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Atheist, have you ever thought about requesting your own category since you?

you are not religious therefore have nothing to add to this site except stupid remarks or answering questions that have nothing to do with your opinion and are basically unwanted. If you use the excuse that sometimes you are asked questions on this site, I am sure that those that for some reason want to ask you something could visit your own little site.


No, because your an atheist you do not have an opinion on religion. You have already made your deceision, you do not believe. So your input on religion is for not. You do not believe, so thats that. You have choose your destiny. The reason you come on this site is to act stupid. Period. I will pick the honest answer. Also if there were a category for you, none of you would use it. Just my point. You all have nothing to discuss between you. Nothing.

20 Answers

  • Ben
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    But we have so much more fun here...

  • 9 years ago

    Atheism is a position regarding religion, therefore, this is the appropriate category.

    As you have done, lots of people address questions to atheists here. Since I've seen how most believers tell ugly lies about us, I don't want THEIR answers to be the ONLY answers to those questions.

    Also, atheists, as a group, know MORE about religion in general, and specific religions than believers, on the whole. Thus, many atheists are perfectly qualified to answer factual questions about religion.

    This is a public site; anyone can post questions or answers in any category. If you want a site that prohibits atheists from participating, start your own.

    YOU do not own this site, Yahoo does.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Atheism is a position on religion and spirituality, skippy. You also fail to factor in religious atheists such as Buddhists, Jainists, and Taoists.

    Besides, if we left the collective IQ would drop 80 points. This is an open forum. You want to hear nothing but a bunch of Christians agreeing with each other- go to a Christian forum.

  • 9 years ago

    Who died and left you in charge of everything? I can damn well come here any time I want to - it's a public forum. For about the umpteenth time, this section is not FOR the religious and spiritual; it is ABOUT religion and spirituality. "...sometimes you are asked questions on this site" - In the last 24 hours, there have been 199 questions directed at atheists.....and you call that sometimes?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Sophia
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Religions & Spirituality is under Society & Culture. An Atheist can be interested in religions as a science and social study as well as a religious person is. I'm Agnostic, I'm interested in religions' cultural affects, its place in society.

    Does that answer your question? :)

  • 9 years ago

    Categories at Yahoo! Answers are based on the subject you want to discuss, not on any membership requirements. The subject under discussion here is Religion. It's open to people who want to discuss Religion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    We can be atheists and still be spiritual.

    In the same way religion can be un-spiritual

    Also Atheism is the BELIEF of there is no God, and is accepted by many Atheists as being it's own type of Religion.

    So get lost :)

  • Rani
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I, for one, am not an atheist for I do not wish to associate myself with that disgusting label and those people. And, even though I am not myself a woman of faith, I believe that I have a place here. I share with the masses an unbias opinion, since my judgement is not clouded by secular thoughts. Today I answered a question for a very confused girl, asking what she should do about her non-Christian boyfriend. Almost all of the answers besides mine was basically, "dump him quickly." I told her that she should ask first if she loves him, and that God will understand the decision she makes.

    Now just because I do not find myself believing in your God, it does not mean I am heartless and only wish to spread "science." For sometimes even science could be mistrusting, which is the reason they call them "theories," isn't it? I accept and defend anyone's faith, but good sir, since you feel pride in being so cold and hateful, I have no sympathy for you or the like.

    Source(s): Younger than you by a generation, wiser than you by a thousand years.
  • 9 years ago

    u claim to be the one who wouldnt judge or point out. u claim the ones to go to heaven.. u claim the most holy people on earth or something. u know what we found out when we compared ur iq tests with ours? we found out that the average of atheists scored atleast about 6 points more than u guys. u know what makes us special?

    we are not the dumbfcks of this planet. we actually use our brains for things we like to indulge in. we are human beings, u can never be completely good or bad. its human. and if don't like it commit suicide.

    Source(s): common sense.
  • So because I'm an atheist, I have no opinion on religion? Pretty sure that's not how that works...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Have you considered becoming a dentist before you go to All Categories > Health > Dental ?

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