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Hi! I'm a 50 year old mother of 1 beautiful daughter and 1 son-in-law, 3 handsome and smart sons (16, 17, 19) and a 2yr old grandaughter I now have a grandson on the way!. Heeeee'sssss heeeerrrrreeee!!!! Austin Drew made it into this world on May 2, 2007 at 7:45AM. He is of course absolutely gorgeous. I have very strong maternal instincts so forgive me if I try to mother everyone. I may call you honey, sweety, sweets, sugar, etc. Please know though that I am not trying to be condecending. However, if you really don't like it let me know. I joined this site so that I could have a little adult brain stimulation. Because I have several neurological problems (probems walking sometimes, can't drive anymore, lots of pain all the time) I don't get out much anymore and I felt as though my brain was atrophying. Let me tell you answering and reading others answers has been wonderful so thank you all. Okee dokee -- Be talking to ya

  • Does anyone have or know anything about Cushing's Syndrome?

    I watched a short story on TV about this last night and it left me with a great deal of questions. Until about 16-17 years ago I barely weighed 100lbs. I suddenly began to crave sweets and found myself eating huge amounts of sweets almost to the exclusion of anything else. While I have been able to gain back a little control and lose some weight (the most I ever weighed was 230 and I have lost about 35lbs) I was most intrigued by the areas the woman gained her weight. It is almost identical to my weight gain, right down to the hump on my back. I would very much like to hear from anyone who has had personal or has been close to someone who has had experience with this disease.

    Please, I am serious about this so no push away from the table jokes please. (I already know them all - in fact, before I gained weight I made some of them up. lol)

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can a cat sense an acute breathing problem and respond to it?

    I have a lovely 2 yr old calico cat. I found her on my porch as a very tiny, young kitten. She stays inside because we live in a rural area and have wild predators behind our house. She is very happy with us but has retained some feral heritage. She does not like to be picked up, held, or even touched unless she initiates the contact, otherwise she is apt to bite and scratch. (Only adults, never children oddly enough).You may think this history is irrevelant but I think it's needed to understand why her actions were so startling. 2 nights ago I was drinking tea watching TV. I swallowed wrong and the tea went down the wrong way. I began choking . It was pretty severe. Then, suddenly, she jumped up on my chest where she began pushing against my chest and rubbing my throat with her head. She did this each time I began coughing . Amazingly, it really seemed to help me get it up. As soon as I was OK, she was gone again. Has anyone else experienced or heard of anything like this?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cat with cold and congestion help plz.?

    hey guys, I found a stray not so long ago and began feeding her. Although she will let me pet her and even pick her up for about 30 - 45 seconds, she is still inatly feral. For the last few days she has been sneezing and coughing and has watery eyes. Right now I am dealing with some very serious medical problems of my own (potentially life threatening) and unfortunately just cannot afford vet care for her right now. I wondered if there might be a vet or vet tech that could give me some ideas of what I might be able to do to relieve these symptoms, bring down a fever and help her be a little more comfy. I've done all I can with a nice soft bed, good quality food, water and lots of TLC. Please don't yell at me, it won't help her and that's all I want to do.

    Oh yes, I'm afraid if I take her to a shelter they'll just take on look and euthanize her so don't ask me to do that.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Am interested in having a bird as a pet. I need answers to some questions I have.?

    I have been considering purchasing a cockatoo, cockatiel, parrot, or macaw. I know very little about them. Please give me your recommendations as for which bird would be best for a beginner. I also need to know price ranges, availabilty in Georgia, and good and bad points. I'm also interested in adopting an abused or abandoned bird. Does anyone know if there is a shelter for these birds anywhere in the middle Georgia area? I would truly prefer giving a good, loving home to one of these birds. Even though I don't know much about them I am willing to work hard learning and taking care of my pet. It is not so much a matter of money as it is that I would prefer to put most of my money into making sure my bird has everything he/she will need and a few luxuries as well, not to mention good vet care. I will very much appreciate any suggestions anyone may have. BTW, when I was much younger I had a parakeet I kept for many years. His name was BJ and he was truly a joy.

    9 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My son has no Health Insurance and has a seriously broken foot?

    On Friday night 2/20/2007 my husband and I came home to find our 18 year old son had fallen on his left foot and fractured it. We immediately took him to the closest Emergency Room. They did several x-rays gave him an injection for pain and sent him home with the instructions to call his primary care physician for a referral to an orthopedist on Monday. I had to insist on seeing the x-rays (I am an RN) and was appalled at what I saw. He had two breaks on one bone. One was still in line but the other was seriously displaced. Since then we have not been able to find a doctor to see him. It seems that because he is self-pay no one cares. I've been given several excuses but I know and his primary physician concurs that it is because of his lack of insurance. If this is not set soon it may leave him crippled for life. If anyone has any suggestions I would very much like to hear them. If there is an orthopedist in Georgia that would agree to see him please contact me ASAP. Thanks

    6 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Trouble after 20 years. Anyone have suggestions?

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary on May 22 of this year. Together we share 4 wonderful children (His daughter of a previous marriage whom I love as my own, my son from a previous relationship. He adopted him and has loved him as his first born son, showing no favoritism to anyone else. Then we have 2 sons of our love.). We have had fights and bumpy spots just like any normal couple, but never anything like this. It seems as though I can do nothing right anymore. He stays on edge and treats me without the respect and love he has always given me in great quantity. I am scared. I have thought of counseling but I don't know how to approach him. I don't want to lose him. I love him with all my heart and truly believe he still loves me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reach him? Please, serious answers only. I don't mind criticizim, but please keep it constructive. Thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Need advice about Son's girlfriend's mother. Will you please help?

    My son is a 20 year old college student. He has a wonderful fiance who we love very much. My problem is her mother. Her mother is not the evil mother-in-law to be, she just won't let go. JM (my son) and JD (his fiance) have to drive about an hour to see each other. JD usually prefers to come here because she says our family is much more relaxed than her family. She enjoys the joking and laughter (no our family is no sit-com, we have our full share of bad days), but she told me we are at least vocal and don't keep it all inside. Please believe these are good people. I guess for the purpose of this question I'm only stating the bad.

    To the problem. JM and JD asked me to call and ask if JD could spend the night one night because she was really tired and it was raining. When I asked her mother she said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! What would people say? I will never allow her to damage her reputation that way" I was hurt and now I don't know what to do or what to or say to her. Plz hlp!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Please give me your views on the war in the middle east?

    I would like to hear your reasons as well as why and how you came to your point of view. Thank you

    16 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • My cat is losing hair right above her tail?

    My sweet cat is around 3 yrs old and is a Long Hair Domestic cat. She has enough fur for 3 cats with some left over for her. A few days ago I noticed on her back above her tale her hair has become very thin. This does not seem to be occuring anywhere else on her coat.

    She weighs so much I have put her on a diet per her vet's instructions. Before I was allowing her to graze anytime she wanted but when I began to portion her meals she would scarf down everything so fast she would immediatly throw it back up. So now I am feeding her very small portions several times a day. My question is -- could her hair loss be attributed to the stress of a new feeding schedule? She also follows me around meowing and everytime I go into my utility room she runs to her bowl and begs. I love her so much and I hate to see her like this. By the way, I have made an appt. to see her vet, but in the meantime I don't want her to be so stressed. Any SERIOUS answers or suggestions would be a help

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I would like to ask my husband out for a date? Plz help!?

    My husband and I have been going through some rocky times lately. We truly love each other and are committed to our marriage, but it seems we never connect anymore. After we had a huge fight today I decided that I want to ask him to pick me up at a nice hotel in a nearby town, go out to a nice restaraunt but I'm not really sure how to go about it or what to do next. Please, guys and girls I really need some help here!

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • WendyW? anyone know what happened to her?

    has anyone seen a question or answer from wendyw? I cannot find her 360 page. Even some of her questions I answered seem to have disappeared from my stats. I would appreciate any info anyone might have. I am worried.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Christianity--Atheism who do you think are the most arrogant?

    From reading Q&A's lately it seems as though there is an ongoing battle between them to prove themselves superior.

    I myself am a christian but I do not try to prove atheist are inferior. What do you think?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone out there know of any really good instructive books on cake decorating?

    I have become very interested in cake decorating. Working primarily with fondant. Also I am extremely interested in learning to make gum paste flowers. Is there anyone that has these skills out there and could you give me some true advise. This is a serious question for me. Please stick to serious answers - humor is always appreciated though!

    Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Is it OK for an adult cat (3 yrs old) to eat kitten food and drink milk?

    I have a beautiful black and white long hair domestic cat named Della. She is my pride and joy! Recently a very pretty tiny kitten was abandoned in my front yard. I mixed formula and syringe fed her for about a week. Then after a few days of kitten food mixed with milk I started feeding her just kitten food and offering her water along with a little milk to supplement. My problem is now Della will not eat anything but kitten food and drink nothing but the milk. This is a very young kitten still probably not 6 wks so I feel as though she needs extra care. Should I just blow it off as a bout of jealousy and humor her or should I feed them in separate rooms at specific times. Della has shown no real anymosity toward Pitty Pat and in fact seems to have maternal instincts toward her. What do you guys think? It may be a silly question but I really love my cats and would like to hear your thoughts.

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • does anyone know the secret ingredient in the original coke receipe?

    when CocaCola was originally put on the market it was advertised as a tonic that would refresh anyone after a difficult day. It was later removed from the receipe when it was shown to have adverse effects on consumers.

    17 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks2 decades ago