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  • Please someone tell me something positive about becoming a nursing home administrator!?

    Please someone tell me something positive about becoming a nursing home administrator! The more research I do online, the more discouraged I become. Regulations, staff that really suck, threats of lawsuits, unhappy residents, anxiety about not being able to keep the census up, most administrators only lasting 12-24 months at any one facility, ect. If it is so horrible, why does anyone WANT to do it? Just for the money?

    6 AnswersHealth Care8 years ago
  • Can you recommend a book like The Rats of Nimh for grown ups?

    I love books with animals that have human qualities. I have read Watership Down and Furmin already. thanks

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How can I help my dog adjust to being alone more?

    When I first got her a little over a year ago, I was able to spend a lot of time with her because I had a very flexible work schedule. Unfortunately, my job was eliminated and I have to go to work elsewhere and won't be home as much. I feel badly as she is not used to being left much. What kind of toys could I get that might entertain her while I am gone. What else can I do to make it easier for her? TIA

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is a good suburb of Washington D.C. to live?

    Even though I may accept a job there, I don't want to live in D.C. itself. Where are the best areas to consider that are close to D.C.?

    7 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • What literature should I read?

    I got through both high school and college not having to read very much literature. I feel cheated now though at the time I didn't mind too much.

    Now as an adult I would like to go back and read what I should have read in school. Though I read a lot of non-fiction and memoirs, I really want to be able to enjoy good literature as well.


    *Though I am smart, please keep in mind with your recommendations that I don't want to read anything so difficult that I won't understand a thing without the cliff's notes or a literature teacher to explain it to me!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Overnight babysitting job question?

    I have an in-person interview this week for an overnight babysitting job. I am a graduate student and this job would fit perfectly with my schedule. The little girl is 8 years old and mom is an ICU nurse. This is a smaller town, not a big city setting.

    From the comments mom has made and the ad that she ran, I get the feeling she is going to low ball me when it comes to salary.

    I know this is not normally a high paying job but I want to be paid fairly if I decide to accept the job. How can I word it when discussing salary so I don't offend mom but make her understand I will not accept just anything so offers. I could go to work for Wal-mart again and make 9.00 an hour. I just don't want to go back to wal-mart.


    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • An 80's book with woman named Risa?

    I would have been a young teenager when I read this book in the 80's. The woman's character's name was Risa and she was a free spirited woman who was toying with the man. She MAY have been a dancer and it MAY have been set in New York but I am not 100% sure.

    Please help me remember this book. It is diving me crazy!!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Movies based around an ivy league school?

    Preferably made after the year 2000. Thanks!

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • A movie similar to With Honors?

    I love the 1994 movie With Honors. I would love to see another movie that is similar.


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Ivy league faculty salary?

    I am assuming if you graduate from an ivy league ph.d. program, you are more likely to be hired by an ivy league school if you apply to be a professor. Correct?

    Does anyone know (or know where to look) how much more a professor at say The University Of Pennsylvania or Princeton makes than a professor at The University of Missouri or The University of Kansas? Is this public knowledge or a secret?

  • Where to live in Pennsylvania?(University of Penn)?

    I was accepted into my first choice graduate program at the University of Pennsylvania so I will be moving to Pennsylvania from the Midwest. I am still unsure about where to live though.

    Student housing MAY be a possibility but I am a little older than many traditional college students and I am not sure if that will work for me or not. I am NOT a sorority party girl anymore;) It also depends on the cost.

    I was made aware that there are several areas of Philadelphia that a woman should not be living in, especially alone.

    I am considering living in a smaller town within 30 or so mile commute of the University of Pennsylvania but I am not familiar with the area.

    Where would you recommend living?

    Thanks for any help!

    6 AnswersPhiladelphia1 decade ago
  • Other authors similar to J.D.Salinger?

    I loved The Catcher in The Rye and I finally read and enjoyed Franny and Zooey last night. I am VERY particular about the fiction I read (I don't do chick lit or Danielle Steele!) so I need some good recommendations of other books I might like that are similar to his style.


    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • List of graduate degrees in the United States?

    Is there a online site that lists every graduate degree that it is possible to earn at a college/university in the United States? I am not even sure what might be possible. other than the usual MBA degrees or Education Degrees.

  • Federal/government jobs ? for anyone who might know?

    Say theoretically that I were to do a year long internship at DFS. After completing the internship, then I imagine I would be more likely (assuming I did a good job) to be hired full time. After at least a year or two there, would I then likely be able to transfer to a completely different agency such as The National Archives or Veterns affairs or whichever department? Is that common?

    In other words, once you get a foot in the door, is it easy to go elsewhere?

    3 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit1 decade ago
  • What else should I consider when looking for an area to relocate to?

    I am compiling a checklist of things to consider when deciding where I may move after I graduate. What am I forgetting?

    * driving distance from the Kansas City area (I really can't be as far away as California, for example) Ideally, no more than 12 hours away by car

    *affordability ( I will have my MSW but as a Social Worker, I will never be rich)

    *allergens in the air

    *safety (I of course would look for low crime rates)

    *proximity to nuclear power plants

    *job availablity

    *good hospitals/availablity of quality health care

    *educational attainment of the residents (I am not a snob but I do know I would not like living in an area where many people haven't even finished high school or don't consider education to be important)

    * the proximity of a Vineyard Church

    * the proximity of higher educational facilities

    * friendliness of the people /welcoming to newcomers

    * I am possibly considering a cohousing community though it is not as important as other factors (plus I am not sure I could even afford to be a part of a cohousing community even if I decided I wanted to be)

    * weather ( I would never want to live in a desert so Nevada or Arizona is out for me) I like four seasons

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • How much should my daughter be offered?

    My 18 year old daughter was in a one car, roll over crash on Halloween. The girl that was driving is her college roommate and they are best friends. The roommate is fighting the C&I ticket she received as a result of the accident because she really believes (as do we) that the accident was just a freak accident that could not have been prevented.

    My daughter had moderate injuries as did all four occupants of the car. Air bags saved their lives! They were all taken by ambulance to the hospital but they are all basically okay now.

    My daughter hit her head and had to have stitches in the middle of her forehead. She had some severe bruises and aches and pains for a few days afterward and some anxiety when she got in a car again but she is basically fine now. She will have a small scar on her forehead that won't ever go away but it could have been so much worse and we are so thankful they all walked away.

    So, we really don't want to hire a lawyer. Not only do we not want to sue the roommate, but we know the lawyer would get about half of any settlement she received from the roommates insurance company and we don't anticipate it being worth it to get a lawyer.

    We are wondering what a fair settlement might be? We are in Missouri if that makes a difference. $1000? $5000? I really have no idea but my daughter's roommate got a call earlier this week saying they will let my daughter know soon what they are going to offer her.


    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to get my puppy to sleep better through the night?

    My puppy has always slept with me. She used to wake up when she was very young and had to go out to pee in the middle of the night. Then she slept pretty good for awhile, only waking me a few times when she repositioned herself in the bed.

    Now, she doesn't sleep well at all. She is awake every hour or so(and wakes me up!)and wants to crawl all the way under all of my covers! I let her, then she wakes up hot pretty soon and crawls back out. Even when she doesn't want to crawl under the blankets, she circles around the bed for a few minutes until she get comfortable again and then usually flops up against me to go back to sleep.This goes on all night!

    She is not getting excess naps during the day, she gets regular

    exercise and eats fairly well. She is tired when we go to bed and she sleeps well for a few hours, but then her restlessness starts.

    Please help! I am starting to feel as bad as a I did when I had newborn HUMAN babies waking me up all night and honestly, I am starting to become pretty annoyed with the dog. I can't think of anything that has drastically changed recently that would upset her sleeping patterns. I considered getting her to sleep elsewhere at night, but that was half the point of getting a dog, so I would have a dog to sleep with me again. Plus, she has slept in my bed since the very first night. I would feel mean if I just all of a sudden kicked her out.

    What should I do?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Could someone Iive in the United States and work in British Columbia?

    Is it possible to do that? How hard would it be?

    4 AnswersVancouver1 decade ago
  • Where to live (besides California)to write, direct and/or make your own films?

    My son's best friend is 16 years old and already know he wants to write screenplays for a living. He also knows that he HATES Hollywood and would never be comfortable with the people and lifestyle there (we are Midwesterners ,lol!).He says he doesn't need to "be famous", he just wants to write and possibly direct independent type movies. New York is a possibility of course but he is unsure even about that. I heard at one time that Florida was a good place to be but I can't remember WHY.

    Maybe Chicago?

    Anyone know where I can encourage him to go to pursue his dream?


    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago