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  • Why are people in the Southwest and the Western US in general so weird and hard to befriend/cold?

    So I have been living in the Phoenix Metro area for the past 4 years or so and have noticed that people here and also in California and Oregon and even in Utah are just strange in general. They are not easy to warm up to and seem to have no feelings or emotions. It's like talking to a stone pillar or something. I am from Florida and also lived in NYC and have never dealt with more stony and rigid folks than I have out here. It's not only Arizona, the West in general seems to be like this. The people here are super hard to befriend and very cliquey. Florida is sorta like this but not to this extreme. At least in Florida you can make conversation with some people. Even NYC is IMO a bit more friendly even though the people can be stuck up and very rude. The people here seem to have this thing where they will say hello and have basic manners but that's about as far as it'll go. They don't want to be friends with you and do not talk to or socialize with anyone but their own friends and family. They are also very unworldly and know nothing about anything outside their little bubble. On the East Coast at least people are more aware of international events and culture.

    So......not everyone here in Arizona or the West is like this. I have met many kind people here as well BUT the majority of people seem to fit this kind of dry and icy personality, in particular the women.

    So do any other transplants to Arizona or the West feel this way?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 year ago
  • I have an itch that when I scratch it does not go away and sometimes moves....?

    It's usually on my forearms. It's pretty annoying. I feel an itch and then when I go to scratch it it doesn't relieve it and even moves around. Is it under the skin? Is it due to stress? Some disease? Anyone else experience this too? Thanks.

    Also what can I do to make the itch go away.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions2 years ago
  • Do most Australians have light-colored hair and blue or green eyes?

    I was wondering if most Australians look Northern European. The ones I have met personally have all been blonde haired and blue-eyed and the ones I see in the media are also mostly blonde, save for Hugh Jackman. I know there are some aboriginals left on there but it seems amazing that a whole country could have such a huge population of mostly blonde people. I guess it would be the English blood. So how diverse is Australia, really? Again I know there are some Aboriginals left and also Asians and Indians but I am assuming they are a small minority. I have also noticed the same thing about New Zealanders. Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups2 years ago
  • How dangerous was New York City in the 1970s and 1980s?

    I have always heard that NYC was very dangerous only a few decades ago. Is this really true? Hard to believe it with all the expensive apartments and high cost of living there now. I know the Bronx is pretty bad but I just wonder how bad was it really? Would like to hear from someone who grew up there in that era. Thanks.

    4 AnswersNew York City4 years ago
  • Cheap hotels/motels in Las Vegas, please advise.....?

    I am going to Las Vegas for the first time in April. I want to go for 3 days. Any suggestions on where I can stay that is not so expensive? I see some deals on Expedia that seem too good to be true, like really cheap hotel rooms in some very swanky looking hotels. I just want a place to sleep, that's it, since I am on a budget. I don't mind the area, just not in any place that is too dangerous. Thanks.

    6 AnswersLas Vegas4 years ago
  • Are DNA ancestry tests really reliable? I am looking to get one....?

    Just wondering from people who have had these tests, are they reliable and were you satisfied with the outcome? I was always curious about what race I am. My family is from South America and I know I have Spaniard, Native, and some Portuguese but not sure which one is the main component because although I am pretty light-skinned I don't have much facial hair, etc.

    So are the tests reliable or are they a scam?

    3 AnswersGenealogy4 years ago
  • I was verbally insulted and abused and wrote a comment about it on Google Maps but it was deleted....?

    A few months ago I was at a gas station and was cursed out (F-word) and called a homophobic slur by a very rude and abusive attendant/cashier. She was a female. Apparently she is related to the owner and I have already complained to corporate. Unfortunately it's franchise-owned so I don't have much of a case. In short, corporate has done nothing. She still works there.

    My question is can a company acquire their own location on Google maps and do as they please? I wrote a comment detailing the incident on their icon on GMs and it was deleted several weeks later. In place they have added about 6-7 fake comment to up their score.

    I don't think this is fair. Any advice?

    Serious replies only, please.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Passion fruit....where to get it in the Phoenix Arizona area?

    My family is from Peru and down there when I would visit I would eat this delicious fruit. However I have never seen it here in the US. Where can I get this fruit? I know that supposedly you can buy it online but it's VERY expensive. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink4 years ago
  • I am 38 years old (male) and my sex drive is much higher than it was 20 years ago, is this normal? Or am I sick?

    This is not a joke so please don't make fun of it. I don't know what it is but sometimes I feel like 20 times more aroused than when I was 18. Not sure if it's a midlife crisis or am I sick? Any men out there around my age or older who feel "hornier" now than they did when they were much younger? It's kind of annoying and weird but at the same time kind of exhilarating. The most embarrassing thing is well, getting a H-O in the middle of a meeting or some other inopportune time.

  • Can I purchase and drive a vehicle in Arizona with a Florida driver license?

    Or do I need to get an Arizona driver license to be able to do so? I still do not know if I want to stay in the Phoenix area or move on to California. My FL license is about a year and a half old. Thanks.

    BTW I do not currently own a vehicle here in Phoenix. Doing the Light Rail/bus thing for now but it's a pain. So I would be starting from square one.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • I want to apply for a car salesman position at a nearby dealer but they seem a bit shady?

    First of all they seem to have a high turnover because they are always advertising on Craigslist (like every week). Then they claim that you will earn $7500 from training ALONE. Is this even possible??? Money for nothing? Are there any car salesmen out there who can tell me if this is possible and how much they got paid during training? Also how long was training? Also how is the payment structure. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling6 years ago
  • Looking to Move to Arizona from Miami and need advice....?

    Greetings everyone. I am looking to move to Arizona from South Florida and need advice. I have been looking at various places like Google and Youtube to find info about Phoenix and Tucson and what it's like to live there. I have found people saying it's racist against Hispanics (I am of Hispanic descent), that it's really hot, people are indifferent, bad drivers, etc. However I find that South Florida has many of these qualities. I am educated, have a college degree, was born in Florida, and very respectful. My attraction to Arizona is intense because I have always wanted to live in the southwest and find it beautiful and fascinating. Also there are way more jobs there and it's a lot cheaper. I originally wanted to move to California but it's too expensive. So:

    1. Is Arizona as racist as they say it is? Will I be asked for proof of US residency at all times? I mean I was born and raised in Miami and am an educated, respectful person. I am also not Mexican (family from South America). Is it the Mexicans they have it in for or do they also have it in for other people from other countries.

    2. Is the job market currently healthy? Which is better, Tucson or Phoenix?

    3. Are most of the people transplants and transients or natives? How are the peoples' attitudes? Especially towards people moving there from out of state?

    4. Is the attitude more "Texas Conservative" or "California Liberal"? I have heard both.

    Any other advice would be helpful. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - United States6 years ago
  • I just got offered a job at Bed Bath and Beyond as a Sales Associate, need advice....?

    I would like to know from people who have worked or work at Bed Bath and Beyond how their experience was. I interviewed for a sales associate position yesterday and was immediately offered the job starting out in "housewares". The lady who interviewed me was a bit vague about what my job duties would be. She told me that there are shifts that start at 4am or 7am and I cannot make these shifts because they are too early. She also told me that I would have to climb all the way to the top of the shelves every night and remove the stock to the bottom shelves, which is dangerous given the height. She also told me it was very "hands-on" and I would be stocking but she didn't tell me how much I would be stocking. Would I need to do shopping cart duty (as in shopping cart retrieval from the parking lot?) or do the stock guys do that? Is it a good company to work for? I have a week to make a decision. BTW the store is the one in Aventura, Miami, FL. Would be nice to hear from anyone who actually works there! Thanks.

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • I got locked out of my hotmail account, what should I do?

    I got locked out of my Hotmail account a while back (almost a year ago). However, I can still log into my youtube account, which uses my Hotmail account's name. Every time I try to log into my Hotmail account it tells me that someone else may be using my account and tells me that it will send a code to my phone. Unfortunately that phone number is no longer valid so I have to fill out a questionnaire asking me for my name, recent e-mail subjects, etc. Has this happened to anyone else and if so how do I get back in? I have tried to look for a CS number but to no avail. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMSN7 years ago
  • Going to visit San Diego in May for a few days....Questions:?

    Hey guys,

    I am going to visit San Diego in May. I am living in Florida now and am looking to explore new cities since I am so tired of Miami and do not want to live here anymore. Where is a cheap hotel where I can stay that is within walking distance to all the attractions/public transit. Would I need a car to get around? Are there any tour buses? I have always wanted to visit San Diego and know that I will love it!

    Also for future reference how is the job situation there? I heard it's tough.

    Would appreciate any help. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSan Diego7 years ago
  • I am looking to move to a new city from Florida...?

    Here's the problem. I am currently in South Florida and cannot for the life of me find a good job here, it's very tough down here. I don't have and can't afford a car. I need a city where I don't need a car, that is affordable, walkable, and low crime. I have been thinking about the Seattle area or Portland Oregon. Please don't say New York because I already lived there 10 years and wouldn't ever want to live there again. I have visited Chicago which was very nice but the weather is too cold and the crime is crazy. I have visited Houston but I would need no less than a brand new SUV to live there since you have to drive 20 miles to go to the bathroom there (metaphorically speaking as Houston is impossible without a good car). I am short on cash and need a place with a good public transit system, good job market, small city, and nice people of a liberal mentality. I heard that Seattle is a great place what do you guys think? Remember I cannot afford a car and need a place with good public transit. How about Denver Co? Thanks.

    3 AnswersSeattle8 years ago
  • Why are people from Wisconsin and Minnesota so rude?

    I work for a medical call center that conducts surveys and need to call Massachusetts, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Virginia. Of the four place Minnesota and Wisconsin patients are way ruder than the rest, followed by Michigan. Virginia and Mass. are quite nice. I notice that in particular people from Wisconsin have no manners and curse a lot and act as if though they don't want to be bothered and have somewhere else to be. I mean, come on you live in small town Wisconsin, what else is there to do? Gimme a break. People from Minnesota are also quite vicious. I am very disappointed as I thought midwesterners were the nicest folk around. I lived in NYC for 10 years and thought they were quite rude there but it turns out midwesterners are not any better. Anyone have any feedback? Is it the cold weather, the obesity, the racism, or the blue-collar mentality? Thanks.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • How is life in Chicago? I will visit soon....?

    ...and would like to ask how the city is like. I have spent the last 9 years living in NYC and am tired of it (expensive, dirty, lots of people with bad attitudes). I am looking to move to a place with a stable economy. I just graduated with a degree in accounting. Is it hard finding a job there? Is it dangerous? How are the people (friendly, rude, etc.). Please advise. I will visit in a month.

    4 AnswersChicago9 years ago
  • Cheap hotels or motels in Washington D.C.?

    Where can I find a cheap hotel or motel in Washington D.C.? I am going there for a few days and need to know....thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses9 years ago
  • Ladies (and guys too): What male singer has the most irresistible sexiest voice?

    I personally think that Bono of U2 has a voice no woman can resist.....who do you guys like?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago