don't really eat it so I was going to get them some fresh veggies

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • What makes pimples form around a healing tattoo?

    I got a tattoo 3weeks ago this wend so it is mostly healed. However I do have some pimples mostly around my tattoo. A few are right on the outline but most are like half an inch away. I was wondering what causes this I switch from my anti bacterial soap to a fragrance free dove soap to help get off the last flakes of skin thinking it was the stuff in the soap and lotion I was useing (tattoo goo) will useing the dove soap help the pimples go away?

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • What is the best kind of thermometer for our tank?

    We just got some bearded dragons and the thermometer says the tank is 120 but it clearly isn't the inside of the tank feels no where near that hot. So I wanted to know what the best one we should get

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Questions about bearded dragons?

    We just got a couple of bearded dragons and have some questions. We go a starter kit that came with a 10 gal tank a day white light and a black light, and a little carpet to put in the tank. They are just little babies from petsmart a little over 4". Do we keep both the lights on at the same time or the black 1 at night and the white one during the day? Or does it depend on the heat we live in California so it gets warm and doesn't cool off very much at night. Also what temp should we keep the tank? The thermometer we have in the tank says its around 120 if that's to hot how do we cool the tank off without taking off the light or is it fine without the light?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • is HYDRA QUARTZ safe on plants in our pond?

    we have string algae and i saw that this works to get rid of it but is it safe on the plants we have in the pond? or do we have to take them out when we use them

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Why is or dog so afraid? help asap please.?

    About a year ago my bf and I got a dog when we played with her at the shelter she showed no signs of being afraid she was just happy but then when we took her home she was afraid of my bf we tried all the tricks in the book for her to not be afraid of him. He fed her let her out and everything I didn't even pet her but still she was afraid of him and avoided him as much as she could except when we are someplace public. If we take her to the park she prefers him but when we are at the house she its really afraid. Why is she like this we need help.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • When will the bump on my dogs head go away?

    We were playing and she banged her head on the wall. I just want to know how long the bump could be there

    1 AnswerDogs10 years ago
  • how can we help our obese at lose weight?

    my bf and i have 3 cats and 1 of them is obese. the other 2 cats are a healthy weight and we regulate how much they eat. we give them 1/4 a cup 2 times a day so the get 1/2 a cup. what can we do to help our fat cat lose a few pounds is there a good weight loss food and if so what are some tips to make sure she eats is and not the other cats and that she doesnt eat the other cats food

    7 AnswersCats10 years ago