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  • What type of cement do i use to make my forge?

    I found a propane tank that i cut the top off of and another old helium tank that i cut the bottom off of. im useing the bottom part of the helium tank for my crucible. im gonna line the inside of the propane tank with cement or mortar but ive heard that cement will blow up if you heat it. ive seen people on youtube use cement but it wasnt regular cement hence it didnt explode. not all of them used the refractory cement thats $150 per 20 kilos. it was just regular stuff in a bag but i couldnt read the bag that well. i could make out what looked like "core mortar grout". is that correct? if not can you tell me what kind of cement or mortar i can use? it cant over expensive either, i would pref if it was $20 or less.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • its my first year in a sport and we have to take showers?

    so im a freshman and we have to take showers after practice. im uncircumcised and im kinda self conscious about it. also i have a hairy butt and i sometimes have pimpils on it. im really embarrassed about these things and they almost make me want to quit....

    1 AnswerMen's Health7 years ago
  • Do you think if i work out 4+ times a week for the next 3 weeks it will be out of my system? (marijauna)?

    so i few months ago(no more than 5 months)i would smoke a whole week(usually once a day, there were a few days that i was with friends all day so i smoked maybe 4 or 5 times that day)i HAVENT been doing that for the past 2 months. i took about a 2 week break after that and since that ive been smoking on saturday and sunday once a day. there have been times that i havent smoked for a week and a half and two weeks. so maybe 4 times a month for the past 2 months. a week and a half ago i smoked half a bowl in two days. i just now smoked half a bowl with my in wrestling and i imagine that they will drug test around the beginning of the school year which starts on the 20th. ive been going to wrestling practice for around the begging of june.ive been going 4 days a week and two eeks i went 2 days. we didnt workout at all on the 4th of july week. i sweat so much that my shirt will be wet for the next fewdays. i will still be working out until we go school. i know they will not drug test until school starts because the summer workouts are not manditory so alot of people dont go. also a drink around 2-3 L. of liquids everyday. mostly water and a pop maybe once every few weeks. i still eat pretty bad though. im about 5'7 and i weigh around 205 - 210. i can bench 170 at my max and squat 230 at my max i wear size 36 sometimes 38 jeans. im kinda chubby but i still have muscle.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • i had sex with my cousin what should i do?

    so i was like 13 and she was 13 too and i had already had a ******* from my last gf which i only had one and me and my cousin were hanging out and it turned into sex. it was only one time about 11 months ago and i never did anything again. anyways no one knows but us two and i thought everything was cool and it was a one time thing but she still tries to flirt and i think i mightve emotionally hurt her cause she has emotional breakdowns now and shes kinda dumb and bad crazy. but idk what to do. should i talk to her about it? we never did anything else and i dont plan on it and i hope she doesnt cause i dont want to be mean to her cause shes emotionally bad already. should i still just flirt with her to be nice? btw my uncle got married to her mom. we have no bloodlines together only marriage and we didnt grow up around each other we just occasionally saw each other on holidays and half of those she wasnt even there.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • What version of Linux should I get?

    So I built a new PC and it's a gaming PC but I can't afford windows right now so I gonna get Linux and use it for a few weeks. My question is, what version of Linux should I get? Im gonna be playing games like tf2, WoW, LoL, the half life series, portal so which version of Linux would be best for this type of gaming? I might actually end up using Linux full time if I like it. Also could you send me a link of where to buy the version of Linux you recommend?i have to buy it causes don't have access to the internet on my PC cause I don't have an os.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Whatsaresome more songs by Tupac or like them?

    I like most of Tupacs songs that ive heard but what are some more songs of his like Hail Mary,Ghost, and Ambitionz as a rider? any by other rappers?

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • Why do people use hand saws instead of table saws? Is there some advantage?

    So i watch alot of youtube, its like all i do and i watch alot of woodworking videos and i know that the people have saws that could cut through the wood in like 2 seconds or less but the videos are sped up and it takes like 30 seconds watching them cut it with hand saws when in reality it took like 30 min im guessing. so my question is, why do they do this? are you not supposed to use power saws on certain wood?

    9 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Should I take to a computer shop?

    Okay so I built a PC and my monitor won't turn on. I was using an dvi to VGA adapter to try and get my monitor on but it didn't work so I tried an hdmi to hdmi mini adapter and it doesn't work either. So plugged and audio plug in into the audio jack and I plugged it up and there's no beeping. Also my optical drive opens and blinks and all my fans and LEDs come on too. So do you have any suggestions? Should I just take it too a computer shop?

    2 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • How do I tell if my motherboard is dead?

    Alright so i built a new pc and i cant get a signal to my monitor. i have a graphics card. there are no onboard graphics. my gpus fan turns and is on when i hot porn and so is my cpu fan and my case fan hooked up through my motherboard. even though theres still power going through it, could my motherboard be dead? ive tried two different monitors and neither have detected a signal. i have it hooked up by a dvi-i dual link adapter that adapts it to a vga cable and thats how its hooked up. so how do i know if its my cords or my motherboard? btw i know that the gpu works cause it was my friends and he just took it out and put in a new 780 so he gave me his 650 and it work in his.

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware7 years ago
  • What should I use to power my case fans?

    So I have two fans that I'm hooking up in my build, and it's my first build alone, and I don't know if I should hook them up to my psu with molex connectors or to the motherboard. Both of my fans have the molex and motherboard connector. Will hooking them up to the psu have any affects? Like will they run better since it's a straight power supply? If I hook them up to my motherboard will they speed up and slow down according to how hard my systems running?

    2 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • I just built my PC and screen won't turn on?

    So I just built my PC. I didn't put the hard drive in but everything else is in. The reason I didn't put in my hard drive is cause it's still in the mail but should be here tomorrow so I thought I might as we'll build the rest of it. Anyways I out it all together and everything works except the video. I turned it on just to see if it worked and I plugged in my keyboard and my mouse and they both lit up and so did my psu. My fan on my gnu also started blowing. I didn't hook up my fans yet either btw my gpu just has one on it. So everything's hooked up and I have it plugged into my monitor and I turned it on and I hear my gpu fan running and I opened my DVD reader and it did that and everything seemed fine except that it didn't have any video. I don't have a dvi port on my monitor but the gpu came with a dvi to VGA adapter so that's hooked to the back of my PC and then my VGA to my monitor. I also touched the top of my CPU when putting it into place I didn't touch the bottom or any pins but I did touch the top. Could that hurt my CPU? Do you think it's just my VGA cord? It's been used before. I don't have any other pcs that I can hook it up to to see. I don't think it's my dvi adapter cause it was brand new.

    1 AnswerDesktops7 years ago
  • I just built my PC and screen won't turn on?

    So I just built my PC. I didn't put the hard drive in but everything else is in. The reason I didn't put in my hard drive is cause it's still in the mail but should be here tomorrow so I thought I might as we'll build the rest of it. Anyways I out it all together and everything works except the video. I turned it on just to see if it worked and I plugged in my keyboard and my mouse and they both lit up and so did my psu. My fan on my gnu also started blowing. I didn't hook up my fans yet either btw my gpu just has one on it. So everything's hooked up and I have it plugged into my monitor and I turned it on and I hear my gpu fan running and I opened my DVD reader and it did that and everything seemed fine except that it didn't have any video. I don't have a dvi port on my monitor but the gpu came with a dvi to VGA adapter so that's hooked to the back of my PC and then my VGA to my monitor. I also touched the top of my CPU when putting it into place I didn't touch the bottom or any pins but I did touch the top. Could that hurt my CPU? Do you think it's just my VGA cord? It's been used before. I don't have any other pcs that I can hook it up to to see. I don't think it's my dvi adapter cause it was brand new.

    1 AnswerDesktops7 years ago
  • How close is pluto to absolute zero?

    if its not near it are there any planets or comets that are below zero?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Does the ta970 have a wireless reciever?

    i just bought one form newegg and it says onboard lan. does this mean i dont need an ethernet cable or will i still need one?

    1 AnswerDesktops7 years ago
  • Where can i buy windows 7 64-bit?

    Im doing a pc build, my first one thats me solo. I dont know where to buy windows 7 64 bit. where can i get it online. i found it on newegg but its $99. isnt there a cheaper version than that? btw i want 64 bit not 32.

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Whats your favorite UFC fight?

    Whats is your favorite UFC fight? Mines probably Brock VS. Cain Because I liked how brock made fun of valasquez by saying he was going to eat a burrito after the fight and then he got beat pretty badly.

    1 AnswerMartial Arts7 years ago
  • Can girls only get pregnant during their periods?

    None of this happened im just curious. Say that i have sex with a girl a week before her period, can she still get pregnant if i come in her? What if its a few days after her period? If she cant get pregnant from sex before her period then what would be the closest time that she could have unprotected sex before her period? Like if we had sex 1 day before it could she get pregnant? Howa bout 2 days? can you tell me the shortest time. sorry i nkow its a lot of questions.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Does everyone know when theres gonna be a tornado?

    whenever theres a tornado is it like a nationally known thing? like i live in oklahoma does someone in new york hear about it if theres a tornado here in ok?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events7 years ago