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  • will hypnosis work for me?

    My house is a mess my life is a mess my daughter is a mess - in my heart i know thibgs need to change i want a nice clean house i want a nice normal life and i want my daughter to be taken care of better (i don't abuse or neglect her i just let her get dirty and messy and don't bother cleaning her up till bed time and i never make her wear shoes or clothes she not even two ) do u think hypnosis can help to motivate me

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • what are the pros and cons of owning a vizsla?

    I want to get my bf a dog .... hes owned bird dogs and coon hounds and worked them in the past ..... he wants a dog he can work on an irregular basis ... i want a dog who will be a good companion to my 3 y/o male akita ..... hes done well in the past with smaller female dogs . I also want a dog who can keep up with my very hyperactive two y/o daughter .... i my self and not very active but that has to do with my lazy akita who hates the heat and dose not want to take long walks with me ... do u think a vizsla ill work in our family

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • pros and cons of owning a vizsla?

    I am looking for a dog for my bf hes owned bird dogs and coonhounds before .. and wants a dog to work on an irregular basis ... while i want. Decent family pet and companion for my three y/o male akita as well as a friend for my daughter who is very hyperactive ..... i myself and not a very active person but may enjoy a more active lifestyle with the right partner (the akita hate long walks in the florida heat)

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Do boer pgymy crosses make good pets?

    I am thinking of buying two i have a baby on the way is it resonable to think it would be a safe back yard petv

    1 AnswerOther - Pets10 years ago
  • How can I train my 7 month old Akita to Behave around me while preg?

    I am five weeks along and he's recently started jumping on me and pulling on his Leash alot also he rolls around alot when he in bed with me he is not a dominate Alita bye any means and has always been very sweet and careful but some life changes have left him with to much energy and no outlets so what can I do while preg to get him to not jump and not be so hyper

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • I am bi polar 2 and preg how do I avoid steed and depression ?

    I am pregnant with my exs baby we fought alot and it was very hard on me , now I am preg and we are trying to fix things but between the stress of not knowing if this will work or what to do with a. Baby and having to stop taking mess it been hard avoiding depression and I know screaming and crying all the time is bad for my baby so how do I avoid being crazy with out meds or support form anyone

    1 AnswerMental Health10 years ago
  • what kinda of games can i play with my 8 week old akita that wont cause biting?

    i know not to do tug a war and rough housing in a way that makes him want to nip but i want games that will help us bond but not encourage biting .... as i have all but put an end to the biting ...... cause its not cute when hes 100 lbs and thinks some one talking with there hands is enciting a game and they get bite for it

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • i have sinus issues should i stil hold my brand new nephew or not?

    i am prone to sinus infections and stuffyness so i am not normally worried but my sister is about to have a baby and i am worried about makeing him sick . no one else is sick around me and i live with a toddler he is a lil runny from teething but no fever or anything . should i hold the new baby or not

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago


    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago

    the akitas are perfect for me quite loving protective and fun ..... do you think i would like a shiba inu ...... what are the down sides to the breed.....

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • why do i dream of biting peoples faces?

    and clawing them sometimes these people who i hate and that gross me out do things to me sexullay and i liek it in my dream but wake up feeling so gross and angry

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • can u get over or out grown ptsd?

    i was diagnosed with it as a child .. also with attachment disorder .. i suffer from anxiety and depression . also i have trouble being alone and handling my anger ....... what is ptds and do i still suffer from it

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • whats the best way to intrduce and 8 month old pitbull to a new akita puppy?

    the pit puppy gose to the dog park and is happy to meet other dogs now at 4 months but i am worried about when she is bigger will she at around eight months (she will be spayed ) be ok to introduce to a 6 week old puppy . I put a deposite on a new puppy before this pit puppy was abandoned at the dog park and my boy friend brought her home . she is careful with smaller dogs but gets very rowdy with larger dogs ..... what are some things i should owrry about (i have owned akitas before but not pit bulls though i have been around them )

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • i want to jion the coast gaurd?

    i am 21 i come from a mostly military family mostly navy and marines i know very little about th coast guard other then its easier then the the marines and and navy my sister is a marine and she hates it so0o0 much i don't want to be like her and hate something I am stuck with . I am pretty athletic and work well with others . i hva some problems with organization and forgetting things . I am tired of doing nothing with my life and hate hate hate being a bum no job and i failed my math in collage so i lost my funding .... i am thinking maybe this will be the motivation I need to do something with my self ....

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago

    I am 21 and life is not going anywhere ... i love the out doors and the comeradory i have been around the marine coprs and navy most of my life i married a marine my sister is a marine i dont want that crazy of a life style but i do maybe wnat to jion ... steady pay and structered life seem like a good idea.............. whats somethings i should know about the coast gaurd

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • is this a bad age difference to date / casually sleep together?

    newly 18 y/o boy that she has know since he was in 6th grade and my friend 21 , in collage and struggling to get her life together. he's been After her since the 6th grade and now she wants to hook up with him do you think its ok or dose that feel weird to you. granted he like to party and certainly has hooked up with other girls her age ..... not to mention the kid is in no way naive

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • can any one tell me what wrong with my roomate i think he is crazy?

    He was my boy friend for a while then he started getting very angry ALL the time . angry when he woke up angry when he drove angry during sex even . he talked about how he was destined to fail and that there no place in the world for him . he would say something and then I would respond and he argue and say it never happened and that i was lying . he told me my friends hated me when they didn't. he hammered on about every thing that was bad and wrong . when on for ever about un payed bills and how I was using him even after I begged him to stop yelling at me about things I wasn't doing and that if he only ever talked about the negative that he was making me crazy and his rants often ended in me having panic attacks . he was convinced I was cheating on him but all ways wanted space from me . talked about duty and responsibility and personal honor . didn't understand why he could not kill people why he wasn't allowed to hurt people who were bad. often talked about very violent fights he been in or horrific dreams he had . talked about having no emotion and only see in millions of other people in the mirror and not himself . he talked about hating people but always ended up at parties and hanging out . would tell me he hated some one and wanted nothing to do with them and two days later they were at my house with him . dose this sound like any disorder or any thing you know of ............. he slept 15 hours and still felt tired . lost 30 lbs in a year . was suddenly not hungry . lied about stupid things ta ht never happened . spoke with no emotion . said things like a performer stole a song from him that he wrote 5 years ago . and that companies were trying to run hims off . we was paranoid and delusional ....... he admitted to be depressed and feeling like the world had sucked his soul out ...... can any one give me an idea of what wrong with him

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • can I put an igunna in a wire bird cage with a heat rock?

    an igunna is being given to me to hold on to till I find a home for it and its way to big for its cage ..... could i keep him in a bird cage with a heat lamp for a while or will he get to cold ...

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I am 21 and intetrested in a 18 y/o .......?

    I am a dragon / loe he is a capricorn / horse everthing i read says we are not uncompatible its just says we are better off with other people .

    we are both emotionaly weird . he is quite and unsociale while I am loud and happy with people . I do enjoy being quite and hanging out with him he likes to be around me to when I am quite . he lieks to be alone and thats when i see my friends and party ... he likes to party soemtimes to do u think we will work do you think we can balences each other and enjoy together or is it doomed

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Am I a bad person for abandoning her?

    my husband got an akita becuse i wouldnt let him train mine. so i got stuck taking care ofr his badliy trained nuraotic puppy who after our divorce became an uncontollable nurotic dog . when left alone she screamed when left unattnined for a few minutes while i got the mail or chasesed the nieghbors dogs way she would pull out laundry form a basket or open up drawers the get laundry to pee on. She would growl and bark and freak out the whole time my friends were over even after hours of them being there she even snapped at one frined . she had skin problmes and needed expensive food and bi-montly groomings with special shampo's . i dealt with her on my own for a year I am broke no savings nothing I lost my job and had to use my school money (finacail aid )to buy dog food and vet care but the last straw was she began peeing on my bed and sunday night she pee'd on my dogs ashes I cant afford her cant controll her and cant help her so I took her to the aspca. am I a bad person for this ........... Ive never given up on any animal untill her she didnt even like me she wasnt even really mine .... and no my ex couldnt take her hes a marine in okinowa. and the whole year i've had her bye myslef I've been looking for soem oen to take her

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago