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My names Harry.I'm a17 year old cynical individualist.Ihate feminists, liberals, democrats, stupid people, political correctness, crybabies,and most celebrities.I'm a Pastafarian.I like movies,guns,video games,and a bunch of other stuff. Music:The Offspring,Guttermouth ,Dead Kennedies, Megadeth, Mastadon, The Rat Pack, Frank Sinatra Movies: Dollars Trilogy, The Outlaw Josey Whales,Pale Rider,Dirty Harry,The Blues Brothers,Boondock Saints,The Postman TV: Looney Tunes,Batman(live action and animated)Freakazoid,South Park,Futurama,Mail Call,Aqua Teen. I like a bunch of other $hit too.

  • Purchasing C&R weapon before My C&R has come through?

    I found a once in a lifetime deal on a C&R revolver on gunbroker. The problem is that My C&R license hasn't arrived yet, and I can't own a pistol with my current license. I contacted the seller and explained my situation and he said as long as I won the auction and paid him in full within the 5 days after the auction closes, he would be willing to hold onto the gun until my license arrived.

    This guy has had literally a few short of a 1000 sales on gunbroker with all but five of his customers giving him an A+ feedback. I have no reason to believe he would rip me off, but I'm still a little antsy about paying in full without getting the item

    any advice

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Older Car as a First car?

    I'm purchasing a car for the first time. I'd really like to get something a bit old, but people keep telling me its a bad idea. On the other hand, all these people don't really know anything about cars and seem to just be making uninformed blanket statements. For example: Old cars get crappy mileage,They cost a lot to repair, they don't handle well, they'll all be rusty pieces of junk,ect. I basically want some people who are really knowledgable to tell me why it would be so foolish of me to have a 72 Comet, or a 88 Camaro, or 55 Belvedere as a daily driver?

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Have to learn Mach 3 CNC program in less than a week?

    I got a job working on a CNC machine cutting out plastic. I had no experience with it, but was told that I would be taught on the job. The only two people there that know how to use it are too busy to teach me, and my boss told me I'm not learning how use the software fast enough. If I don't get significantly better by friday, I lose the job.

    I don't need to know to make patterns or anything like that, i just need to be able to readjust it if someone isn't aligned right or goes off-base. It doesn't sound very hard, except that I'm not recieving any help with it.

    For the sake of my job, PLEASE HELP!

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Machine operating on medications. Please Help!?

    I got a job as a CNC machine operator. I accidently let it slip during lunch that I was on some medication. Later a higher up asked me what medications I was on for liability reasons. I was caught of guard and told her.

    Clonidine, Lexapro, Welbutrin, and Depakote.

    Am I screwed? Should I say that I was thinking of medications I used to be on or something? I've been unemployed for two years, I'm really scared I'm gonna lose this job.

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • I feel like a failure.?

    I'm 19 and I have no job, I'm not in college,I can't afford to pay my car insurance so I don't have my own car, and I've never had a date,kiss,hickey,sex ANYTHING! I feel so worthless. I want advice from people my own age,who have accomplished at least one of these things. I want to make my life so good I can brag about it.

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Can't get my Prestige Class in KOTOR 2?

    I'm playing the pc version. I've been to all the planets, I have visas in my party, and I'm level 17, but whenever I try to talk to Kreia about my prestige class,she says I need more experience and to explore more of the galaxy.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Dreams about the girl I never confessed my love to.?

    There was girl I really liked in high school. She was 2 years younger than me, and I was going to tell when I graduated. She never showed up for the last few days of school though. I've periodically had dreams about her, but I recently talked to her briefly on Facebook.

    Ever since I've had a dream about her at least every night. What does this mean?

    8 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How do the turkey legs at rennaissance fairs get so big?

    They're huge! they look more like they were taken off a chubby 12 year old's! I've had some pretty big turkeys at thanksgiving,and they are dwarfed by these behemoths. Is it possible they're using ostrich legs?

    Really, In all seriousness, how do they get so goddamn huge?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can't get this damn hair out of my eye!!!?

    my friend's stupid dog sheds everywhere. I have a hair in my eye and it won't come out, I tried washing it out, pulling out my upper lid while blinking, I held a cup of water over my eye and its still there! AGH!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How much horsepower was average for early 1900s Motorcycles?

    I know military motorcycles had horsepower in the single digits sometimes, but I'm wondering specifics.

    5 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Why isn't there a dating site for jerks?

    I'm really a very kind person, Its just that I'm abrasive,introverted,and extremely sarcastic. they have dating sites for everyone else, Why can't smartasses have one?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Poison ivy/oak/sumac/ THIS ITCHES HELP!?

    I got a bit of poison ivy a few weeks ago. It has since spread all over my lower legs and on my wrist. There are concentrated spots that have a bit of a purple color. Should I be worried?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • The "kramden" belly on guys?

    I just found this article.

    how do ladies feel about this? I have an average build but I do have a bit of a gut thats only noticable if I take my shirt off,but I'm still really self conscious about it.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What are some cultures that celebrate death?

    I'm looking for information on modern day tribes and cultures that death figures into the culture prominently in a positive way somehow. I'm not looking for cults or anything,just cultures where it isn't looked upon with such fear like here in most of the west.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Anyone else depressed that all the good actors will be dead when we are our parent's age?

    I'm 19 and 80% of my favorite movies and actors are from the 80s and 70s. Clint Eastwood,Bill Murray, Jack Nicholson,John Malkovich, these guys are all at least 60. When we're in our 40s and 50s,who will we have to remind us of the good ole days? the Jonas Bros and Shia Lebouf. If we're lucky, Adam Sandler,Johnny Depp,and the Apatow gang will still be active.


    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Organizing files in Vista?

    On my XP, the files in my folders were organized by the date they were created or saved to my computer.This method of sorting was called "modified" by the computer.

    On Vista,Theres about 400 different ways files can be sorted,but none is called modified and if there is an equivalent I haven't found it.All my files in all my folders are alphabetized and its driving me crazy! I even tried sorting them manually (drag and drop) and it was reset the next time I turned on my computer!

    Even my desktop is in some screwed up order,and that resets if I organized it manually too! Help is desperately needed.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How can I make it easier to grow a beard?

    I'm 19 and I can only seem to grow enough facial hair to look like Shaggy from scooby do.If I don't shave It just stops growing after about a month,and I look like a slob. Is there anything I can do to circumvent this?

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Trying to remember an old genesis game?

    It was a side-scroller where you played as these little dwarf/elf guys that looked like lawn gnomes and you collected stuff to move to the next stage. Anybody know the name of this game?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Wonder Woman,Hawk Girl, Huntress. Marry,Screw,or Kill?

    Marry: Huntress - If she likes The Question,we'd get along just fine

    Screw: Hawk Girl - I like her,but a little too unpredictable for marriage.

    Kill: Wonder Woman - No contest,she's a stuck up,sexist, *****.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • doing bad on college placement test?

    I've heard that some people purposely do bad on the placement exam so they will get easier classes. I'm worried enough about adjusting to college life,so it might not be in my best interest to be working my brain full throttle right off the bad. Is this a bad idea?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago