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Hom many TSA (Transportation Security) officers are there in the USA?
Seems like 10s of thousands so far. What are the qualifications? Education, criminal record, drug tests, physical exams, psychological profiles, etc.? I don't think they make a ton of money, do they? I mean, would you describe their hiring standards and background checks as closer to those of Burger King, UPS, Chase Bank or maybe United Air Lines? I'm speaking of the regular entry level positions.
Seems they hired a whole lot of people in a short time. Any performance reviews? Are they really "trained" and evaluated (pass or fail) or is this primarily for show?
It's hard to fill so many positions with the "Brightest Bulbs On The Tree" for important jobs paying little money. Just wondering...
1 AnswerOther - News & Events8 years agoI have some old computers. Any value other than doorstops?
Just wondering. Got a few old computers laying around. Atari 400, Atari 800, 286's, 386's, couple old laptops and an IBM "PC Junior" with the infra-red keyboard. They all worked years ago but.. that's years ago.Any value to these things or should I just have the grand-kids hide them somewhere so their parents won't find them for years after I'm gone.
OR? maybe use them as door stops, or to house train the Chihuahua? lol thanks. Da Boomp
4 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoi have problems selecting topics from my home page. Browser is okay. I have yahoo?
A few years back I used to be active in "Answers" but, well, getting older. Can somebody help me out?
Not sure I remember how to view answers to my question!
My operating sys is Windows Vista and home page is yahoo.
The problem is with some menu selections (clicks) from my Home Page (not anything I typed in) resulting in an "Oops" etc message.
Most of my home page is okay, mail, news, weather, etc. When I click on Sports, it goes to Sports. Then if I click on MLB baseball or NFL football, it goes to those pages fine. But when I click on a sub-menu like "scores" or "standings", etc, I get a page that says "OOPS.. this page does not exist " or something like that. These are all available menu selections, not anything I typed in.
My home page is yahoo and my browser is internet explorer. I called att support. They took control and installed google chrome to see if it was a browser problem. Same results for their tech. They said I should contact Yahoo.
Problem is, seems that Yahoo does not have telephone tech support (unless you buy it). I tried a couple of support numbers listed on line. Got a guy with a couple of kids screaming in the background saying (I think) yes, sign your computer over to me and I'll fix everything... before I even described the problem. I hung up.
I'm kinda guessing I should try reloading the home page but I don't know how.
I'd really appreciate any help. Thanks, J.
1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years agoWhy can't I access certain web sites?
I recently had to restore my computer to factory settings (Vista/Internet Explorer7). Now I can't access some web sites. Pop-up msg says "Internet Explorer cannot open this site". I called one of the sites (a bank) and they said that something in my settings is blocking access. Most sites open just fine so... any ideas what I can do? Thanks a lot!
2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoWhy did my Google Search bar disappear?
My Google Search Box has disappeared... replaced by a shadowed bar across the screen in it's place. All settings show it is "enabled" but it is no longer displayed. Any help appreciated!
1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade agoQuestion about our food freezer - freezing up?
We have an upright, double-door freezer that ices everything up pretty solid. If I unplug it, everything will melt and drain out. When I plug it back in, it will eventually ice everything up again.
Any ideas what could be wrong? Wife really bugging me. We can't really afford a new one but she thinks that's why credit cards were invented. My eternal gratitude for some help on this one!
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhat Am I Seeing in the Evening Sky?
I live just south of Chicago, Illinois. For the last week or so, there is one object, much brighter than any others in the sky from about 7pm til 11pm.
If I face due south, it is about 45 degrees above the horizon and, maybe, 40 deg to the east. As a few hours go by, the object moves, relative to my position, to the west.
I'm guessing it's a planet (maybe Jupiter?) since it is so much brighter than anything else up there.
I'm just a casual observer but it has me curious. Thanks for any answers.
6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoHOW DO YO COMPLAIN TO YAHOO?
I'm finding that Yahoo is basically, a catalog. After over an hour of trying to find a way to voice or email a complaint, I have found no way to do it. Can anyone help? Maybe I'm just stupid but, I had to ask.
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoQuestion about Yahoo home/news page?
Guess I'm not too smart but I gotta ask. When I click on a news article (let's say Asociated Press) from the Yahoo home page, there are options to e-mail it, etc. There are no options to read or add comments on the story; only a box that says "BUZZ UP". If I click and log in, it lets me post a comment... then... off to la-la-land.
How can I read the comments of others (or, my own comment). What the heck does Buzz Up mean if it doesn't do anything?? Maybe I'm too old to be playing Yahoo. Thanks to anyone with a serious answer.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhy is this category labeled Law & Ethics?
In many cases the two are mutually exclusive. Notice... there is no Government & Ethics or Politics & Ethics but, for some reason, Law & Ethics are grouped. Shouldn't they be separate categories?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow did I get credit for best answer for an answer I never provided?
I received an email from yahoo answers crediting me with a "best answer". Problem is, I never provided a response (and certainly did not agree with the answer) to the question.
My question now... If I can be credited with an answer I never provided; can some of my answers be credited to the wrong people??? Is this site really accurate? Fun, yes but, accurate?? Thanks.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoI just won a BluRay player. What do I really have here?
I have a 56" Samsung Flat/Screen Rear-Proj TV and Samsung HD-DVD Player. Earlier tonite, I "won" a Samsung Blu-Ray Disc Player (Model BD-P1600 / HD 1080p). What do I have here?
* Can I play regular DVD's on this thing?
* Will the picture be even better?
* Will a regular HDMI cable be okay or do I need something special?
* Is this BluRay stuff gonna be around for a while or is there something else coming along soon?
* I heard the BluRay DVD's are very expensive. True? Or are they expected to get cheaper or.. maybe, fade away (just another techno-fad)?
* Should I keep the BluRay for BluRay DVDs and the HD for old DVDs?
Obviously, I know little about this stuff. Can anyone offer any suggestions? Thanks.
4 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade agoQuestion about reciprocal values?
I understand that the reciprocal result of 50, for example, is 1/50, or 0.02. My question:
What if the value is 50 miles per hour, or.... 50 megahertz???
How does this affect the original numerical value?? Thanks a lot.
3 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoJust a question for teachers...?
Why do Teachers need a union when they teach that other unions (Steelworkers, autoworkers, construction workers, etc.) are evil and the cause of all of America's problems?
5 AnswersTeaching1 decade agoFrom the past... about IQ testing?
Okay I'm old (62) but something's been bugging me most of my life. Upon entering High School (1961-1965), we took tests which we were told were IQ tests. As a Freshman, and as a result of those tests, I was placed in what they called "Honors" or "College Prep" courses. Also did very well on Air Force testing. Been pretty sucessful.
MY Question... Although I've been able to "purchase" my High School and College transcripts, I've never been able to find out my IQ score. I was always told that IQ scores could not be given out although I haven't tried in decades. Is there any way to find out? Are there IQ score records from that far back even though the transcripts are still there?
Now, since retired, I wonder about this. Just for the heck of it............
3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoI've always wanted to write a book but......?
I've always wanted to write a (selective) autobiography but I keep getting bogged down in the details. Is there a simple technique to get around this?
How do pro athletes, politicians,etc., who claim to devote their every waking moment to their professions manage to find the time to churn out books in a short time? I've always heard that many authors spend years of rejection trying to get anything published only to be successful eventually.
Is there anywhere that you can submit an "outline" of what you wish to do for evaluation? Are "ghost writers" just for celebrities, or, are there talented people who will take a story and help develop it into a something that might be published? I just want to write one stupid book!
I'm 62 with many, I believe, interesting stories from my life growing up in South Chicago, the Military and 43 years in the auto industry (with some insight). Any reason to give it a try (or not)??? Thanks to all.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHumor me please. I did this when I was a kid but can't remember how?
Back in the 1950's, I built a radio set, (crystal?) in which I wrapped copper? wire around a cardboard toilet paper roll but I can't remember much else about it.
I'd like to pass the experience along to my grand-kid and, as I remember, most of the stuff was home-made. Everything now is off-the-shelf.
I'd like to take the grand kid through the experience but I can't remember how to do it using the home-made parts. He's pretty interested in scientific stuff (7 yrs old) and we've worked together on some other stuff (the solar system; space shuttle, etc.) If anyone remembers... I'd really appreciate the help.
If I'm in the wrong category, please point me the right way. I figure the "Physics" people will not laugh and help out a little given my intent. Thanks to all.
4 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoLaymen's definition of Quantum Physics, I'm old?
I'm kinda old, 62, but still inquisitive. Can anyone give me a laymen's definition of Quantum Physics??? I just kinda need a verbal picture of how it differs from the Physics courses I took in the 1960's.
Is it therotical or proven in the lab, etc.? How did it originate? For what purpose, etc.? Things like that. If there was a "Quantum Physics For Dummies" book, I might be able to grasp a paragraph or two. LOL.
I'm just looking for where it fits, what it's used for, what has it solved or any of the above. About 25 yrs ago I bought and read (tried hard to read) Isaac Assimov's "Understanding Physics" and actually I think I understood a few pages. I'm just curious. Thanks for helping an old timer!!!
5 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoWILL I BE ABLE TO REFINANCE MY MORTGAGE?
A little over 2 yrs ago my house was in foreclosure. I got the money to pay up full and saved it by about 24 hours. For the last 2+ yrs, I have made the full payment ON TIME every month but my credit is shot.
The mortgage is at 7.75% with plenty of equity in the house. Will I be able to re-fi? If not with my present mort. co., anyone else?
Are Lending Tree, Quicken, etc., legitimate mortgage companies (they advertise a lot). I was in the military in the 60's, could I still qualify for VA?
Any plusses or minuses to either?
A lower interest rate will help me get by on my retirement pay. I'm in Illinois, if that makes a difference. Thanks for any advice.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade agoHOW DO I GET A MOUSE TO WORK ON MY DELL NOTEBOOK?
I have a Dell Inspiron Notebook with the "pressure-touch?" pointing device. I prefer using a mouse at home.
I've tried two different Logitech USB Optical mouses (mices?) along with changing the settings in Control Panel but my machine won't recognize them. Tried downloading appropriate Logitech drivers but still, no luck. What am I missing??? Thanks for any help.
6 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago