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  • What Color halter for a sorrel overo Paint mare?

    I am getting a new horse on wednesday, and it has been about 3 years since i ve had a horse so I got rid of all of my old things when I sold my horse. This new horse is a sorrel overo Paint mare, with a wide blaze down her face, what halter color would look good on her? I am obsessed with pink and navy right now but I don t think pink would look good on her (she s a red head!) and navy is too boring for me!

    11 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • Why am I feeling homesick now?

    I am a Junior in college the same college I have attended since I was a freshman, and I feel more homesick now than I ever did as a freshman, to the point where I am almost about to call my mom and have her come get me. we've only been back to school for 3 days and I already am hating it here. I can't understand why I feel like this. I feel alone and useless.

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What is causing me to feel like tthis?

    I get some type of headache almost everyday, sometimes they last from a few hours to all day. I can take motrin and it won't take the headache away, I tried taking excedrin but it makes me shaky. more and more lately I have been feeling nauseous, shaky, dizzy and my face gets super hot and red but the rest of my body especially my hands stay normal temperature or cold. most of the pain is right behind my eyes and goes to the top and back of my head. I have been having the headache thing since I was 16, and my doctor just brushed it off as me seeking attention and related to stress of being 16. I have since changed doctors, but I have not had the opportunity to bring this up to her yet. is this something that should recieve medical attention or should I just wait it out and see if it gets better?

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • complications from a broken ankle?

    I broke my left ankle 4 years ago, in 4 different places, requiring a plate and 7 screws, when we talked with the surgeon she said it would swell for about a year, and here it is almost 4 years later and it swells up almost on a daily basis, I do work at a retail job about 10-20 hours a week, and have memory foam inserts in my work shoes, and try to take it easy while i am at work, and on my off days i ride/drive my horse and pony, but ice and wrap my ankle when i come home. some times when i am rubbing my ankle i can feel the screws under my skin, and it gives me the willies!

    Could I be allergic to the implant? I try to take care of it and not be too hard on it, i switched my style of riding from english to western to help take some of the pressure off of my ankle. what could the swelling be from?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • what could be wrong with my dog?

    I have an 8 year old standard dachshund (family pet), my grandparents watched the dog over the past two days because my mom and I went out of town. my grandparents, especially my grandpa has a habit of over feeding him with treats, and table food, and we tell him to stop because the vet told us he was a little over weight, she said that vegetables were ok in moderation, but my grandpa took that as all the time, when we tell him to stop, he says there is nothing wrong with vegetables "they aren't fatening" so whenever he comes home from over there he is taking massive poops for the next few days. so this morning my mom got up took him out and fed him, i got up a little bit later and noticed that he hadn't touched his breakfast, then he was laying on the couch and I ran my hand over him and he cried when i petted his ear, about 10 minutes later he jumps up on the other couch with me trying to get in my lap, he will sit next to us on the couch but never on us, so that was weird, then i petted him again and touched his leg and he cried, when we took him outside to go to the bathroom he was very slow, and he didn't have a normal poop, i offered him a treat when we came back in and he maybe ate 1/3rd of it and spit the rest out, what could be wrong with him? we are planning on taking him to the vet in a little bit if he keeps acting like this, i just want some idea of waht could be wrong

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • what to do about my current horse situation?

    I sold my horse a little more than a year ago, because I am away at college, and she is the type of horse who needs to be ridden or lunged or turned out everyday and it just wasn't fair to her to be cooped up in her stall all week except for the weekends that I could make it home to excercise her, that and my mother sort of forced me into it, either sell her myself or my mom would get rid of her. after a few months of advertising i finally found someone to buy her, but she is almost 3 hours away, so its not like i can pop in anytime i want. I have been leasing horses on and off ever since, and I just haven't found the connection with the two lease horses that i leased that i had with my old horse, and I find myself feeling quilty that I sold her, especially when a girl at my old barn told me that i should feel bad for selling her, and that I should have come home from school and gone to community college so I could have kept my horse, and when my grandpa who I have always seen as my biggest supporter when it comes to horses, is teling me that I shouldn't have sold her, and that I did poorly at my last show because "a horse is only as good as his rider" that one really stung, it was my horses first show and he was very well behaved, i have messaged the new owner on facebook, just asking for updates, and I saw some pictures and she looks skinny, she was always a hard keeper, and a little on the leaner side, but not this bad, she is 26 now so that maybe a factor. what do i do to

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Show name for sorrel gelding?

    I am currently leasing a 10 year old sorrel Quarter Horse gelding, it is my hope that we are going to get into the show ring at some point this summer, he hasn't been shown in quite a few years, so he needs a bit of a tune up for showing, just at the local level, his name is Jack, he is very cuddly,very laid back, he has a big wide white blaze, and two white socks on his front left foot and left rear foot. I am going to be showing him western and possibly some showmanship. what are some good names? thanks

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • what is causing this pain?

    i have been having the same pain in my pelvic area for the past few weeks, and i have been trying to get an appointment with my doctor but everytime in schedule something i end up either chickening out and canceling it, or end up having to cancel it because of work. i don't know why i am scared to go see what the pain is from. i am taking birth control, but i have forgotten to take it in the past week because i was at the county fair showing my horses and i just forgot to take it. and i was still having the pain when i was off of my pill. i'm not sure if i should wait until i go back to school and see the health care team down there, or go to the ugricare sometime this week, or try to get an appointment to see my own doctor when i am able to come home (most likely not until mid-october because my doctor does not have weekend hours). i've tried taking motrin and tyelonol and nothing works, not even midol. what can i do?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • what could this pain be from?

    so i started on seasonique a few weeks ago, and i was off my medication for a few months before i got my perscription changed, because my old birth control was making me sick. but i notice that off and on i get a twinge of pain in my left lower pelvic area, sometimes in my right lower pelvic area, it hurts, i made an appointment to see my doctor, but ended up having to cancel it because i had to work. but now i'm afraid to call and schedule a new one because my doctor is so booked up, the next appointment is not available until september. i want to go to urgicare but i'm afraid that the doctor will dismiss it as nothing and send me home. what could this pain be from?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • why do i still feel like this?

    in febuary i sold my first and only horse. i ended up selling her because i was at school, and no body was able to ride her and there was no way for me to take her with me, i tried leasing her out, and after many people came out to look at leasing her, my mom maade me put her up for sale, and a girl who is about 14, but lives almost 3 hours away. we delievered her to the farm, at it was a good place. clean and it looked like she would get well cared for. i felt releaved at the time, but as the days went on, i started feeling more and more sad. and regreting the decision, i try to talk to the people that bought her, but i haven't heard anything back from them in a long time. i told them that if they ever wanted to sell her or get rid of her i would take her back. i miss her so much, i am currently leasing a horse from one of my friends but she is super busy with 2 jobs and her life, that she doesn't have time for me to ride her horse. i am currently in counseling for depression, not just related to selling my horse, but my life has been a bit unsavory the past few months. and i just want to know why i still feel so sad, i remember all the good times i've had with my horse and it opens up a whole new wound, and i feel as if i dropped her off yesterday. help please

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • different colors of hunt jackets?

    i am looking into getting a second hunt seat jacket, just as a back up, i am thinking about either a brown or a grey coat, i am riding a sorrel overo paint gelding, would those look good with him? i have a navy jacket now and i am just looking to branch out, my question is if you are wearing a brown or grey coat can you still wear tan or beige breeches or should i get white ones? i was told that white breeches are usually only used for dressage, night or formal classes. i don't have an instructor right now or i would bounce these questions off of her. what should i go with?

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • what does it mean when someone tells you to work on yourself?

    i've been having a pretty tough time this year, i sold my horse, i got beat by two votes for president of my 4-h club by someone who wasn't even at the election meeting, my sorority big sister (who is one of my best friends) graduated, and this year in 4-h i started collecting pop tabs for the ronald mcdonald house, and i asked my head adviser if i could extend it to the rest of the horse clubs in my county, and she kinda dismissed it, like it wasn't a good idea, and i asked her about it again after the meeting if i could go to horse council meetings with her to bring up the idea, and she kind of snapped and yelled at me saying that all the people would do is listen, no guarantees that they would donate. and that really put me on the edge, and made me really frustated, and i feel like if one of the other kids that she likes better would have brought it up, she would have been all on board with it, i texted my 4-h big sister after the meeting, because she wasn't there, explaining what happened, and that i feel like a black sheep, shunned and put in the corner, i use to really love going to my 4-h events and now i feel like i'm walking on egg shells everytime i go to anything with them, so my big told me to take my mind off of 4-h things for a week or so and to take some time and work on myself. what does this mean? to work on yourself? thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • why haven't i gotten a pelvic exam yet?

    i am 18, about to turn 19 in a few weeks, i just saw my doctor yesterday, to adjust my birth control medication, and i asked if she was going to do a pelvic (because i was on my period) just i case i had to reschedule it, she said no. even when i first got prescribed my birth control i didn't have a pelvic. i have never had a pelvic exam before and i am sexually active. is this something that i really need to press her to give me? or should i look for another doctor? she is a family doctor, if that makes a difference, it took me a long time to find a doctor that i was comfortable with after i left my pediatrician, who would not put me on birth control and just laugh it off when i told her i have really bad periods to the point where i am physically sick the day before, and the first few days of it.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • is it ok to wear an english show bow?

    tomorrow i have my first show of the season, and i am showing western, i have shown just english these past two seasons, so i was just wondering if it is ok to show western with an english show bow/net? or should i just use a plain hair net? i'm not even sure where my hair nets are at right now! i feel really unprepared for this show, like prepared wise, we aren;t doing halter or showmanship tomorrow so we are bathing and banding in the morning, what are some other things i can get ready tonight? thanks

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • which costume for a horse costume class?

    i have been looking into costumes to do at my county fair! these are the ideas i have come up with so far:

    Crayola Crayon box- the horse is dressed up like the box and i would wear a crayon dress

    thing one and thing 2: i would put a red sleazy on the horse and make a sign to put on the sleazy that says "thing 2" and i would wear a red shirt that says thing 1, then i would find blue wigs for my horse and i.

    thats all i got, which one sounds like a better idea? or what is a better idea for this class? thanks

    6 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • what color halters for these horses?

    i am taking two paint horses to fair this year, and i wanted to get them nicer halters for fair, they have halters now but they are gross and not that pretty, they are both sorrel overo paints, one is a gelding and one is a mare. i was thinking maybe lime green for the gelding, and a light purple for the mare. no nasty answers please! thanks

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • what is a good costume for a costume contest?

    i am entering a costume class at fair in august and i want to start coming up with ideas so i can make the costume, i was thinking something like crayola 64 pack of crayons but i'm not sure how to start making it! or caution! wet paint what are some other good ideas, i am showing a 15.3 chestnut overo paint gelding, so nothing like "unicorn" or princess" and it doesn't matter if it is able to be rode in i have to walk beside him. thanks!

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • how can i get over selling my first horse?

    i go to college, and i know a lot of college students who are also horse owners, who have had to sell their horses and regretted it. i sadly am one of those people now. i advertised my horse at first for a lease, then everybody that came to try her out would love her, but never get back to me to work out the details, then eventually i decided to list her as for sale, and for a long time i never had any bites on her except for someone out of state, which after talking to my trainer she advised me not to do that, but then someone came along and offered to buy her, and they rode her and loved her,then we decided that my trainer and i were going to drop her off the following weekend. i thought that if i saw where she was going then i'd feel better, its a nice place. i know it was the right thing. but i still feel horrible, i feel so guilty. i miss her so much. so much sometimes it hurts, i cry alot, and people around me don't understand, they say its just a horse, its only a pet. i'm usually ok when i'm at school, then when i go home on the weekends i am distraught, i don't know what to do, all my friends are at the barn, my trainer is like a second mother to me! when i went to help my friend clean her stalls, i got to my horse's empty stall and just completly broke down. i hate looking at her empty stall. my grandpa brought my stuff home from the barn and i just lost it, it took everything i had not to throw everything away. what can i do to get over this, i go from periods of anger and then crying. i can't stand it anymore

    8 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • what is going on with my ankle?

    about 3 years ago i broke my left ankle in 4 places, requiring surgery to put a plate and 6 screws to fix the break. since then, it has been swollen almost every day, i've gotten use to it so i rarely notice if it is or not. then a few days ago it started hurting again and swelling like crazy, and i know i didn't do anything like twist, or fall or jump on it, what could be happening to my ankle? no nasty answers please!

    4 AnswersInjuries8 years ago