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i'm crazy.

  • ich and fungus invasion!?

    I asked a question about my fish the other day, but the issue continues.

    I have a 10 gallon tiger barb aquarium. Two plays share this aquarium - no nipping issues, they seem to get along.

    However, as of a few days ago, i noticed at least one of the fish had ich and then, it seems others have a white, filmy "fungus" or some other issue. One of the barbs acts normal some of the time, and then he will go to the top, twirl, spin. Another barb is missing entirely, so he's either hiding somewhere and dying or already dead.

    There is also an opaque, white "growth" inside the aquarium - on the glass, on some of the plants. It's a disaster.

    Everything was fine in that tank, until the day i stupidly bought 2 platys at Petco.

    I am treating the tank with Pimafix. When i asked my initial question the other day, someone said Pimafix doesn't cure Ich; however, in my research I have found people do treat Ich with Pimafix. So i'm a bit confused.

    Since there is a white "growth" here in there in my aquarium, i was considering cleaning it today. Even though i don't want to stress the fish out, i'm wondering if a cleaning would help.... or if adding new water would be detrimental.

    My roommate suggests i call the fish store, but the truth is, i don't have the resources to rush out and buy medications, etc., this week.

    I hope this question wasn't all-confusing, and that someone can give me advice. I'd appreciate it quite a lot.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • ick outbreak in my tank?

    i (stupidly) bought two fish from Petco, who i noticed had ick the minute i brought them home. I started treating the tank immediately, removed the carbon in the filter, etc.

    after a week of treatment, the fish seemed to have recovered, so i did a 1/3 water change, and things were fine -- for three days.

    Now, two of my fish are acting sick - one is on his way out, and i'm sure he'll be dead by the end of the day. Two "sick" ones don't have noticeable ick, but three others do. It's like a nightmare; however, i only have eight fish in the tank. It's a bow-front 10 gallon tank, so can't hold many fish.

    I have turned the light off in the aquarium and put a towel over it to reduce stress. I dont know if this will help, but thought it was worth a try.

    I'm treating the tank with Pimafix.

    I was wondering if anyone had advice for me, besides never to buy fish from Petco.

    thank you

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Question regarding Tiger Barb Behavior?

    I have a tiger barb tank with six fish in it. Three of these are green tiger barbs. While i know that tiger barbs will rest or sleep in an almost vertical position and will seem to be "shimmying" a bit, one of my green barbs frequently takes this position, and instead of resting, her top fin is totally expanded/open, and her entire body seems to shimmy more fiercely than i've ever seen any of them do.

    I was wondering if she could have an air bladder or other issue, and hope that someone can answer. I'd really appreciate any input.

    If it might be her air bladder, is there anything i can do?

    thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • Regarding supplements for dogs?

    Hi... i have been giving my dog fish oil for several years (Nature's Best brand), and since she's going to be 8 years old, the vet recommended i start her on a glucosamine supplement this year.

    My intention was to give her the same thing i'm taking, as I can't see a difference between the ingredients on the glucosamine/condroiton label for human consumption, versus the pet brands.

    Any thoughts? thank you in advance

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • question about aquarium snail?

    Hi... i set up an aquarium earlier this month. This is the first aquarium i've had in a long while, and i have a question about a snail someone bought for me.

    The snail has a yellow shell, and i'm not sure of the name of it, since i wasn't the one who purchased it. The snail's shell is about 1/2" from tip to tip.

    When i got the snail, i put it carefully into the aquarium on one of my plants. It seemed to just sit there for two days, doing nothing.

    This morning, i see the snail's shell laying on the bottom of the aquarium, and the animal is gone... shell is empty!

    I am perplexed over what happened to the animal. I have several fish in my aquarium, almost all of them are youngsters. These are the types:

    2 angel fish, about 1-1/2" from mouth to end of tail

    3 green tiger barbs, youngsters

    3 cory cats (one is an adult, good sized, the other two are juveniles)

    3 guppies

    1 algae eater

    1 platy

    Is it possible that my fish ate the snail?

    thanks for your responses.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Sound and Network Icons have disappeared from Taskbar Notification area - Vista?

    I have an HP laptop with vista installed.

    Today my sound and network icons are no longer visible in the taskbar notification area.

    When i right-click Start, Properties and go to Notification area, the system icons for Volume and Network are no longer available (they are grey, instead of black).

    I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to restore these options?

    And i have no idea how this happened?


    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • My cigarette blew up (seriously)?

    I smoke, and yes, it's a bad habit. But this morning i lit a cigarette and was happily looking at my sales site when the lit cigarette in my ash tray exploded. It looks like someone put a "cap" into it. The "cap" would be the type kids use in toy guns. There was nothing else in the ash tray, just the lit cigarette. After the cap went off, it left remnants of a piece of brown/charred paper with a hole in it, just as a toy gun cap would do.

    I was wondering if there is anything i can do about this (besides avoiding it in the future by quitting smoking). Can a lab look at the cigarette and determine whether the cap was packed into the cigarette in the manufacturing plant?

    I have been thinking about it, and if a person were taking a puff of the cigarette at the time the cap exploded, it could have injured an eye.

    I realize this is a strange question, but this actually happened to me. I don't know if there is another section in which i should ask this question instead.

    Can someone give me advice? thanks.

    8 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade ago
  • Confusing Issue Regarding Hybrid and Mix Breed Wolves?

    Hi.. i'm not interested in owning a wolf, but i have noticed that, on a certain television show, people said they have "hybrid" wolves.

    A hybrid wolf is supposed to be a wolf/dog mix, but these people claim a hybrid wolf is two different types of wolves bred together (such as a Timber wolf and an Arctic wolf, for example).

    I would think that, by breeding two different types of wolves together, you'd have a mutt wolf, or mix breed wolf, not a hybrid.

    So, my question is, would interbreeding two types of wolves together produce a hybrid, or is this just another example of people making up their own definition of a word (in this case "hybrid").

    thanks. i'm confused.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Please help with halogen bulb floor lamp replacement?

    I have a floor lamp which takes a T3 halogen bulb. There is a cage which screws down over the top of the area where the bulb sits.

    I went to the store and bought a 300 watt T3 bulb, but came to find out the floor lamp says to use a 190 Watt MAX....

    Can i still use the 300 watt safely or not? The lamp is not in an area where it will tip, and the bulb would be burning about 28" from the ceiling. No curtains or other fabric near the lamp.

    I don't want to do anything stupid.

    Thank you for your responses.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Firefox keeps crashing - Any Advice?

    As you can see, my firefox browser keeps crashing, hanging up. My OS is Windows Vista Home, and so about 100 times a day, the browser lags, then a window pops up asking me if i want to Close the Program or Let Windows Find a Solution and then Close the Program.

    A little more information -- I have scanned for Viruses, Malware, Adware, Spyware. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the bastard to no avail.


    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Smoking cessation - help please?

    I have to quit smoking and i'd like any advice i can get.

    I quit smoking 10 years ago, but started again 7 months ago. It happens i have to have major surgery next month and the doctor says "no smoking, no nicotine".

    Any advice on how to quit without the help of nicotine gum or other nicotine aides?

    For those who have quit, what have you done to take your mind off cravings?

    I have a feeling i'm going to gain 20 pounds this month, by substituting food for cigs.

    thank you for any help you can offer!

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this living situation?

    I'd like to receive some opinions and even advice, if you have some.

    I'm a 52 year old woman, currently on disability. I moved out west to become roommates with a friend i'd known online for 10 years. I live in a room (which is a drywalled, finished garage with a big picture window), and it's very nice. I pay rent, keep my area clean and help around the house.

    A few months ago, i went back home to help my son and his family with a crisis situation. All is well there now, and i've returned to my home.

    Since i've been back, my roommate can't be anything but grumpy and aggressive. The other day we were taking our dogs out for a run, and on the way there, they started whining. She immediately slammed on the brakes. My dog went flying into the dashboard. Fortunately they were ok, but my back has been killing me since. I told her what i thought of her little stunt, and she said, "ok go on, tell me all about it" in a smug way, as if it were my fault and as if slamming on brakes for no reason is normal.

    On the way home, she tail gaited the car in front of us (down a twisty mountain road).

    She's been mean, snappy and a pain in the butt in general. She has great expectations of me, as well. She expects me to sit upstairs in her stinky living room (she smokes and never cleans) and watch tv. I'm not that big on tv, and hate cigarettes, so i don't do it.

    She pouts, and whines and complains about "being alone all the time"... when her actions and habits are repulsive.

    Last night, she went to the grocery store and bought me all sorts of food - as if it would make up for the abuse, or make me want to gravitate upstairs to her smelly living area.

    I've been trying to adjust to her ways, but she wants someone to control and she thinks that constitutes a friendship. We all know it does not.

    I don't have the means to get another apartment. I've given all my furniture and household belongings to my kids. I was thinking that, if i might talk with a social worker, they could help.

    Of course, i have every intention to pay rent, and save money for a deposit, etc. But i can't afford $1000 a month.

    Any other ideas?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I just spent a good deal of time giving an answer....

    to a young girl who lives in an abusive alcoholic home. i posted links for help and gave her suggestions. after spending a great deal of time trying to give this poor, young girl the information she might need for help, Yahoo Answers is "taking a break"?

    This happens to me frequently. does anyone know why?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Someone "Duh'd" me because their boyfriend could be considered an adult?

    Someone asked a question here -- the girlfriend was 15 and boyfriend was 17... In some states the 17 year old is at the age of consent, so would be considered an "adult" in the eyes of the law.

    I would suppose this means the 17 year old could not legally "date" a 15 year old, in some states.

    Can someone who knows answer this question? thanks.

    just curious.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • intimidation and control issues?

    i have a "friend", let's call her. she will ask me a question, such as "would you like to go to the store?". i give the answer, such as "i would be happy to go with you if you need help, however i do not need anything".

    then she proceeds to tell me i've given the wrong answer... i can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my response. maybe she's trying to be intimidating? or perhaps controlling? or maybe it's not the answer she "wants to hear".

    whatever it is, i haven't a clue how to respond. today i responded with anger - and told her if she couldn't accept my answers, dont' ask me any more questions... and also mentioned something about choking her to death!

    i'm really tired.... what would YOU do?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • anyone else having trouble getting yahoo software to work?

    i'm in california and my friend is in indiana.. neither of us can get our messengers to work... just wondering if this is a mass issue.

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • WHY doesn't anyone.....?

    let dumb as a rock president bush know that NUCLEAR isn't pronounced "NUK YA LER"...

    yikes, he's a dork.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • for those of you who never take your animal to the vet.....and let your cat run?

    i am simply curious...

    in my world, my pets are part of the family, and they are cared for and treated as such.

    i've seen people who don't have their animals wormed, no flea treatment, not a shot in years...

    worms are parasites which deplete the body of nutrients, and can eventually kill an animal. fleas carry tapeworms, and they bite!! sometimes they even get on people, and can infest an entire house.

    when we take on the responsibility of a pet, it's nice to feed it and provide shelter... but if they have to go around feeling like crap because they are loaded with worms or fleas, what is the sense?

    and while i'm at it, why do people just let their cats run loose? they can spread and/or catch diseases, get into horrible fights, and then there are those individuals who enjoy harming cats for entertainment.

    it's really dangerous for a cat out there!

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is it OK that i have no where to live because my frumpy biznitch sister took my home?

    ... and turned it into a ho house?

    just curious.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago