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scripture on witnessing?
where is the scripture about witnessing (either by peter or paul but i think peter) that basically says we should witness with our actions and occassionally with our words?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agomyspace layout: part of the old layout stays while the new is loaded?
hi! i'm helping a friend with her myspace. i put a new layout in. the baout me was entirely empty except for her text. well, the background shows up, but the boxes stay the same as the previous, plus the contact box under the profile pic disappears except for the border to the original layout. she doesn't know how the other friend did it the first time and i just wanna get it coordinated. i tried just deleting everything off and starting new, but it's still messed up. is this original layout pasted somewhere i don't know about??? please help!
2 AnswersMySpace1 decade agoHow do you get an email back. i sent an email, and i need it back. ?
at work i used to be able to rescind email on work emails, can anyone tell me if that is possible on yahoo?
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade agoDrawbacks to Massage Therapy Career?
I am considering massage therapy school, i would prefer to work in a clinical setting. Can anyone who is/has been in school let me know what they like/don't like. And anyone already or once in the field let me know the pros and cons of a career in this field.
2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agoHP PHOTOSMART C4200 ALL-IN-ONE problem?
please help! the printer stopped printing yesterday. there are 7 docs in queue. it will copy on the top, but won't print. i tried a hard boot. just can't figure it out. tech support apparently is non-existent unless you wanna pay a separate company to help over the phone. if someone doesn't have the answer but has the #, please provide!!!! thanks!
1 AnswerPrinters1 decade agoPierced at the tatto parlor or the mall?
I got my ears pierced a couple years ago at the mall at the ripe old age of 27. I struggled with infections and finally, when one of my holes widened because of one, I decided to let them heal/close up and try again. It has been nearly 2 years and I am ready to try again. Should I go to the mall or a tattoo parlor. I have heard the guns/people they use at the mall can be unsterile/undertrained. But tattoo parlors scare me a little. I have a problem with needles and I think piercing my flesh while staring at strange pics and listening to heavy metal might make me a little nervous. OK, give me your best horror stories.
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoPierced at a tattoo parlor or the mall?
I got my ears pierced a couple years ago at the mall at the ripe old age of 27. I struggled with infections and finally, when one of my holes widened because of one, I decided to let them heal/close up and try again. It has been nearly 2 years and I am ready to try again. Should I go to the mall or a tattoo parlor. I have heard the guns/people they use at the mall can be unsterile/undertrained. But tattoo parlors scare me a little. I have a problem with needles and I think piercing my flesh while staring at strange pics and listening to heavy metal might make me a little nervous. OK, give me your best horror stories.
7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoWhat do you like about your GPS?
I want to purchase a GPS for my car. I use a Garmin for work (probably a couple years old), and am pretty comfortable with the lay out. The only thing is, I find Mapquest to be a little (or a lot) inaccurate half the time. Someone mentioned it needs to be updated, but I have the same trouble when using it on the computer. Another friend bought a TomTom and it uses a different map system and he loves it. What is your opinion?
2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade agoInvisaline Braces?
Anyone tried Invisaline? I am considering getting braces and am curious about these. I am a little old for braces and think these would keep me from feeling self-conscious. I am wondering how effective they are, if they easy to use, how uncomfortable it is, etc. Thanks!
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoInvisaline Braces?
Anyone tried Invisaline? I have been considering braces and wanna know what people think of these. I am a little old for braces and I am afraid I would be self conscious with metal braces. It seems strange that such a little piece of plastic should be able to straighten teeth. So here's my questions: how uncomfortable is it? how long does it take to get results? Any info would help. THANKS.
8 AnswersDental1 decade agoHelp, my mother and I are stuck at the "beaver dam" in the Chronicles of Narnia, how do we get past?
WE made it to the point to where all the kids pile on, he shakes 'em off and you start all over! Ugh! What's next? We tried the website. Are we just too old? This is so infuriating!
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 decades agoWhat is vedic mathematics? What is it used for?
2 AnswersMathematics2 decades agoHow do you get chocolate out of something you can't bleach?
8 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 decades agoAny medical pro.s out there? My mom ran over herself with her own car!?
Long story short, she jumped out of the car ( thought she ran over the puppy ), threw in R not P. She fell and was pinned by the door which drug her 20 ft. She hurt her knee and her back is really sore.
1.the knee is slightly swollen, fluid in it
2.pain with just a blanket lying on it
3.fine when straight, but when she bends it feels "like stitches ripping."
She stayed off for the first 2 days, then she went back to walking around. After a week she has decided to get off it.
She's only using ice pack, no heat. She's really scared to go to the doc. Help!
10 AnswersGeneral Health Care2 decades ago