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I'm 11 years old, and a competitive figure skater who wants to learn gymnastics. There are so many shows out there about ballet and gymnastics I want to do gymnastics. I'm going into 6th grade and I play flute.

  • What to do at a swim meet?

    What do you do at a swim meet if your on a team and are not competing? You can't really bring a book or like anything that would get wet. Just wondering cuz meets take a long time.

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving8 years ago
  • How should I do my hair?

    This is for solo ensemble, a music festival. Here is a link to my out fit.

    Not sure what shoes... any suggestions are appreciated. Make up ideas would be appreciated too.

    I was thinking a chignon and a flower pin but I'm not sure. Any hairstyles directions, pictures, pinterest, or youtube channels would be great!!!

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Does this outfit look okay?

    I'm buying this for solo ensemble. Yes this is from the girls section. I don't usually buy from girls section but my mom is taking me shopping. My mom is highly opinionated about the junior section at kohls. She thinks those look ******.

    tell me what you think of this out fit people. What shoes should I wear with this?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • What are some songs I can volunteer to play on flute at my church?

    I love playing the flute. I'm in 8th grade just love practicing and making music. I also love volunteering at my church. I want to combine these two things... so what are some songs I could play at my church and what time of the church year? I go to a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church. We use the Lutheran Service Books there. If that helps. I would like to play songs in the summer too because when there is no school there's not much music to play Please no rude comments.

    I volunteer at Christmas on the Christmas Eve. Candle lit service. I play songs on flute then. So don't answer stuff about Christmas.

    I would just like to know some songs I could play during the summer. I usually get to play during communion or offering

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What does it mean if your teacher...?

    Ok I'm a good student. I get good grades. I have a 4.00 right now. In my social studies class we were doing mock trials at my school. One day we had to turn in a packet. By accident I had some things written on the front page I had it bulleted and wrote:

    *act chirismatic

    * do not act snotty, or bitchy get

    people to like you

    So today it lunch he brought it up he took me aside and in the hall so other people wouldn't hear it. And this is exactly what he said: "Now usually I don't have a problem with you. Your a great student and everything. Can you tell me what's wrong with this? I said, "Oh that was a mental note to myself." He just nods his head. I continued on and said," I really should have erased that I honestly didn't meant to offend you or anything." Then I said, "When the lawyers were interviewing me in the hall they told me to act this way so people will be on your side (I was the defendant) they said female dog though". Teacher then says, "I get if people accidently say that or something, but writing it on paper and turning it in.." I go "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything it was a mental note to me and I should have erased it on the paper before turning it in." "I had a lot of makeup work to get in and I totally forgot."

    He goes, "Ok I believe that you wouldn't do that lets treat this like an aberration."

    What does that mean???? Does this mean he is going to give me a detention, or like call my parents or something?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • What do you learn in Parks and Rec Gymnastics?

    So I'm going to do the spring Parks and Rec Gymnastics and they separate it by age not by skill level. What do you think they will teach? What do you learn in parks and Rec gymnastics?

    3 AnswersOther - Sports8 years ago
  • Am I too big to pull of the legging and pants style?

    So I'm 13 years old. I go to middle school and have measurements of waist:25 bust:31 hips/seat: 34/35

    I don't exactly know what size I'd be in jeans for Juniors, I have only bought shorts in the junior section and I was a three, but I went up on a few of those pairs because the size below was too short.

    Do you think I'm too heavy to pull off the leggings as pants style? Again I have measurements of 25-31-34/35

    I'm thinking of wearing my grey almost knee high boots, a tunic, and a cardigan. Do you think that would look ok? It's a hollister tunic, and h and m cardigan. If anybody has any different style suggestions please ask away. And does anyone know what the skin tight yoga pants are called? Those are a little thicker then just wearing leggings.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Need fashion advice for tomorrow?

    This is the absolute night I need help on. I'm in 8th grade and in my social studies class. In social studies tomorrow we are doing mock trials. I have a male teacher and he said that the lawyers need to look professional, the adults need to dress up, the witnesses don't have to since your all students, but the defendant should dress up a little. I'm the defendant so what should I wear?

    He then said I'm a guy so you'll have to translate this to girl fashion,"if I'm a student and I usually wear holed jeans or skinny jeans then I would wear jeans with no holes and a polo."

    I was thinking of wearing a floral mini skirt and a matching shirt it's a black cotton t-shirt but has pure lace sleeves. I was going to pair this up with a pair of flats. Is this too dressy?

    Option number 2: Or should I wear leggings a tunic and boots. I will probably get yelled at though because leggings are see through and we have a dress code here

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Is this a dental emergency?

    I have traditional braces. I go in on the 10, but I don't know if I should call and schedule sooner. I was brushing my teeth last night and a tie comes out. The tie was on the tooth right after/before the band. So the bands wire is poking and I'm not sure if it's in the right place. The wire was poking before too so that doesn't really help. And you could put wax or sugarless gum in till the 10th but that's a pretty long wait I think. It's 13 days and I know the typical guideline is if your appointment is in 8 days or less then don't call and reschedule. Obviously I know this is going to delay treatment along with all the broken brackets from caring.

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • What do accountants do all day, do they have to be extremely good at math?

    Hi I'm 13 and in school we're doing career planning so we can plan the high school classes we want to take. I really want to be an accountant but am not in the advanced math classes, and an not extremely good at math. I have an A 98% in the regular math class. Would I be able to become an accountant? Do accountants work in cubicles all day too? Is it true you have good people skills? Do you have to be familiar with Microsoft Office Excel too? Do you count money too? Just wondering since its call accountants and its got COUNT in it. It would be really helpful if you can answer any of these and maybe tell me a day in the life of an accountant type thing? Is it hard to be with family and/or be a mom involved in your child's life or are you basically just busy busy busy and miss most of their childhood? I know I'm only 13 and too young to plan my whole life, your young just live your supposed to make mistakes yada dada dada heard the spiel from many people. Thanks

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Do I even need to get my wisdom teeth removed, If I still have braces on at the time they are growing in?

    Hi I'm 13 right now and am in 8th grade. I recently got braces on. I have had them for about a half of a year in January. I'm supposed to have them on for two or three years depending on how well I take care and how much I keep up with my elastics when I get them later on. But by the time I'll get them off I will have to get wisdom teeth pulled. Since I'll still have the braces on when they come in do I even need them pulled? Thanks. And I know your not a dentist so how the h3ll am I supposed to know.

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • Why does this keep happening? Why me?

    So I have the traditional braces with the brackets and ties and wires. I go in every month to get them tightened or worked on. This is my 5th month with braces on. I keep breaking brackets too. It's not even when

    I'm eating either. The brackets always break when I'm caring for them, I am caring for them properly too.

    I follow everything the orthodontist says with care. I never cheat either with things she says you can and can't have. Some people say that the cement on the braces wears off from sugar and stuff. Like if you eat lots of sugar. Is this true? Do you think I have to much sugar for them if I have a cup of juice every morning, ice cream or some other type of dessert every other night, and only have one can of soda on the weekends? (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)

    Can anyone give me any tips on how not to break brackets or what I might be doing wrong? Thanks so much people who have serious answers. People who answer and actually answer seriously can I ask you other questions about braces?

    5 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • How much does being on a sychronized skating team cost? Just the cost for the year (with costumes and travel)?

    I'd like to join this sycronized skating team called Wisconsin Edge but I have no clue how much it would cost and my mom said If I wanted to do it I had to find out how much the cost/per year is (We know you pay for hotels, costumes, travel, ice time, and the required stuff) So please help tell me I know its going to be really expensive!


    5 AnswersIce Skating9 years ago
  • How Much does it cost to take moves in the field tests?

    Does it cost anything to take the ISI moves in the field skating tests. I only because someone told me it did but I don't really know I tried googling it but it only told me the different levels. Can anybody tell me if it does and when/what months they are offered I skate at the Pettit Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin if that helps

    1 AnswerIce Skating9 years ago
  • How Can I keep up with figure skating with the state of economy?

    How can I keep up with skating although I don't have a lot of money (well my parents) and finished all the basic skills program? I want to continue doing skating and become more active but we don't have a lot of money and I've been doing it since I was five I don't just want to quit. So I need your guys help or tips of how to keep up and afford skating now. Does anybody know of figure skating programs that are affordable (for instance we can't afford syncronized skating anymore)

    4 AnswersIce Skating9 years ago
  • What Color Braces Should I get? Quick! Hurry!!!?

    I have auburn/red brown hair and since its summer there are some blonde strands in it but those won't last long. I'm getting them tomorrow at 4:00 P.M. so hurry up and answer I tottally forgot to pick out a color.

    And anybody have tips on how to stay pretty although lets face it everyone is ugly in braces? Is it true that its hard to kiss with braces on? Is it also true that lipgloss and braces go good together?

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • Am I too old to join gymnastics?

    I am thirteen and a girl and I don't know if I should join gymnastics or not I really want to, but I don't want to be stuck with little kids

    6 AnswersOther - Sports9 years ago