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  • Where is this island?

    Not sure if anyone knows or not, but I saw this and thought it was so cool! Disregard the forever alone guy....

    2 AnswersGeography9 years ago
  • Can infected anal glands cause diarrhea?

    For about one and a half days my dog has had very, very, very watery diarrhea which she does not seem to be able to control. A few days ago I noticed a yellowy thick discharge coming from her privates but I didn't take her to the vet because it went away by itself. Today I noticed it again, in addition to the diarrhea. She has had this watery diarrhea before, without the discharge though. After we got her fixed it didn't happen again. The last time she had it was in november, and before that in august, so I guess it is recurring, but not frequently. Each time we have taken her to the vet and they give her antibiotics and we feed her the bland diet and it goes away. We haven't taken her to the vet yet because it is so expensive each time, but I was just wondering if the anal glands could be the cause this time? I also began to notice the discharge a few days after we took her to be groomed, could that be a factor as well? She is a year and 3 months old if that matters. Thanks!

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can you be both a veterinary surgeon and a veterinarian?

    Do you get separate degrees for each or do you get a DVM degree then go to school to be a surgeon after?

  • How to dungeoneer solo on runescape?

    I just cant figure it out... i tried going in the free for all barrier but then i just sit there forever.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Will getting my dog spayed change her personality or behavior?

    I've heard lots of stories of people getting their dogs fixed and then after that they just aren't the same. I love her personality and I really don't want that to change. She is a little hyper sometimes, will that change too? Of course I want to get her fixed anyways because the health benefits outweigh the negative effects but I'm just wondering. She is exactly 1 year old if it makes a difference. Thanks!

    13 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Do you own a car at the end of a lease?

    I'm a little confused on how a lease works. I know you make monthly payments and it's cheaper than buying and paying monthly, but when the lease is over and if you have paid the value of the car in total, do you own the car? If not, what happens after that?

    8 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Will my dog's hair ever grow back normal?

    I have a lab/poodle mix (labradoodle) with the fluffy fleece type hair. We took her to be groomed and they shaved her completely down because she was "too matted". (She was not matted, and this place has a reputation for just saying that and then shaving dogs, if i had known i would not have taken her there, needless to say we will not be going back). Anyways, that was back in August and her hair was about 1/4 inch long. Now it is back to normal length, but she has these coarse hairs along her back from her neck to her butt. They were there before, but spread out in all the fluff so you could barely notice. She has the "fluff" everywhere else, but she ever be all-around fluffy like she was before? She is 10 months old if it matters. Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Syncing ipod trouble?

    I used to use our desktop computer to sync my iPod, but then it got a virus that wiped out everything on it. I tried to use itunes on my laptop but this message came up like "if you sync with this computer it will erase all the contents of your ipod and replace them with this library" so I didnt sync. I recently re-installed itunes on our desktop and now the same message is coming up. I logged in to my itunes account and everything, but i can't see if my music library is there or not because some stupid tutorial screen comes up when i click "music". Is there any way i can keep the contents of my ipod??

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Will Rosetta Stone HELP me become fluent?

    I know it doesn't really cover verbs so well, but say if I purchased a good verb/grammar book and used both of them would I be able become nearly fluent in a language? I want to learn Italian and if I bought it I would get levels 1-5. Any experiences/reviews are helpful!

    7 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Can you damage a puppy's hearing....?

    If you use a blowhorn? My puppy barks a lot when she wants attention (which is always) and if you ignore her she will jump up on you. She knows what she is doing is wrong, because if you look at her like you're going to say something she jumps back down. She is almost 7 months old, so she really needs to learn that it's not acceptable to do those things. She doesn't like loud noises, so we have been using a blowhorn (like the kind with compressed air) when she does that. It works, but I was wondering if it does any damage to her hearing? Are her ears more sensitive because they are still developing? Thanks so much!

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Does the name on an envelope matter as long as the address is right?

    For example, could you put...

    "Mr. One-eyed One-horned Flying Purple People Eater" , followed by the correct address and everything? Does the post office pay attention to the name on the envelope and make sure it matches the address? Kind of a strange question haha but truthful answers are appreciated!

    3 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Stocking ideas for a 20 gallon tank?

    I have a cycled 20 gallon (long) tank and I need some ideas to stock it. I like to have fish that will breed pretty easily, but i've already done the whole livebearer thing and i am looking for something a little different. I was thinking 2 dwarf gouramis and maybe like 3 platys and a few shrimp. Can those all get along? Are the gouramis hard to breed? Any other ideas are appreciated!

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • When to start socializing a puppy?

    We just got an 8 week old puppy, she will be 9 weeks in a few days and receive her 2nd set of vaccinations (the breeder's vet starts vaccines at 6 weeks). I know she has already had some socialization with the other puppies from her litter, but I want her to be a mild mannered dog and not one that is fearful of everything. In the future I hope to have her certified as a therapy dog, so obviously it's important that she is properly socialized and not skittish or overly-excited about things. I've been told mixed information, some people say it is okay to carry your dog around places as long as it does not have contact with the ground and other dogs, and you could even bring it to Petsmart as long as it stays in the cart. Others say you must wait until the last set of shots before contact with other dogs or going to the park or even outside of your own yard. So far she has had her Distemper/Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parinfluenza, and Leptospirosis shots. Any tips or advice would be so helpful!

    Thanks so much!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How long did it take you to house train your puppy?

    We are getting a lab/poodle mix (I would say labradoodle but that seems to be badly percieved here), and I know that both labs and poodles are very smart dogs, but does that make a difference in house training? And about how long was it before you could "safely" leave your dog inside without worrying about accidents?

    Thanks so much!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How long did it take you to potty train your labradoodle?

    My family is getting one this summer, and it will probably be a female if that makes any difference. Also, how did you do it and were there any mistakes that you would want someone else to know?

    Thanks so much!

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why won't runescape work?

    All of the sudden, runescape stopped working on my laptop. I have a PC, if that makes any difference. I have uninstalled and reinstalled java already. When i try to log in, i can get as far as the world select screen/lobby part, then when i click to start the game one of two things happens: 1- it says "loading, please wait" and then never loads. 2- it loads a black screen with the little compass in the corner and thats it. Please help!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Arnie's bakery frosting recipe?

    Does anyone have the recipe (or something close to it) for the Arnie's bakery frosting that they use on their cupcakes?

    Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is hot glue safe to use on aquarium decorations?

    Will it pollute the water? Does it fall apart? What should I look for on the label to make sure it's safe?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Are there any cichlids that can live in a 7 gallon tank?

    Hi, I have this 7 gallon tank that I used to house my platies in but now I have moved them and it just sits around. I really love cichlids, they are so pretty! Are there any kinds of cichlids that can live in that small of a tank? I would want a pair of them, not just one. Please give me the common names. Also, if you have any experience breeding in a small tank like that, what fish did you use? I'm open to all suggestions!

    Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can I use a 150 watt (40 gal) heater in a 20 gallon aquarium?

    Will it like boil my fish? Can I just keep it on low? It came with my 20 gallon kit,

    so I assume it would be okay. I haven't put it in yet, should I buy a smaller one?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago