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  • 2012 Jeep Liberty Sport Owners, I have a question for you...?

    Just purchased a brand new Jeep Liberty on November 10th. On November 11th., the engine seized with only 104 miles on the Jeep. It's been fixed and runs fine.

    But I am only getting about 300 miles to a full tank of gas. I was wondering what others owners are getting out of a full tank because it seems like I should be getting better gas mileage and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the engine.

    2 AnswersJeep10 years ago
  • Dinner suggestions wanted please.?

    I have a pack of skinless/boneless chicken breast and a pack of pork loin chops defrosted in the fridge. I need some suggestions/recipes to use this meat up over the next few days'. I am looking for something different than baked, friend, or a salad (with the chicken). Dinner is getting boring! Quick & easy recipes/suggestions are desired.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why do men lack the romance gene?

    Hubby thinks "he gets" romance but how there IS so much more than starting with him orally pleasing me then wanting the same in return & then the end 5 minutes after insertion. I need AND want more. Will a man that knows what romance is PLEASE respond with his definition so I can help hubby realize it's sooooooo much more? I don't think he realizes I have breasts that would be so satisfied by his attention and how stimulation could cause such excitement. Just been married 4 years' and I see trouble brewing if he does not realize what I have been saying is real. All I want & need is him...

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Easy Pasta Recipes Wanted.?

    I am just doing inventory of my cabinets and making a dinner menu and boy do I have A TON of pasta I need to use up, so I am here looking for quick, easy, inexpensive recipes to try over the next few months. I have lotsa Rotini & Elbows. Have any great suggestions?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Need some simple inexpensive reception ideas for first time married young couple.?

    My son and his finance' are getting married. Cash is very tight. I am looking for some inexpensive ideas from decorations, beverages to food and anything I may have forgotten.

    The marriage will take place in nearby Toledo, Ohio because it's inexpensive and quick to marry there. So no big wedding. Most of the family will probably not be present.

    The reception will take place at my brother's former funeral home building that is currently being renovated into an auto repair shop. This building is also used every Halloween as a Haunted House and one couple has been married in this building too. Not sure of the theme the kids' are planning, if any.

    Unique low cost ideas wanted.

    Mary in Hudson, MI

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Should I go to the Casino today? Why or why not?

    $1000.00 drawing on the hour from 1p.m. to 8p.m., then $20,000.00 at 9p.m. & then $10,000.00 at 10p.m.

    2 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Can I apply (and be granted) a Michigan Concealed Weapon Permit if...?

    I have a convicted felon living in my home? The felon would be a family member & the crime was not a violent crime and the family member completed all probation and paid all fines as required by the court and has kept their nose clean. Actually, the family member did NOT even commit a crime but was with friends that did so my felon was also charged because the crimes was permitted in a tourist town that depends on the money tourists spend. My felon was basically made an example of and was felon was just 18 at the time of the charge. If my felon had money for an attorney, I am 100% positive my felon would not have a felony conviction today. Those damn court appointed attorney's truly are working for the court and NOT the person being charged.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Baking question. (Smart For Life Cookies).?

    I made a version of those diet cookies "Smart For Life" today, they turned out EXCELLENT. I calculated nutrition info as I went along so I would accurately know how much of this & that such as calories, fat, fiber and such. Upon completion, I compared my calculations to "Smart For Life" cookies, I am close but would like to reduce the fat and sodium content. All the ingredients are mostly healthy and the only place I see eliminating fat & calories is in the butter/margarine and or peanut better. What can I use in place to still have a nice texture that does not result in a cake like cookie? I want the cookies somewhat dense.

    Here are the comparisons-

    Smart For Life Cookies---- My Version

    Fat 2.5 grams---- 5 grams

    Calories 105---- 23

    Saturated Fat 1.5 grams---- Less than 1 gram

    Polyunsaturated Fat 0---- 1.5 grams

    Monounsaturated Fat 0---- 2 grams

    Sodium 120 mg---- 179 mg

    Potassium 0---- 81 mg

    Fiber 1.5 grams---- 2 grams

    Sugars 5 grams---- 5 grams

    Protein 5 grams---- 3 grams

    Carbs 15 grams---- 13 grams


    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • A close friends mom is dying...?

    My friend Michelle and I have known each other since age 5, were 39 now. Michelle's mom was just recently diagnosed with an aggressive lung cancer, her mom has been given a 12% chance of surviving 1 year.

    Michelle's mom is 60 and her dad is 58. They have known each other since age's 7 & 9 and have been married since age 17 & 19. Neither have ever been with another person in their lives romantically so they are all the other knows.

    Michelle's dad said (and the family believes him) that he will not live without his wife and the thought of him dying too is really messing with Michelle's head. Michelle just called me a bit ago and I can hear the hurt in her voice. She told me she is afraid her mom & dad will leave for a vacation and just drive off of a cliff ending it together. Michelle also told me her parents are updating their will here soon.

    I do my best to be there whenever Michelle calls me because she means a lot to me deep in my heart but I am just unsure what to say when she tells me what her dad plans. It's hard to see Michelle in person during this time of her life because we live about 2 hours away from each other.

    What should I say? What do I do?

    Mary in Camden, MI


    Having her dad admitted into a mental hospital is not an option considering her moms health and her dad is far from nuts. He's actually a very well known liked business owner in their city.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Need a recipe to use up extra Lasagna noodles...?

    Making Lasagna for dinner, made too many noodles so I made an extra Lasagna to freeze and still have too many noodles. Anyone have a quick, easy inexpensive recipe so I can use up the extra noodles?

    Mary in Camden, MI

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What does this mean to you?

    I know this is marriage & divorce. I put this question here because my hubby's family is involved in my question.

    Had a falling out via email with hubby's sister earlier this month. It was quite nasty over a date for a baby shower gathering for my hubby's daughter. My sister in law was completely wrong in her way of dealing with the situation. The next morning after I withdrew myself from any family function where she'd be present because I wanted to avoid conflict between her & I, she sends me an email that says this "For the sake of an argument I will take full responsibility for everything" but she never once mentions the words I am sorry. Would you take 'For the sake of an argument I will take full responsibility for everything' as an apology or an easy way out saying she accepts the responsibility of starting this but she does not feel she did wrong?

    Mary in Camden, MI


    Her email was very very nasty accusing me of stuff I never did and saying her brother was not his own man. This was all because we were planning a baby shower get together on hubby's side of the family which we were to pay half for and my sis in law pay half and she planned the get together for a date we already planned to be outta town so hubby called his daughter and asked if another date was okay, which it was with his daughter and his sister got pissed off.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Anyone know anything about extradition from Michigan to Florida?

    Just got a call from my unreasonable sister. Her hubby apparently lost a job, still had some equipment that belonged to his boss, her hubby owned some of his own like equipment. Hubby tells her to go pawn his equipment and my sister grabs the wrong stuff pawning the former employers equipment. Simple mistake, so she claims. So now the law gets involved. Sister is freaking out because they have minor kids and suggests they will just move back home to Michigan because it's been so much crapola since they moved down there anyway. I know she won't really relocate back here because she loves it down there & has a good job and a nice place. My question is, if she really did come back home and hubby still had legal issues that were unresolved, would FL. extradite them from MI.? The whole transaction (monies received) was no more than a few hundred bucks.

    I need accurate responses because I will be using them to talk sense into my sister to just resolve the issue and I have searched the internet but have not found an answer to this type of question.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Need some advice, no smart booty comments though please?

    My husband's ex-wife continues to call our home when she has been told many many times not to. I have sent her a certified letter telling her not to and I have told her when she calls as I have hung up on her. Hubby has 2 daughters with her BUT both daughters ARE adults. Every time she (the ex) calls, it turns into a screaming match between hubby & her and this is exactly why I don't want her calling along with accusing me of things I have not done including her telling my hubby I was going to kill him like I did my other husband's. One I was divorced from and he died from lung cancer and one I was separated from and he committed suicide at his brothers home in another county, so I killed no one and if I did, I would be serving life right now. So anyway, the almost 27 year old daughter has some issues and my hubby talks to this woman (his ex) telling her he will talk to his daughter and never even mentions that she (the ex) is not suppose to be calling the house for anything and that his ADULT daughters can call him anytime they like. So I am a bit bent that he failed to stand the ground we were what I thought standing together, she's not allowed to call period. Now, I am upset with hubby because since we have been married, I have had to deal with nothing but bull from his ex-wives (yes 2 but only kids with 1), his family and I have brought no drama into our marriage and would NOT allow it if anyone attempted to being drama to us. Am I over reacting that hubby failed to stand the ground that I thought we stood together? Now for those of you that say well no wonder, he has 2 ex wives, don't even bother. Both cheated on him and he divorced both and I have seen the proof from the second wife cheating on him. The proof was statements from about 10 different people and the 2nd. ex wives boyfriend's car parked in front of her place during the middle of the night hours (sleeping hours). My hubby is a good man but is too much of a softy allowing others to chit on him and I am sick of the non-sense his past brings into our daily life period. Keep in mind, my past are all dead so there truly is no non-sense from my side of this relationship. I did have the phone company get involved and had enough traced calls to press charges against the ex that keeps calling back in december but chose not to for the sake of hubby's kids.

    I feel like I am ready to end a good marriage because of all of his past, I need some advice and no smart @rse comments.

    Mary in Camden, MI


    I will discuss responses with hubby to see how we can handle this situation.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If General Motors Automotive Company closes it doors...?

    Will the extended warranty I purchased when I purchased my new car be honored other places if there are no more GM Dealers or should I request a refund and cancel the extended warranty?

    Mary in Camden, MI

    4 AnswersGMC1 decade ago
  • Need baby shower alternatives.?

    My step-daughter is pregnant expected to deliver in late September. Her mom is having a baby shower for her. Step-daughters mom & dad's family does not get along very well. So we are looking for some unique ideas as a baby shower alternative to help welcome the new baby to the world. We kinda figure since her mom is giving the shower already and has been buying baby supplies that another shower may be too much. Has anyone done something really kewl before as an alternative to the baby shower? Involving new baby's dad is an option as well. Suggestions? Ideas?

    Mary in Camden, MI

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Men (and women too), describe what romance and passion is to you.?

    Hubby & I have different ideas of what romance and passion means. I need the thoughts of others please. TY! ;-)

    Mary in Camden, MI

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Need some info on artificial insemination please.?

    My sister and brother in law can't not have children, well actually my sister in law can't and her hubby has strong swimmers. ;-) I have offered to donate an egg and womb and would be inseminated with my brother in laws sperm. I am kinda dumb to this though besides what I have read online. I need to know some specific things about this process and am hoping someone here can answer my questions listed below.

    1) Can my sister and brother in law just collect the sperm and my hubby insert it in me or must the sperm be "washed" first?

    2) If the sperm can just be inserted excluding doctors, how long does it live for once ejaculated? Will it need to be kept at a certain temp.?

    3) Once the possible child is born, in Michigan, can I just have the hospital put my sister and brother in law's name on the birth certificate saving us all from having to do the whole court & adoption thing?

    4) Would I as the donor mom have any legal rights since my name would not be on the birth certificate in the event of a tragedy such as lets say my sister and brother in law were both killed in a car accident. I would not want a child I have a direct DNA connection to, to end up in foster care or being raised by a stranger.

    I am open to suggestions and solid info and TYVM in advance for taking the time to read my question.

    Mary in Camden, MI

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago