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  • Please help. I literally feel like I am about to lose my mind. This is regarding dealing with a family member?

    that is a pathological liar. I have gotten to where i cringe when the phone rings and it is her. The more I do not answer, the more she call. Daily now. Without going on and on I will say that she constantly makes up serious conditions about her health. She makes up all the tests she is having done. She forgets the lies she tells me as she calls my mom and gives her a different surgery that she is going to have for the same day. It is sick. If it is not about this, it is all the drama with her and her husband. She is constantly calling and crying that she is leaving him. That he has done one cruel thing after another to her. Truth is they both stay on drugs and drunk. My sister has lied like this all of her life. I know if I confront her all she will do is start crying and denying all of it and go on and on about poor me. I know that I have to cut all ties now, i just do not know how. What can i do short of blocking my number from her. Also, once I do break contact, she will start bothering my

    75 year old mother and asking about me. How do I deal with this. Please please give me advise. Also my sister lives about 3 hours from me and my mom. She refuses to let us visit her and will not visit us. She is very jealous. She does not want me around her husband, which makes me sick to know she thinks like this. Also I know she has told so many lies about us to her husband and his family that she does not want us around them. I have put up with all of this and acted as if I thought nothing of it. I have put up with her sickness so long that I have now made myself sick. I just do not know why I have done this to myself.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Please help. I literally feel like I am about to lose my mind. This is regarding dealing with a family member?

    that is a pathological liar. I have gotten to where i cringe when the phone rings and it is her. The more I do not answer, the more she call. Daily now. Without going on and on I will say that she constantly makes up serious conditions about her health. She makes up all the tests she is having done. She forgets the lies she tells me as she calls my mom and gives her a different surgery that she is going to have for the same day. It is sick. If it is not about this, it is all the drama with her and her husband. She is constantly calling and crying that she is leaving him. That he has done one cruel thing after another to her. Truth is they both stay on drugs and drunk. My sister has lied like this all of her life. I know if I confront her all she will do is start crying and denying all of it and go on and on about poor me. I know that I have to cut all ties now, i just do not know how. What can i do short of blocking my number from her. Also, once I do break contact, she will start bothering my 75 year old mother and asking about me. How do I deal with this. Please please give me advise.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Has anyone heard of a colonoscopy prep that does not allow you to eat for 72 hours?

    This is my second colonoscopy in two weeks. Both required a 2 day prep, both required me not to eat for at least 72 hours. Having to do a 2nd because first was not clear enough. This is horrible. I have never heard of anyone having to fast this long. Can this be healthy? The last time I ate was a 5 pm Monday night, will not be able to eat until after procedure today which is at 4pm. This was the same last week. It is so bad it almost makes you want to just not have it done, however I had a large polyp and must follow up to make sure all is o.k.Waiting on biopsy also. Horrible two weeks.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • How to handle a jealous mother? When to let the relationship go due to mental turmoil causing grown daughter?

    I find myself at a crossroad in my life. My mothers jealousy started about 10 years ago. She made a horrible lies about me and spread it throughout my family and her church. She went through years of constantly putting me down in public. About three years ago it stopped. Now the same ugly behavor has started all over again. I suffer from major deppressive disorder although I have kept a very good handle on this due to my life style change. I am now feeling that I can longer go through this with her. It sickens me to the point of horrible depression. She is jealous of my looks only. She resents getting older and losing her looks. I want to back away from her now all completely. Is there a time that that no other choice can be made?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • I need this question answered by a health care professional or by someone that actually has had a blood clot?

    in their lung, please. I do know this could be life threating. I do know that it causes one to be very short of breath? This is my understanding so far. What I do not know is what kind of pain does one suffer from this This person is now in the hospital being treated for this. This person is also an addict. Her prescribed Avinza which she has been on for 10 years given to her for chronic pain from unknown origin??????? she has lately stated it no longer works and since has been trying to get new pain meds to no avail from her Drs. At least not what she wants. She has been screaming and crying in the emergency room for pain meds. Does a blood clot cause this pain level?

    3 AnswersMedicine8 years ago
  • How would you feel in this scenero? Your son and daughter in law are in the hospital. She is having labor?

    pains. Few hours away from giving birth to your first grandchild. ( quick note, your son has physically and emotionally abused you in the past starting at the age seven. This was done by mocking, spitting on, slapped, trying to push me down stairs, at age 16 threatened to come to my home to beat me up. Also, realize that this behaviour was coached to him by his dad that I divorced when my son was six. Two years ago, my son starts coming around and I really thought he might actually love me by his recent actions.) How would you feel if you were sitting to the side of him and he tells her in front of her mother and sister, "see my mom over there, wont to tell her to get the hell out her, she was not been invited? He did ask me to come there. I just went numb and excused my self from the room.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • I an in hopes that a nurse or someone in the medical field can answer my question.?

    I deal with a family member that stretches the truth more than not. Over the past year she has went on and on about getting ready for treatment for Hep C. Note, in the past she said she had lung cancer which she did not. She is now stating she has decided not to get the tx for Hep C as she states she just does not feel like she can go through the sickness it causes. Now, she is stating she thinks she has serous of the liver. My question, if she had Hep C and all was tested to the point they told her what treatment plan they would treat her with, would they have not checked her liver at that time to see if she had serous or not?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Wondering if any of you have a hard time consuming all the calories one needs in order to maintain their?

    weight? I have never in my life been a big eater however since I started dance for one hour everyday I have lost 21 pounds. I intended to lose 10 pounds but it seems I cannot stop losing. I have added high calorie drinks such as ensure and carnation instant breakfast. I know how many calories I have to have to not lose weight. This is very hard for me to consume therefore I drink many calories. I am still losing weight? Have anyone struggled with this same issue?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How many of you think you could remain faithful to your husband or wife when they are taking a medication that?

    makes having sex impossible. Takes away drive and ability. You married this person when all was normal. Due to whatever reason, this is the end result of treating their illness.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • It is my understanding that if one receives ssdi that they must report all work they do to social security.?

    My used to be friend told me that she does not have to report her work from the last three years because she did not make over the substantial gainful employment amount. She also received 1099s from working the last three years which she never filed. She is now mad at me because she said I have made her sick by telling her that she must call and report this work and file her 1099s. Am I missing something here as I have always been under the impression that if you go to work part time, you must report the work regardless of your earnings. I am on ssdi and I have never not reported any of my past part time work.

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • I need advise please as I am feeling really bad about an email that I sent?

    to the owner and instructor of my jazzercise class. I have been going there for four months. In the beginning the owner was instructing all the morning classes. She was excellent and changed routines almost weekly which your body needs in order to keep working different areas of your body. I also have been an avid exerciser most of my life. Over the last two months there has been another instructor to teach class. I had no problem with her at all, however after two months and not changing the routine in any fashion, I became very uninterested in even going any more.Boredom and not challenging my body at all. I emailed the owner and told her that I was feeling very bored with the same routine and have had to make myself go for the last weeks. I asked her if she could possibly have the morning instructor add new routines. I did say that she had given me a all new meaning to bored to tears. Maybe I should not have said that.. I received no response however the next day the routine was new, workout was great. The owner was there and was very cool toward me. I then came home and sent a letter of apology asking her to please forgive me if I had offended anyone. No response. I am left feeling terrible. Did I do something terrible here?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Christians, do you feel like this site is used by atheists more than anything else to say vile, sick things?

    say vile filth about our Lord. If so, do you sometimes wonder what God thinks of us going on a site where we know that we are going to viewing this filth no matter if which question we are answering. As you know, they have to comment on every question, those that have no desire to hear from them or has anything to do with them. I know they are full of much ignorance but really, do you think God wants us to view this filth. Please do not think you are trying to lead them down the right path. They have made their chose in life. God gives us the wisdom to know where to plant seeds. He has given me more wisdom than to think you can lead someone out of their ignorance that chooses what these people have chosen.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is a weight of 128 pounds on a five foot 6 inch women with medium frame normal? Age is 49.?

    I have began to exercise five days a week for one hour a day. In the five months that I have started this program I have went from 148 pounds to 128 pounds. I believe I look healthy and have no plans to lose any further weight. I have grown over tired of people telling me I am too thin. Some people do not realize this is not a compliment to women. Especially those of us that have tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What may eventually happen to a person that receives ssdi, has worked for the last three years,?

    received a 1040 for the last three years, whom never reported the work to ssdi, and has not filed taxes from the 1099s received?. No, this is not me, never in my life would do such a thing, however is my friend,and has done such a thing. How can I advise her?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Is it legal, or ethical for a pain management Dr. to require the patient to pay for?

    drug testing which he has just starting randomly giving his patients? Testing is fine. Charging me is not. Also, my insurance co. will not pay for this either.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Can a Dr. charge his patient when the insurance co. requires him to send in a pre approval for medication?

    I know how much the Dr and the Dr's staff hate this song and dance the insurance co. wants to play so that they can come up with any reason not to approve the much needed medication prescribed for the patient. Unfortunately it is us, the patients that are getting the wrong end of the deal. We have no control over this and we are the ones left hanging without our medication suffering. I am truly over with the attitude my office gives me when this situation comes up. Now, the Dr.wants to charge $25.00 to me every time he has to make such a call and or complete paperwork regarding this song and dance. Is the ethical, legal?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Atheist, have you ever thought about requesting your own category since you?

    you are not religious therefore have nothing to add to this site except stupid remarks or answering questions that have nothing to do with your opinion and are basically unwanted. If you use the excuse that sometimes you are asked questions on this site, I am sure that those that for some reason want to ask you something could visit your own little site.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is the difference between hollister hunnington jeans and?

    bullhead hunnington jeans? What retail dept store sells the bullhead hunnington?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • This question if for men out there. Do you think that tans obtained from tanning beds look good or look?

    terrible? I think they are horrible looking and sort of makes one look a bit ridiculous? I am just curious.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago