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  • Aren't the Conservatives committing treason ?

    Hating our President to the point of undermining his Foreign Policy by inviting a Foreign Leader to address the Congress, to allow that Leader to bad mouth our President for political gain... Conservatives even like Putin from Russia more so than President Obama. Isn't that Treason ?

    5 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Do Conservative Republicans have double standards?

    If a Republican president reduced massive job losses in the midst of the worst recession in nearly a century by more than 50% in his first 4 months in office; presided over 44 consecutive months of private-sector job growth creating nearly 8 million jobs; killed Osama bin Ladin; saw stock markets reach all-time highs; deported more illegals than the last 6 presidents have; has less recess appointments than the last 6 Presidents; saved the American auto industry; increased domestic oil production to highs not seen since the late-90′s and championed the largest year-to-year deficit reductions since World War II, wouldn't the Conservative Republicans be calling him a hero and a legend, instead of calling him an Idiot, a Socialist, a Communist, a Kenyan, a Liar, the N-word, and blocking everything in Congress?

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How sad have the Conservatives become just this week?

    Three things exposing their hatred and greed;

    1 - The 5 conservatives on our Supreme Court ruled in favor of the rich donating as much money to candidates as they want, with no regard for the amount of corruption this will allow. Conservatives are using our Constitution to justify their greed.

    2 - Paul Ryan puts out his proposed budget, cutting more Food Stamps, Welfare, unemployment, and pensions for long time workers, instead of cutting Corporate subsidies, Foreign Aide or Farm Aide.

    Conservatives are using our National budget to justify their hatred towards our neediest Americans.

    3 - Obamacare deadline ends with 7 million signing up yet they still have no answer but to REPEAL it. Choosing to protect the rich insurance companies instead protecting our uninsured as every other other Industrialized nation does. Conservatives are using our health system to justify their hatred for the poor.

    Sad week or not?

    7 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Did Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers ( R - Washington ) lie on purpose during the Conservative GOP response?

    to the State of the Union address?

    After fact checking the "Bette" story, turns out to be bogus.

    Should she apologize or even resign for not telling the truth on national television to millions of Americans?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Why is it OK for Congress to have "Universal Healthcare" ?

    If conservative Republicans & Tea Party conservatives are so dead set against government entitlement programs and want to reduce them, then why are they getting "Universal Healthcare" at the Federal & State levels thru a government entitlement program, which is paid for 100% by us taxpayers?

    They should turn down that entitlement at both, Federal & State levels instead of cutting Food Stamps, Social Security & Medicare...this would reduce Federal & State budget costs just like they want...

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Shouldn't Corporate subsidies be cut before Food Stamps?

    Why do conservative Republicans insist on cutting Food Stamps/Welfare for our needy costing taxpayers 56 billion per year and not touch Corporate subsidies from wealthy companies costing taxpayers 100 billion per year?

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why are Conservatives hostile towards the people...?

    Con's were hostile towards blacks getting their freedom. (Lincoln)

    Con's were hostile towards blacks prior to them gaining their right to vote in 1865. (Lincoln)

    Con's were hostile towards women prior to them gaining their right to vote in 1920. (McKinley)

    Con's were hostile towards workers gaining their right to organize and bargain in 1935. (FDR)

    Con's were hostile towards retiree gaining the right to safety net of Social Security in 1935.

    Con's formed KKK terrorist groups that terrorized or killing blacks from 1880-1960.

    Con's continued their hostility towards blacks prior to the Civil Rights Act in 1965. (JFK & LBJ)

    Con's were hostile towards 65 yr. olds or older getting Medicare in 1965.

    Con's were hostile towards were after gaining their right to choose in 1973. (Supreme Court)

    Con's continue their hostility towards workers after outsourcing million of jobs for tax cuts in 2003. (Bush)

    Con's continue to pass state laws removing rights gained by Federal laws because Con's disagree with Abortion, Union workers & workers pay in general, Blacks, Latino's having rights ... (Conservative States)

    This is the definition of anti-American

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • CEO pay vs Worker pay?

    Why aren't Americans pushing to stop the extreme pay difference between CEO's & Workers ???

    The average pay of CEO's is 12.2 million per year, which is 354 times more than the pay of the average worker of $34,600 per year ...

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • So why do Conservatives claim they want to follow our Constitution...?

    Yet take political positions opposite of it?


    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    America has more freedoms and liberties than any other country, yet conservatives want to take them away from the people.

    "Insure domestic tranquility" means to protect our people with laws. We all have the right or freedom to drink alcohol and America passed laws making it illegal to drink and drive because more "People" were getting killed in accidents (common sense). America should use the same common sense for guns rights by Universal Background Checks and life in prison if caught with a gun if the Background checks prevents you from a gun by law. This would protect the "People" by stopping "People" deemed dangerous to our society from getting a gun. I'm a gun rights person but the NRA has not common sense with their extreme positions of protecting gun rights for criminals and crazies by blocking laws for Universal Background checks.

    "Promote the general Welfare" means to help the "People" live above poverty and help our needy, yet conservatives want to take away from our social programs designed to help our needy, Conservatives would privatize Social Security and Medicare so rich CEO's and Board of Directors can change the rules instead of our government protecting and promoting the general welfare for the "People".

    "Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" means our country will give the "People" liberties and keep them. Conservatives want to take away the "People's" liberties by taking away a woman's right to choose, by taking away voter's rights and disenfranchising voters, by taking away worker's right to collectively bargain and by taking away their conservative states from the United States of America by seceding from the Union ...again.


    10 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • When will the Conservatives secede from the Union?

    The southern Confederate Republican conservative states should secede, NOW...

    Confederates could then force guns for everybody, force women to have babies while having no voting rights, force blacks back into slavery while having no voting rights, deport all latino's, no minimum wage for workers, no age limit for workers, no medical insurance and no pensions for workers. Conservatives would be happy since they would have everything they fight for...

    The remaining states should have Canada join the Union since the Canadians think more like the progressive Democrat states. Progressives could prevent guns from getting into crazies and criminals hands, continue to give women their right to choose and vote, continue giving blacks their right to freedom and right to vote, welcoming Latino's, giving workers their rights for organizing and negotiating for medical insurance, for pensions and for increasing the minimum wage.

    Bye Bye Conservatives...

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are the Conservatives on the wrong side of history again?

    Instead of changing their extreme views and positions that are anti-American, which majority of voter's have voted against 4 of the past 6 Presidential elections, Con's are planning to change the conservative state rules for elections so Conservative Presidential candidates can win. After gerrymandering districts in the conservative states to win local, and congressional seats which gave them the majority in the House of Rep's, they plan to cheat to get the Presidency.

    Is this the 2013 version of disenfranchisement of blacks, latino's women, and worker's???

    Conservatives have a long history of being on the wrong side of issues important to Americans.

    6 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Where does it say in the 2nd Amendment?

    that we the people can't change or restrict guns? The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment so we can change, restrict or repeal...

    The right to keep and bear arms is not infringed on if some restrictions were placed on gun owners or if certain style guns are prohibited from being sold to public.

    Text of the 2nd Amendment

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    12 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why do Conservatives believe our government should protect Gun rights?

    yet, believe our government should not protect American jobs, should not protect a woman's right to choose, should not protect workers right to collectively bargain for wages & benefits and should not protect voters rights so every American vote by the same rules???

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why do the conservatives complain about government programs that are suppose to help our needy?

    More people in Conservative states live in Poverty, records show they collect more from our government aid programs than other states.

    So why are they complaining about themselves?

    9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why are Conservatives ruining America, again?

    Conservative policies take away women's rights, voters rights, worker's rights and take away jobs with outsourcing tax cuts... That's Anti-American...

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is there a need for armor piercing bullets, high-capacity magazines and assault weapons?

    Does Americans want people walking around our society with concealed guns with a capability of using armor piercing bullets, high-capacity magazines, and assault weapons?

    Our military and police should be the ones with these capabilities. Is this were the American people are or has the NRA bought off Republicans to make this stuff available to everybody in our society?

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • How will America bring back the outsourced jobs?

    The Global economy has caused American jobs to go off shore for cheaper labor costs. What about executive pay? American CEO's and Executives earn more than ever in history yet workers are being laid off or their wages/benefits are cut . Competing against $1 a day labor is a loser and those jobs may never come back. Our Congress has passed trade agreements and cut taxes for businesses to prosper, attempting businesses to create jobs in America. These things have only caused more jobs to leave and go off shore. Our middle class has been ruined.

    Our Congress is more worried about cutting our deficit than helping the middle class.

    Today, workers earn less than they did 5-6 years ago and the wages have been so slanted towards Executives, the 98% has lost a way to the American Dream.

    What can American do to get back the American jobs and American Dream?

    2 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit8 years ago