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I'm an old guy in coastal Mississippi who has been a reporter and writer in weekly newspapers for ten years in the past. Still have the writing bug and crank out aphorisms, haiku and short stories of several varieties. Considering inventing Death Metal Gospel.

  • What is being very old like?


    the years flash by

    like the frames in a motion picture,

    while the days are spent watching

    oaks grow from acorns to giants in your mind

    with no progress in the day

    and everything different in a year-

    birthdays seem a month apart

    while hours take eternity to pass

    during a sleepless night

    thinking of everyone known for years now dead

    while friends from the next generation die now-

    your children dying natural deaths before you

    and only grandchildren remain,

    while doctors just shake their heads and smile.

    8 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Perhaps a sonnetish something for your consideration?

    Requited Malice

    He came with murder foul upon his mind,

    His spleen unvented for want of revenge,

    Searching with every fiber to find

    Who wrought the deeds that did his mind unhinge.

    Then he spied the foe he most longed to slay

    Standing steady in the street there ahead,

    Uncaring for what might transpire this day,

    Nor which of them would very soon lay dead.

    His quarry did not run, but stood his ground,

    As the distance between them grew more near

    The seeker wondered where his prey had found

    Courage to armor him from normal fear.

    The answer was not his to understand

    As death came with a bang from a flashing hand.

    7 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Your thoughts on my thoughts please?

    Shooting the Rapids

    Times arise in life where

    One can only go forward

    In a flimsy craft

    Loosed on a wild river

    Entering a deep, narrow gorge

    Relying on reaching calm waters beyond

    Secure that peace will abide a time

    Placing the tiny vessel ideally for the next trial

    Against circumstance and the pilot's fears

    To serve well once more while seeking

    Here and hereafter until the last rapid.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Ever consider the dark side of the dark side?


    Violent death should be personal

    Between two to whom it is all;

    Or between one who clings to life

    And one who sheds care to perform the deed.

    People were never meant to die

    Like links of sausage being squeezed empty

    Between crushing mechanical rollers,

    Or snuffed out all at once like boxes of lit candles.

    Nature made death personal and important

    To both the dying and the survivor-

    Modern man stole credit and blame from one

    And purpose from the other,

    Making death empty and killing a bother

    Where eyes never meet in denouement.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Ever remember the young who never age?

    Forever Young

    Youths sent forth to battle darkness

    Who never age in time's passing-

    Recalled in May and November,

    Absent from the empty strkness

    Of the fields we still remember

    With paper poppies and colored bunting

    On grassy slopes sporting white stones

    While bands generate brassy tones.

    Our crowds grow older and smaller

    As they grow younger and taller.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Why do they say malignant narcissist like it is a bad thing?

    Ultimate Idolatry

    Not a moment's whim should lack fulfillment,

    Nor companion shade his light in the least.

    All should labor for his sole contentment-

    Life his solitary movable feast.

    Ladies are charmed bending to his will

    Yielding expected cooing and friction,

    His chums hang about never standing still

    All swearing to any passing fiction.

    The world is his to spoil, steal, or toss out

    And when by chance he fails to have his way

    His is the given right to rage and pout

    Should amusing mortals fail to obey.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Is humor where you find it?

    Making Light

    "You make light of death,"

    They told me, disapproving,

    As though death were sacred."

    "I make light of death

    Every morning with each heart beat

    And shall do so until we are one,

    Death and I, joined together.

    Then I will make light of life

    Until we unite anew

    To make death once more a joke."

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Does the truth prevail over the yapping of the pack?

    In the End

    Scandal, rumor and slander

    Are writ large on page and screen,

    Yet, facts are stubborn things

    That survive the harshest clime

    To root and sprout and grow

    Until the time has come

    And they creep to center stage

    Silent on soft cat paws

    To become evident to all

    For truth is persistent

    While malice perishes

    In the clean, clear light.

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't life forecasters be handy?

    Weathering the Whethers

    Life models itself

    After the changing weather

    Day to day

    With clumps of years

    Acting like seasons-

    Bright days and stormy ones

    In warming spring

    Or a season in hell.

    Will it rain today?

    What job should I get?

    Will the hurricane hit here?

    Is this really love?

    Is a blizzard coming?

    So,it's the nursing home for me?

    Chance and choice dancing a merry jig

    Of consequence and surprise

    From spring to winter

    And our final blip on the radar.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Where do these things come from?


    Now and then I awake smelling black powder

    And tasting alkali dust- wondering why?

    Once I floated above myself laying on a bed

    Then was back in my body in a flash- perhaps a dream?

    Was it a past life or Tarzan movies

    That made Swahili come to me easily?

    Or is it parts of things I know

    Melding together to make a similar, newer life?

    Sometimes I think love felt better

    Than it ever really has- wishing vainly?

    Am I remembering, or creating the legend

    That will live after me among strangers?

    Perhaps I am a character

    In a poorly written tale with a vague ending.

    I have danced with death

    And basked in bright suns in dark lands.

    Then I awake and decide it is but a dream

    Yet miss the apparitions visiting in the night.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do we all wander the same paths?


    People change little from continent to continent-

    The odd custom here and there, different food-

    But, all love and hate, wonder about life,

    And fear what they don't understand.

    They all die and don't want to,

    Or can't die and do want to,

    But they all have regrets and dreams.

    Some find hopelessness easier

    And live with it longer, or much shorter

    As fortune and karma will have it.

    In the end few of our names are known

    Longer than a generation or two

    Lacking great works of good or evil

    To make other generations wonder as well.

    Then we all go home, or lie forgotten in foreign sod

    Having wandered and wondered our last.

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A spring/winter/spring haiku for consideration?

    flowers sprout early,

    dying as winter returns-

    then zephyrs spread seed

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What light do we shed?

    Lighting the Way

    People enter our lives

    Bringing radiant light

    That illuminates our spirits,

    Then dies to mere embers

    Before we enter others lives

    Bathing them in a brilliant light:

    It is then we realize

    What we saw as ten great suns beaming

    Were coals to the one who lit our path.

    How bright are dim embers

    When they enter our lives

    To banish our darkest times?

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Does love find a way?

    Love's Fate

    Love, lust and affection

    Dance merrily through life

    Disguised in human form

    For a day, a month-

    Perhaps, a year, or to the close of our lives.

    In the end as we ponder

    All we have done and felt,

    It is not the loss of each love

    That we return to reflect upon,

    But, the moments love held us aloft-

    All pain is cast away

    On the flood of fond memories:

    And, we close our eyes lastly

    With a smile in our hearts,

    If not on our lips,

    As we fade.

    11 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Your thoughts on the dark side of romance, perhaps?


    Dark souls twisting in the night of their own minds,

    While shining in the eyes of others,

    Contemplate if they are unloved,

    Or merely the unloving with yet another ephemeral-

    To be sworn to undying devotion,

    And to have same extracted painfully

    Under mutual duress:

    Each saying, "Love me, or learn of Hell."

    All that springs from hearts and flowers

    Sinks into blood and money.

    All that begins with "I do"

    Ends with "You will."

    And, end it does.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Comments on the poem please?

    Mage Camp

    Three million words on newsprint

    For good or ill to the cast of players.

    Stories of low adventure

    Summoned from a mirror

    And high ideals taken from a dream.

    Songs of friends long dead,

    Foes dead sooner still,

    And friends lingering in woe.

    Poems of what has been,

    What might have been,

    And what may still come to pass.

    Prose to solve the mystery

    Of what builds a self

    Over long changing years,

    And a double handful of fairy dust.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • So time is a human construct?

    Time Cats

    Some say time is not real,

    Just a human construct,

    But cats sense time better

    Than their owners' alarms.

    Scientists say now that

    Time stands still in black holes.

    How can something unreal

    Stand still or move at all?

    Perhaps time began with

    Cats sleeping in the sun,

    In a dream where they saw

    How to be fed on time.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Comments on this short poem about life?


    Life turns upon a wheel,

    Renewed like spring flowers,

    Or trudging to an end-

    No matter how we feel,

    Despite the counted hours,

    We go from now to then.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Is the universe a message?


    Imagine that each planet

    And every moon are letters encrypted,

    Each star is a haiku of wonder,

    The galaxies all sentences of beauty,

    And the universe an encyclopedia

    Of songs to every sight and feeling in all creation-

    Our purpose is to add a song or two,

    Read those of our brothers and sisters,

    And learn the knowledge offered to our eyes.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Comments on thoughts of where and when?

    Streams of Time and Space

    I find myself seeing time

    Flowing like water

    To the sea of space

    Where they mingle and intertwine

    To where here and now

    With there and then blend

    To create somewhen and somethen

    As real as somewhere and now-

    Universal recycling

    Of time, space, matter and souls.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago