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Lv 31,924 points

Kuro Bear

Favorite Answers15%
  • My ex-friend copied my engagement ring?

    I had a friend who I met through other friends. She was nice, don't get me wrong, but things got weird really quickly... She wanted live next door to me, have me as her MOH at her wedding, be pregnant at the same time, share a baby shower and do a pregnancy photo shoot together, and raise our kids to be either a couple or "BFFs". She also started buying cloths like mine and even EXACT outfits and wearing them on the same day, calling us "twins-ies" all the time... I only knew her for like 5 months at this point.

    Then she bought my engagement ring- the EXACT same ring, and started wearing it as her engagement ring. I was really weirded out and stopped talking to her, but now every time I look at my ring I think of her and it's so frustrating. I used to love showing off my ring and love how it looks.. and it's just all ruined for me. What should I do? It's a beautiful ring, but I'll never be able to sell it for what it's worth... I'm so frustrated. I know she did this on purpose.

    She went into Kays while we were at the mall (I was getting a pretzel) to look "real quick" when she came back she had the ring on and she showed me and yelled "twins-ies!!" :( Please help.

    8 AnswersWeddings5 years ago
  • I'm moving with just a normal sized car?

    My husband and I live in Central PA, and come April, we need to move to St. Petersburg, FL. We just got out of college, and don't have good paying jobs, so we can't afford a grand to move.

    We don't have much, just a small room's worth of things we would really like to bring, and two cats. The problem is, all of our things won't fit in a small four door sadan that we have, and the car isn't suitable for towing.

    So does anyone know of any ways we could get about 4 large totes worth of things down to florida for less than 500 or 600 dollars?

    8 AnswersOther - United States6 years ago
  • What can I have my character eat as a non-human?

    I'm currently partisipating in Nanowrimo, and I'm writing about a character who is experianceing the hell of being stuck between being a monsterous vampire (she was bitten but did not recieve blood from her attacker) a being human (in this book she is the first human to be bit and not drained since the modern discovery of vampires)

    So she's not a blood thirsty vampire, but she isn't human anymore. I was thinking maybe some type of manufactured drink with minerals and Vitamins and etc, but it seems to convieniant. Any Ideas?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • What is up with "my" cat?

    We recently moved into a nice little area in the woods. The house gets hot, so once day we left the door open and this stray cat just comes walking in like it's ours. He was friendly, stayed in for a few hours, then left for the night. Now this is a new ritual for us: wake up, let him in the house, and then at night let him out. He shows up every day like clockwork.

    But something about him is, well, off. He doesn't look... "right" for a cat. He looks like a wild animal. He has the same fur tuffs on the sides of his face and he has long tuffs of hair the spike off the tips of his ears. His eyes are this really weird blue-aqua color that I've never seen before, and he is stocky with paws that are 2X the size they would be on a regular cat. He only weighs maybe 15 pounds, but his paws are HUGE. He isn't a maincoon, I'm sure of that... He doesn't look like any cat I've ever seen. His fur is really thick and plush... is he some kind of bobcat mix? can that happen?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Why is my Toshiba laptop shutting off randomly?

    The battery in it was fried so I have to keep it plugged in. It's only 2-3 years old, but it's going down hill fast. I don't need to defragment it, I know I don't have a virus, and it isn't overheating at all- (It never even gets warm)

    I've only had one other laptop in my whole life and it lasted me 6 years (and I still have it and it works fine, but needs a new battery and charger) Why is this one going to crap so early? I don't play games on it, or download anything, and I keep it up to date on updates. I use it for FB, school and writing stories. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • How to get fleas out of an apartment?

    I had a cat up until about 2 weeks ago, and we always had frontline on him. I never had any problem, and we gave the cat to a good home about 2 weeks ago... Now, out of no where, I am getting bitten by fleas! They are like, attacking me, even biting me through my socks... It's crazy! I have no idea where these little buggers came from, and I have no Idea how to get them out... I have no other pets, by the way... So will they eventually die off? Is there some type of home remedy to get rid of them? I've been vacuuming and cleaning everything to get rid of them. I've even gone as far as to vacuum my mattress. Please help me, I am NOT a dirty person, and this whole thing is really upsetting. I just want these filthy bugs GONE.

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • Cheap, high protein, no soy vegan?

    I was slowly working my way to vegetarian, and planned switching to vegan as I eased into it. But I wasn't taking in enough calories and now I'm having health issues. My doctor wants me to eat 1200-1300 calories a day, 2-3 serving of carbs, and 65-70 grams of protein... But I'm not a big eater. I could eat nothing but fruits and veggies all day long.

    Can anyone give me a few cheap, high protein, and soy-free vegan foods please... or even just so help in general?? I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to go vegan with all these issues. (I'm "allergic" to soy... it just doesn't agree with me :( sucks...)

    I've tried so many times and fail... I really want this, and I've read up on it so much, I just don't know what to do.

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Any really flexable recipes that work as leftovers?

    My mom and I are planning on eating vegetarian 2 times a week, but I've been planning to slowly transition over the next few months. I was wondering if anyone has recipes that are flexible. For example, I want to take leftovers from one day and use them to make something new the next?

    If not, Your favorite veggie recipe works fine too!! :) thanks!

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • I need help with my story please?

    I'm writing about about a girl who is homeless and wanders the country. She has people looking for her, and they want to kill her, but I can't think of why. I've got a few Ideas, but I'm unsteady of if I like them of not. This is a small part of my story, and I am simply asking for suggestions. Any help?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • how to boost weight loss without chemicals and pills?

    I eat fairly healthy, and I've started a gym membership a few weeks ago. I've always been on the bigger side, and my family seems to be a bit bigger than normal people and we all struggle with weight...

    I want to make this clear- I don't want a crash diet or some pills, just maybe a few tips, like, really effective workouts, maybe some foods that help aid weight loss?

    I've gone to gyms before, and i always struggle with the first 15 pounds... once those are off though, I drop the weight like no tomorrow. I've lost about 2 or 4 pounds since December 28th.... Any tips? I've heard you can use apple cider vinegar to help boost metabolism- has anyone tried this?

    Info that might help you:

    i'm 5 ft, 2 inches

    My ideal weight is about 130-140 pounds

    I eat about 1200 calories a day, not because of restriction... that's just all I can really handle. any more and I feel bloated and lazy... :P

    I don't eat junk food- i think it's gross. I eat white bread though... I consider that junk food i guess...

    and no, I don't eat a ton of carbs; i eat fruits, veggies and lean proteins like tuna and chicken.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • My mom hurt her back?

    She was carrying in groceries, (I wasn't home at the time) but she said she had a lot of groceries on her arms and when she turned she felt and heard a "Pop" sound in her lower back. Ever since her back is very sore. She thinks she "threw out her back" (whatever that means) or she pulled a muscle. But she said she heard a pop sound... Anyone know what it could have been? or how to help her? she can walk and bend a bit, but it's sore for her...

    3 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • How to raise money for a friend?

    My friend and her disabled mother live in a run down, trashy, moldy, old double wide. They pay and pay and pay so much money, they try so hard to make things better, but the place is just... it needs condemned! there's mold, broken parts of the floor where if you step in the spot, you will sink like 2 feet into the floor, the ceiling leaks, the plumbing is sucky at best, they have no hot water, is just horrible!

    I feel so bad for them. My friend has high blood pressure, can't sleep, and has been having panic attacks, all from the stress of this trailer that they are stuck in, The have no savings, and every time they manage to get some savings going, something in the trailer breaks and they have to fix it. My friends is only 18, and she works like 6 days a week along with going to school, and she still can't get all the bills paid. They haven't gone grocery shopping in three weeks because they can't pay for it- and they are already on assistance...

    I'm a full time student, but I want to do something so bad. My other friends and I would love to raise like, 3 or 4 thousand to buy a small single wide to give them. We want to tear down the double-wide and give them a new single wide trailer they can hook up to their land. (the land is great btw, it's just their trailer.) How can we raise enough money together. There are zero jobs up here that will hire me with the few hours i am out of school... so help, please!?

    3 AnswersCommunity Service8 years ago
  • How to sneak veggies into food?

    My boyfriend isn't even old enough to drink, but he's got hypertension. I'm convinced it's his diet. He eats poptarts, mac&cheese, buttered pasta, and mcdonalds french fries. Once every month or two he'll eat corn, and even more rarely a salad with iceberg lettuce, cucumber, onion and cheese.

    He puts cheese and salt on everything, and I'm afraid it's really starting to hurt him. He lives on nothing but grains, butter, and sugar. I can't get him to eat anything good for him unless he likes the taste, and I'm running out of ideas. Anyone have any ideas to sneak the veggies? It's ok if he knows, as long as he can't taste them.

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How to medicate anxiety naturally?

    I have an anxiety disorder, and was put on medication three separate times. I used to have multiple panic attacks a day, and the doctor's (three of them at separate times) have said that it's a chemical imbalance. My gram has the same thing, at has lived with it her whole life.

    Now that I'm older and understand how to reason with myself and calm myself, I can usually keep my anxiety under control. It's only 1 or 2 days out of a month that it's really overwhelming and I break down and have a panic attack. I don't like taking medications everyday, especially anti-depressants, because they make things worse and I feel run-down and so... blah. So is there any type of herbs, teas, or other natural anxiety relievers? Something that can calm me down when it gets too hard to handle myself?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Why does my cat STILL have fleas?

    We've gotten him Advantage for cats twice now, and he still has fleas. I could understand it if his fleas had been sever to start with, but they weren't bad at all! He doesn't go outside, or have any contact with the outside- he is a 100% indoor house cat baby. We couldn't get him outside if we wanted, lol!

    But why aren't his fleas gone by now? we've given him the correct dosage, twice in a row, and both times they didn't kill all his fleas. I've used advantage on cat's I've had in the past and it worked wonders, including a time when my entire home was infested with them and nothing else worked.... I just don't understand it. His fleas were no where near bad, so why aren't they gone yet?

    7 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • How do you figure out what God wants you to do?

    I've struggled for years with this deep, gnawing need to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my life. I've experimented with many things, but never could figure out God's path for me. I've prayed and talked to people, and i never seem to get an answer.

    I just feel, deep down to my bones, that there is something I'm supposed to do, something that will effect the world- I just don't know what it is, and I feel this sense of urgency about it. I've always love drawing plans for homes, planning things about homes, and helping people and animals. I've had many people say that I should start a charity..... is that an example of god seeking through people? I just don't to even begin figuring out what I'm supposed to do. Help?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Best weight loss recipes?

    A planet fitness just opened up near my house (Finally!) and I am planning on getting a membership there. So what are your personal favorite weight loss meals? Just wondering, I've been in a bit of a food rut, eating eggs for breakfast, left-overs for lunch and baked chicken/ fish for dinner.

    Also, what are your favorite snacks for on the go? I love bananas, carrots and cucumber, but I am getting sick of just eating them plain. :P

    34 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Christmas gifts for difficult family members?

    I need to start shopping now if I'm going to get every one something. But I can't think of present ideas for a few family members. Best answer gets 10 points! Also, I do NOT have a lot of money- I'm hoping to spend 5 dollars or less on each person.

    1.) The first person is 21, he's a total hipster and I don't really see him that often.

    2.) The second person is a total girly girl, she's addicted to texting, and is 25 years old.

    3.) the third person is my grandpa who is... very hard to shop for. He is a manly man and doesn't show emotion a lot... he is really hard to please, and he owns every clothing, tool, or anything any man could ever have.

    7 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • My cat will not stop clawing! Help?

    My cat claws everything! Sofa, chairs, beds, curtains, the carpet (which now has a hole in it) my feet, legs, arms, hands, and anything else he pleases. We have tried everything to get him to stop. squirting him with water, the 'yelp and stop playing' technique, even gently spatting him with an old fly-swatter (Rest assured, the fly swatter isn't used for bugs- it's so flimsy it won't kill a fly... Litterally! So it doesn't hurt him) Its just so frustrating that we've tried what feels like everything and he's disobedient right in front of us. He'll claw the sofa while we sit on it, if we try to stop him he claws us! We're at the point that we almost want to get ride of him because he is destroying our house and clawing/biting to the point of drawing blood almost daily. We thought about getting him de-clawed but i think it is cruel and the only place that will do anything like that charges $400 for it- needless to say we don't have the money.

    Do not say i'm a bad owner. He has food, water, all the toys he could ever want. I play with him, and do everything i can to make him a happy, healthy cat. we can afford his shots, getting him fixed, and things like medication- just not $400 up front for a declawing. I've had many cats before and non have been like him- hes defiant ans plays way to rough, and when he doesn't get his way he'll throw a hissy fit and claw and bite harder. What can i do?

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago