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Im outgoing and love chocolate and turquoise is my fav color ♥☺☼ײַ

  • Can I deliver my vote by mail ballot in a different county from which I voted in?

    I go to school in San Francisco but voted in the County of Santa Clara. Do I have to drive down to Santa Clara to drop my ballot off or can I drop it off at a voter place in San Francisco? (I know this could have been avoided if I mailed my ballot early but I just got it late last week and was already too late)

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Compared with our Sun, most stars in the halo are?

    Compared with our Sun, most stars in the halo are

    young, blue, and bright and have much more heavy element material.

    young, red, and dim and have fewer heavy elements.

    old, red, and bright and have fewer heavy elements.

    old, red, and dim and have fewer heavy elements.

    old, red, and dim and have much more heavy element material.

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Movie called "Beautiful Boy" just came out 6/3/11. Cant find showtimes?

    Does anyone know showtimes or locations where it is playing?

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • If you take more than 6 advils in 24hrs will it put you to sleep or cause a drug overdose or something?

    Im exhausted and have a really bad headache which has been making it hard to sleep and i still cant breath because im just getting over a sinus infection but still taking antibiotics. My parents wont let me take sleeping pills. I take anywhere from 4-6 advils a day plus the antibiotics(amoxicilin 500mg) and my allergy meds(24hr Claritin D) is there a safe way to combine any of these with cold medicine or something of the sort to knock me out so i can get some sleep rather than send me to the ER to get my stomach pumped?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Do u ever just want 2 cut loose & not have to worry about what people think or the consequences of ur actions?

    i feel like i used to be a lot more fun and i had more fun but i always got in trouble with teachers for talking and not paying attention and i rarely did my homework cuz i hate school and everytime i step slightly out of line my parents flip out and sometimes im just so stressed and i want to cut loose get drunk, dress like a slut, stay up all night, meet new people and talk to whoever i want...does that seem completely crazy or do other people have this other person inside of them that is you but at the same time totally not you?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • i worked up the courage to tell my mom i think im depressed but she brushed it off & i dont kno wat to do now?

    ive felt depressed for the last 3 years but i was able to manage it and i thought id be okay but it been getting worse, i feel worse and its interfeering more with my life and school, it started of with me jocking about killing myself in 7th grade and in a way i actually ment it i just tried to make people think iwas joking but i was so upset and so sick of having to hear my parents fight and of them yelling at me and never being good enough at the end of 8th grade i was going to commit suicide but i friend unknowingly saved me and i can never express to her how much she helped me and i thought it was over i had my best friend and we had lots of classes together freshman year but i got stressed over school again and my parents fighting got worse and everything went down again and ive been trying to hold out. sophmore year i said i wanted to try to be strong enough to wait until after my 16th birthday then until my dad would finally let me get my belly button pierced and until the end of my play but the play is stressing my out now and i no longer feel safe so i told my friend and shes been urging my to get help so i went to my mom, we arent close but i worked up the courage to tell her and hoped she'd help me but she said she felt that way when she was a teen to and its normal and im probably just stressed from school or something but i can be depressed because i have the best grades ive ever had in school and now im so lost and i dont know what to do because im afraid if i go to my doctor they'd tell my parents and now i dont want them involved because they let me down but im sure because im a minor my doctor would tell them and besides i cant drive and i feel so hopeless and dont know what to do and we have a school counseler, aparently, bu i dont kno where to find them and if id be confidentional because i dont want to share what im feeling with my parents anymore

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what does this dream mean?

    i had a dream that my father died in a car crash and at his funeral my mother and brother were hugging each other and crying and my grandparents(my father's parents) where there and they were hugging each other and standing with my uncle(my dad's brother) but i was standing hugging myself and no one came to comfort me and at the wake everyone was telling my mother how sorry they were and they were talking to my brother and trying to make him feel better and i was sitting in the room but no one came up to me, even best friends came but didnt come sit with me

    family relationships:

    -my grandparents and uncle live across he country so i dont see them often

    -i am not close to my uncle or grandparents but we are still family

    -my brother and i arent close because my parents compare us to each other and no matter what i always come up lacking even when i have better grades or it has to do with theater(which he has nothing to do with)

    -i am also not close to my mother or father but would be sad if they died

    -my best friends are important to me and we are close but i still feel like ive been drifting from them a bit

    my dad's not dead nor have i ever lost anyone to death

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • what do i do to get better after being depressed for more than 3yrs?

    i got 14 out of 17 on this quiz from this site:

    what's my next step i dont know what to do ive been hiding everything for the past 3 yrs and i cant talk to my parents because ive tried hinting but they dont get it and we arent close and don't get along and frankly most of my suicidal thoughts stem from them making me feel bad or making my special days all about them

    my parents got in a fight over where to park on the day of my middle school graduation and then when the other person walked away they procceded to complain about the other person to me and they didnt even try to make i special and sometimes it feels like they only care about themselves or my brother, its sad to think that 3yrs later the most signifigant thing i remember is that it was the first day i considered killing myself just to get away from them and everything else

    my mom would make a big deal if i didnt go to homecoming or prom and yet she wont help me curl my hair when i ask and refuses to buy me a dress or shoes and if she takes me she makes me pay for it out of my college money and im always being told how im not smart enough to go to college or that i dont try hard enough and yet when i get good grades or a good score on i test i tell them was really hard they dont even give a sh*t, yet they complain if a get bad grades and wont leave me the f*ck alone which is my only motivation for doing anything

    im pretty sure i would feel better if i could get away from them but i dont have any family i could turn to since im not close to any of them and my friends just dont have room to let me stay with them and if i did their parents would ask a lot of questions idont want to answer

    im at the point where the only reason im not dead is i dont know how much drugs to take to make sure i dont end up half dead in a hospital or mental institution

    im just too stressed and im starting to fall behind again in school and im not sure ill be able to catch up and in the last yr ive only asked my parents for 3 things (granded they are big but i havent asked them for anything except clothes in a long time): to go on this school trip to costa rica of which i was going to pay for at least half of it or more and most of the rest would have been fundrasising and academic scholorships but they wouldnt let me go because of the money(which pisses me off cuz i basically was working my *** off so they only had yo pay the 99$ deposit)(im not being selfish or greedy we have a good steady income with money to spare they just hardly ever spend any on me and they wont even buy my clothes anymore)(they bought a new big screen tv for their upstairs tv room and surround sound and stuff a few yrs ago), also i wanted color contacts since i dyed my hair and the color makes my eyes look dark i wanted to try a different color(again im paying) but the wont even stop for a few seconds to make me an eye appointment, and i wanted my belly button pierced and ive tried not to push bit i asked almost 4/5 months ago and still havent gotten an aswer so i hint and finaly i came out and asked my dad what he had decided(cuz my mom wasnt really apposed) and he said no cuz he didnt want me to act like more of a slut

    im not a slut but does he know how that makes me feel when he says that that he really thinks thats the person i am when i dont even act like that at all

    sorry venting it all out

    i would go to a therapist but i wont talk to my parents about any of this and im pretty sure i also need doctor/parent permission for antidepressants

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • for someone who has used a belly piercing retainer, how noticeable is it?

    the sites claim if you got you belly done and put a retainer in it if your parents saw ur navel they wouldnt know you got it pierced, is that true?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • my friend is acting mean and unlike herself should i remain friends with her?

    every yr before school starts my mom takes me and me little bro to the beach boardwalk 3yrs ago my mom started letting bring friends too, its an hour drive from where i live so my friends parents dont really wanna have to drive them so they go in our 5 seater car, thats means there are two extra seats, last yr i only brought my bff natalie because mattie couldnt come, this yr i invited natalie, emily, and mattie, we didnt have enough room for everyone so when i invited them i said someones parent would also hve to drive, emily txtd me and offered for her mom to drive but then we decided to go on friday and her mom worked and natalie's mother doesnt drive that far

    mattie never txted me back until the day before she said she might be able o go and that her mom was gonna drive her and her bro and her dad, then her mom found out about the fire and decided they were gonna go on sunday and wouldnt change her mind

    after we had already made plans there was no way for us to drive her cuz we had no room and my father wasnt going therefore he couldnt be another driver either

    the night before she 3-way chatted with me and our bff natalie(we have all been friends for more than 5 yrs) we weresad she couldnt come with us and said we shold all go again together in a few weeks after about half hor of talking i got a txt msg from emily wanting to kno wat time to come to my house, i said hold on i have to txt emily the time for tomorrow, a minute after i got back on mattie wasnt talking to us and natalie asked her if she was still here and she said ya and natalie and i started talking and then i said something to mattie and she wasnt there and we thought she must have accidentally hung up or something, it was late so we both said we would talk tomorrow, i called mattie but she didnt pick up so i thought maybe she went to bed

    i didnt have any free memory on my cell phone so i didnt get my txts from the night before until the next day when i deleted some old ones, i had gotten two txts from mattie:

    im surprised u gave emily a seat over me in the car considering u always talk **** abut her

    im just wondering if u talk **** about me 2 emily nice friend u r

    later i showed natalie the txts and talked to her about it and she said that mattie didnt kno emily was coming and we now think she hung up on purpose i txted her back and said that we were just saying how we wished she was here but she bever txted me back

    also i havent been friends with emily as long as i have been friends with mattie but mattie goes to a different school than emily, natalie and i go to, so i dont ge to see her often

    i dont kno wat to do on one hand i wanna txt her and ask her wat the hell her problem is and ask her why shes acting like such a ***** because i told her some of the problems i was having with emily in confidence i also texted her and said that emily was my friend too(meaning she was also invited and it wasnt like i gave matties seat away especially cuz shes never riden with us before and her ma has always driven her and her bro)

    i have too many problems of my own to be dealing with friends that are less than supportive and grumpy and or acusitive, im not sure i want to be friends with her if she is going to act like that

    emily acts like that too sometimes but she realizes that it bugs us and has got better and is trying to talk to us about it more rather than act mean

    mattie and i have been friends since 4th grade(im going into 11th) i dont want to loose her friendship but sometimes i feel like im the only one making an effort because she never calls me to hang out im always the one to call her and half the time she agrees to hang with me and then she cancel because she decided to go do something random with her fam or she had another friend that she forgot she promised to do something with

    i dont feel she has the right to act all wounded that she was excluded(through to fault of mine) and then blame me for it and lash out and throw things back in my face that i told her when i thought i could trust her

    should i give her a chance to explain, tell her how i feel or move on because this friendship is not working/going nowhere?

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • if i swim for an hour but use one of the oils suggested to protect my henna tattoo how much will it fade?

    the tattoo is around my wrist and on the outside of my hand

    it has been 48 hours since i got it done

    after i got it done i slept with it on which means i pealed the stuff that didn't fall off after about 10hrs(most of it was still on after 10hrs and it didn't start pealing by itself until after 4/5hrs)

    the pool is a public pool which means that it has a higher concentration of chlorine

    3 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How does bad karma in a previous life affect u in the next life? Can u get bad karma by commiting suicide?

    Does harming urself in anyway create bad karma or just harming others?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • a guy asked me to homecoming and a just want to be friends?

    how do i make sure he knows that without being mean cuz i think he likes becuz he wrote me this poem "Heartbeat- It is gone when im lonely, a small thought and it starts slowly! Though I have friends and family who stay true, my heart beats fast when i think of you!"

    (1 of 6 actually but he is always quoting poems to people)

    well please help me ive talked to my friends and my mom and im not sure what to do

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i can't figure out how to get a picture on my gaia profile?

    i tried the URL, the paste/add button(on photobucket) and nothing works and my friend tried te explain what to do but i didn't inderstand what she was saying, if you tried something and it worked plz tell me(ill i get is that box with the red X)

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • jungle/tropical themed bedroom?

    i want my room to be tropical but like in the amazon with dolphins and waterfalls but im not sure what would help my room to look like this

    also a few links of tropical pictures i like:

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • song that goes...?

    and you know- your not alone- the ones you love- are their beside you

    it was this really sad song and it was in this movie

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • just curious?

    so im in 8ththeir was this guy i sorta liked/like and it was in 6th gd + my friend asked him to dance with me but his excuse was that he had a broken arm + aslo im pretty sure he knew it was me that my friend was asking for

    and then all through 6th gd i liked him and kept feeling like he was staring at me then i would look at him or in his direction and he would look the other way

    also i thought his bff liked me too in 6th gd and my mom even said so(lol) but even thou im really outgoing, im sorta shy around guys i like so i never did anything

    also i think maybe im just imaging things or something but i see both of them sometimes + feel like their looking at me

    im probably just imaging things/ have a good imagination

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago

    so i have a water bed and the sheets are fish and my bedspred is tropical

    i was wondering which theme you like best,why and any ideas on what to but in it(candles, a tree, chair, desk, lights, book cases, tv, dresser) also i have a bathroom so

    13 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • STUPIDstupid!?!?!?

    WELL i was wondering does it seem stupid or funny to laugh at your self if ypu make a mistake??

    does that seem like a good quality in a person??

    (SORRY IM MY ? SOUNDS STUPID lol 8) but im just curious)


    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago