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Teacher Bilingual English/Spanish Certifiably insane Founding member of the So Happy It's Thursday Club

  • Draw Something 2 Tools?

    What are all the available tools on draw something 2?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Wedding gift etiquette?

    A close family member just got remarried. They had the ceremony in Vegas and the bride's relatives were invited but our family was discouraged from attending. They are having a backyard reception. What is proper gifting etiquette for a second marriage (so they really don't need anything for household) when you were not a part of the ceremony?

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Movie with the quote, "I don't speak Spanish, either"?

    What was the movie, most likely from the 80's if I recall correctly, with the quote "I don't speak Spanish, either"? There were a bunch of (mentally challenged? disturbed?) people in a car stopped at a gas station, and one of the characters, possibly the gas station attendant, says "No hablo ingles." When another character then addresses him in Spanish, the guy says, "I don't speak Spanish, either."

    Thanks in advance, it's driving me nuts!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How can I phrase an invite so I'm not stuck picking up the tab?

    I'm turning thirty and have decided to celebrate with a "girls' night out", but we're a one-income family and I really don't have the budget to pay for everyone. I'd like to invite my friends to stop by a restaurant/bar to join me for a drink, but is there a way to word it that doesn't imply I'm paying?

    Note: I'm not fishing for gifts, in fact I'm asking that people bring a donation for a charity if they so choose rather than bring a gift for me. I just want to spend some time out with friends on my bday.

    15 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Breast size samples?

    I'm going for breast reduction, and my husband wants to know what they'll look like afterwards, size-wise. I know that they're different on every person, but does anyone know of a site that shows some examples of what different breast sizes look like? It doesn't have to be graphic - proportioned drawings would be as useful as photos. I'm NOT looking for pornography!

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Breast (reduction) surgery recovery advice?

    I'm going for a reduction in two weeks. For those who have been through it, what could you not live without (besides drugs!) in the recovery period. What advice could you give me? I have a toddler and know I'm going to be having a hard time since I can't lift. What else should I know?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Recipe for mexican chicken from bean can?

    A while back, I found a recipe on a can for delicious mexican-style chicken. I'm pretty sure it had to be a can of beans. I normally buy goya beans, so I've checked their website but can't find it. I think it was chicken breasts, beans, salsa, wrap in foil and bake in oven, then top with shredded cheese. I want to make sure I have the times/temps/quantities right. Does anyone have this recipe??? Please??? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Cancion de limpiar?

    Hola, tengo un hijo de 13 meses, y quiero que sea bilingue (yo soy norteamericana). Hay una cancion que se usa cuando quieren que los ninos limpien/arreglen sus cosas? Por ejemplo, en ingles cantamos, "Clean up, Clean up, everybody, everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody does their share" o algo asi. Existe cancion semejante en espanol?

    17 AnswersNiños en edad pre escolar1 decade ago
  • Cleanup song in spanish?

    Does anyone know of a version of the cleanup song in spanish, or could a native speaker help me come up with one? I'm trying to get my 1-yr-old son involved in cleaning up! I don't just want a word-for-word translation, I want something that actually works in spanish.

    Languages1 decade ago
  • breast reduction questions?

    I'm planning to have a reduction in May. This is not cosmetic, they are too large (40H) and I'm in a lot of pain. Anyway, a couple of questions:

    1. Around how much weight can I expect to lose going from a 40H to a C cup?

    2. If you've had the surgery, how did it go? Are you pleased with the results?

    3. Any regrets?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Native spanish speakers questions?

    Hello, I'm raising my son bilingually english/spanish, and I'm coming across some little details that I don't know how to manage in spanish.

    1. How would you state a rule to the child, for example, "No hitting" or "Don't hit"? Would you say, "No pegar"? or, "No se permite pegar"? or "No pegues" or something else?

    2. When you are naming things to the child, do you usually use the article, or just the noun. For example, as I'm pointing to body parts, would I say, "la cara" or "tu cara" or just "cara"? (When it is out of context and not a sentence - I'm just pointing out that this is the word for "face".)

    3. Do dinosaur names stay the same in Spanish? We're reading some books with dinosaurs and I don't know what their proper names are in spanish.

    Thanks in advance. Also, if you can tell me your country of origin so I can compare the spanish, that would be great.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to feel guilty about having an "easy" baby?

    My son is nine months old and he has always been a joy to be around. He generally goes to sleep without a struggle, is easy-going and content. I'm not saying he's perfect - he certainly has his moments, but overall I feel so lucky. And yet I can't help but feel guilty, as though I don't deserve such an easy baby, or that something bad is going to happen and take this happiness away from me. My mom-friends act like they know what it's like, but I don't think they do - I think they consider me incredibly lucky and can't believe I'd complain over such a petty thing while they're going to specialists and dealing with colicky, cranky babies. Anyone ever experienced this?

    36 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do spiders do (spanish question)?

    I have a little game that I play with my baby boy where I make my finger into a bumblebee and say "Aqui viene la abeja, la abeja, la abeja, Aqui viene la abeja, y te va a picar!!" and pretend to sting him with my finger. I'd like to add other animals into the game. I like the way "Aqui viene la araña" sounds but need a verb to fill in for "te va a _____". Tejer? Something else? I would also love other ideas for other animals. (I usually end with, Aqui viene la mami y te va a besar!)

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Best airline rates for infant in seat?

    I'm planning to travel with my baby boy in December, when he will be 9 months old. I thought I had read somewhere that airlines offer discounted seats for babies, but the two airlines I've called so far charge full price. Does anyone know what carriers might have a good discount? Carrying him on my lap as a "lap child" is not an option for us, primarily because we are safety conscious and my husband heard some startling statistics about lap child fatalities, among other reasons.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Puerto Rican Spanish question - tu/usted?

    Hi, just wanted some input. In puerto rican culture, when do you use usted? (Please don't give me the Spanish 1 answer that you use usted to show respect.) Specifically, I'm looking for help in the following situations (oh, and I'm an adult).

    1. Friend of a friend. She's an adult that I don't know well. I assume I use usted.

    2. Her 3 children, ages 9, 3, and 2 months.

    3. My own son. I have been "tuteandole", but then I heard her refer to her son as Usted. Does this vary from culture to culture?

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How can I remove a stamp for reuse?

    So I'm a bit of a procrastinator, and I just found a stack of envelopes addressed and stamped for Christmas. Only they have 37-cent stamps on them! Ordinarily, I'd just add a couple of 2-cent stamps to them and use them to surprise friends with middle-of-the-year notes, but several of these people have moved, divorced, or deceased since then. I'd like to be able to reuse the stamps (I'd say I probably have about $10 worth) if possible without trashing them. They're peel-and-stick. Are they worth the effort or should I just toss them?

    11 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Playground etiquette?

    I'm a pretty new mom (my baby is 6 months old) and I'd like some advice on a playground issue that came up. I was at the park with a friend of mine, I had my son with me and her boys were playing on the playscape. I saw a child throwing big handfuls of woodchips at the children on the swings, and no adult was paying attention or telling him to stop. Neither her children nor mine were involved. I say something to the kid? I couldn't tell if he had a parent there (it's the kind of park where parents sit in the car and drink their lattes and talk on their cellphones and just beep the horn or yell when it's time for the kids to come back.) Or do I stay out of it since it's not my business and my kid's not involved?

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do I begin freelance translating (Spanish - English)?

    I'm bilingual english-spanish, and would like any advice and/or experiences in translating, specifically written translations. Do I need to become certified? What's the process for this? If I just want to pick up some occasional work, like translating letters/resumes/short documents for people, can I just throw up some signs? What would be a reasonable rate to charge? (I'm in Connecticut if that makes any difference!)


    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What should people know about people with seizures?

    I was in the neurologist's office and flipping through a book of artwork by people with epilepsy. It got me thinking: what would folks who have seizures like the rest of us to know?

    18 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • What would you like people to know about your disability?

    Or about you as a person with a disability?

    I'll kick it off: I wish people knew that I'm not just clumsy, that there's a reason I'm like this. Because my disability isn't always visible, they assume I'm just a klutz.

    37 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago