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  • Working abroad?

    I would like to work in a hot country in January, February, March, farm work or in a juice bar/vegan cafe, I was looking at Australia, but you have to prove you have at least 3000 euro in your account, I don't think I will have that by next year.

    Do you know of any other high paying, warm countries to work in who don't require such evidence?

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan3 years ago
  • My attempt at escaping my family has failed. How do I "face the music"?

    There is not a lot of love between me and my family, conversation is very hard and the more time we spend apart the better. I am a student studying abroad but I came back for Christmas, I planned to go to Prague for a week to minimize the aimless time spent with my family but I missed the flight.

    My dad was furious and saw it as a sign of my failure, my lack of basically anything good. He shouted many unhelpful things at me for quite a while. This is how it has been for some time. They are scared because I am rootless without much of a plan. I try to have faith in life and myself that things will unfold naturally.

    I have just turned 23 and he sees me as a homeless, jobless, relationshipless bag lady.

    I have to live with them for a couple of weeks now and I am dreading it, the judgment, the criticism, the fear.

    How can I live with them.

    What do you do with negative parents?

    4 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Visa requirements for Hawaii from UK.?

    Hey, I will be volunteering on a farm for three months on Kauai in February, I am a British citizen but have been living in Denmark and will fly from Denmark,

    Will I need a special visa due to the nature of my stay - volunteering (not tourist)?


    4 AnswersImmigration3 years ago
  • Can you help me find this painting?

    I saw a paining of a couple, the man had his hands around the woman s throat in a sultry, sexual manner. I thought the painting was by Edward Hopper, but I can t seem to find it again, do you know if it was him who painted something like this or someone else?

    1 AnswerPainting3 years ago
  • Social etiquette/expressing condolences?

    I recently started work at a market stall on Saturday mornings selling fruit and veg.

    They were low on staff and needed a hand, one of the girls who i had been served by before wasn't there went I started work.

    They told me she had to leave due to being hospitalised for a severe asthma attack. The same day I started, they got the message that things had gotten worse, I can't remember what they told me but the others were very upset.

    Basically, the next week I understood the young girl had died, due to the fact I didn't know them or her there was lack of communication and I didn't know until I directly asked another stall worker.

    I feel so sad for them and for the beautiful girl who died, I want to express that or show condolences but I don't know how. I don't think a card would do it. These are genuine, strong people who tbh I don't know but damn i just wanna show my respects...

    any suggestions?

    4 AnswersEtiquette4 years ago
  • Scared I have a tick?

    Two days ago I went and chilled in the sun in a field, the field as empty but it usually houses livestock.

    I've recently been hearing about ticks and lyme's disease and now I'm a little freaked out. I feel this itchy, scratchy feeling on my skin in varying areas and I am worried I might have some parasite/tick on me.

    How can I check, should I go the doc? I want someone else to help look but I have no one,

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases4 years ago
  • Why do I keep dreaming of a specific person from my childhood?

    I moved schools 5 times when I was a kid but I often have dreams involving one particular girl from one of my first schools and our class mates from said school often join in the fun too.

    We were "frenemies" as so many girls are at that age (10-14) and I guess there was a lot of strong feeling around her. But it's years later, why does she and our classmates keep popping up all over the place?

    Could they be bringing me back to that time in my life when things were very turbulent? (family and home issues?) Or do I have some unsettled beef with said girl that I need to work out?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • HELP!! I stupidly downloaded a malicious free version of microsoft office from

    How can I remove it it fully and ensure my laptop is safe?

    I've uninstalled everything I downloaded last night but I'm pretty sure it's messed my laptop up.

    I bought the laptop in france so when I restart it the white writing on the black screen is all french!! arrgh

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Can sleeping in a basement cause health issues?

    I'm au pairing for a French family and my room is in the basement, there is a small window that let's air in which I find helps at night so I will keep it open from now on, but I wake up with a tight chest, itchy throat and a runny nose and tears eyes. The room isn't damp or mouldy but there's something off about the air that I can tell is affecting me. What can I do?!

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • How should I behave around people?

    I'm having trouble with my stress levels when around certain people. I have terrible social skills, but recently I've been getting better. However, I had a disaster of a night at a guy's house where I just felt really horrible, like I was doing everything wrong, I felt like all he could see was the bad stuff when he looked at me, my mood changed drastically and I just felt agitated. It was the second time I had hung out with him. The language barrier pisses me off, he's Italian, I'm living in Italy so I feel stupid for not having learnt the language properly, I've been here 7months. I have noticed a trend where I act the opposite of whatever vibes I'm getting front the person I'm with. If they are stressed, I'll be chill. This guy was chill to the point of being horizontal and I don't know how to behave with someone who is so content, no issues, no anxiety. I think I acted like a ****, I felt like it would be best if I just got outta there. So I scampered early morning. Told him I won't see him again as it's easier for me to be alone, less stress.

    Do I thrive on discomfort, was it just cause it was the day before my period, is it because I can't believe anyone wants to hang out with me, I.e. No self esteem.

    How the **** can i sort this **** out so that I might be able to have a healthy, stable relationship in the future.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Lemon juice has erroded the varnish off a bit of marble top?

    How can i reverse the damage.

    1 AnswerSculpture7 years ago
  • do i have to kiss french people when I'm saying hello?

    If I were to move to Paris, France for a year or so, which is a distinct possibility, would the locals be offended if I didn't do the usual 2 or three 'bisses' kisses when saying hello. I'm British goddammit and it feels terribly awkward and I'm self conscious about my bad skin and how to even do it properly.

    I'm currently in Italy and they do it here. If it's a complete stranger I refuse most of the time cause I'm not bothered about what they will think. But sometimes I have to do it and I hate it.

    Can I just not do it? How would a French person react?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Is she being invasive/ inappropriate?

    I'm an au pair for an Italian family, I'm 18, used to my own freedom and independence. I'm here for a year, two months in. I get weekends off but this weekend was Halloween so I had Thursday through to today. I went out and stayed over night at a friends and did the same again the next night. My boss/ host mum now wants me to bring said friend to tea today so she can check out who I'm hanging out with. My initial reaction is anger and slight confusion as I don't think it's any of her business. However I understand she is concerned and invested in the person who looks after her kids. But this is my free time And I should be able to hang out with whomever I choose. This is the way I've been brought up so I'm finding the impending meeting this afternoon distressing and awkward.

    So you know my feelings. What's your opinion? Does she have every right to vet the people I spend my free time with for the 'sake of her children's safety?'

    5 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • How do I teach English?

    I'm an au pair in Italy and a mum who I met dropping the kids off at school asked if I could teach her 13 year old son English for an hour a week. I'm 18, I haven't a clue how to go about this. Any advice or suggestions?

    1 AnswerHome Schooling8 years ago
  • What's your piece of life advice?

    I'm about to break free and join the big bad world.

    Gimme all ya got

    8 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Can I get away with wearing this?

    I'm quite flat chested with a b-cup. I just got this halter neck which I love.

    It's best to wear these tops bra-less but I dunno whether it looks a tad silly cause I'm not well endowed.

    What do you reckon? Still okay?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • why do people bother with relationships?

    Obviously people need to procreate and love is great etc...

    But nothing lasts for ever and there will always be an end to a relationship and the pain from that makes me wonder why i or anyone keeps bothering to get so attatched to people.

    Even when you're in a relationship you will not feel good all the time whether it's jealousy, frustration or paranoia.

    I think i can imagine you'll say it's clear i'm bitter and cynical.

    does anyone else wonder why we put ourselves through the pain of being hurt in a relationship even if the good bit is really good, is it worth it?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What spurs you on to revise?

    For me it's getting low grades on my mock exams and talking to encouraging teachers, plus thinking about how crap it would be to fail.

    What's yours i'd like some inspiration for when i lose motivation.

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • How can I stop the symptoms of pms.?

    Things tend to be fine and then I find myself all over the place whether it's panic attacks anxiety, anger, insecurity. I ask myself what the hell went wrong between now and last week and then it dawns on me that it's the week before my period.

    It's really starting to p*ss me off.

    Is there anything I can do to try and stay mentally balanced during this time?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • should i pay my parents rent?

    I'm 18, still in full time education i only work one day a week at a tea rooms, that earns me £30/£35.

    The initially asked for £30 a week, but i pointed out how harsh it was to take basically everything i earn.

    Now it's only £10 a week but thing is I pay for pretty much EVERYTHING i need. that includes things like toothbrush/paste, socks, knickers, toiletries, uniform for school/work, anything i need. all the essentials other than food and the house bills. I pay for my prom ticket and outfit my transport anywhere, any trip i go on. all off of the money i earn from one day a week and now they are taking a third of that im finding it really hard,

    should i suck it up and carry on paying them or say something?

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago