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  • What could be wrong with my digestive system?

    I’ve always had digestive issues, but they seem to be getting worse. Originally I thought I was lactose intolerant, because I had diarrhea a lot. But it’s evolved drastically.

    I’ve been more concerned lately, and have grown frustrated. It effects my work when I have to use the bathroom constantly or I’ll **** myself, or go home because I’m so nauseous that I’m dizzy. And I’m embarrassed.My key symptoms: Constant urge to use the bathroom, 5-8 times a dayMucus in stoolJust pooping mucusAnal fissuresNauseous almost all day (especially after I eat or drink something; no matter what I eat)Typically yellow/light brown, almost chalky stoolStomach crampsHeadaches Originally I went to the walk in clinic because I was bleeding from my rectum, and it seemed like I was on my period, but it was from my butt. The doctor that I saw said I had an anal fissure, but based off of my symptoms he believed I could have an inflammatory bowel disease, (Crohn’s disease). He was a general surgeon for 15 years before joining the clinic, so I’d consider him an expert. But he told me to go see a primary doctor to confirm. I did, she put me on Metamucil and it helps somewhat with solidifying my stool (sometimes) but but i still have all the same symptoms. So she’s going to have me do an ultrasound to look at my gallbladder to see if I have gallstones or other gallbladder issues. Then to a GI I’ll go if that’s not the issue. I have an ultrasound on the 14th of December, but am looking for further insight. 

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases4 months ago
  • Is it possible to have left side appendicitis?

    The last few days I’ve been having sharp pain in my left abdomen, I’ve been nauseous, and I’ve had Diarrhea. My mom said two of my aunts had pain in their left side before getting their appendix out, but when I look it up it doesn’t seem possible.

    It hurts extremely bad, especially when I move or put any pressure on my left side. If it’s something else and someone has an idea, let me know, cause I want it to stop.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management2 years ago
  • Is there anything you can take the regulate your period?

    In November I started taking Zoloft for my depression, and I don’t have any bad symptoms except for messing up my period, which I heard is normal. My period happens during a random week of the month, has gotten really light, and my cramps have actually gone away. It’s mainly the gross dry blood stuff when it starts, instead of red, and it only lasts about five days. I don’t know if there’s any options to help regulate it or not. There’s a tea I drink that’s supposed to help but I don’t know how well it’s actually working.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health3 years ago
  • What can I do?

    Hey there. I have very dry skin on my face, and it’s become and issue. If it gets really dry, it creates really noticeable patches and it makes me less confident. I was putting primrose oil on my face to help gain some moisture, but it mostly just stung my face, and it didn’t help (it was all natural, so it wasn’t some kind of man made perfumey stuff) I’ve been trying almond oil on my face, and it’s working fine, but it’s creating acne that wasn’t there before, and I don’t need another skin issue. I was using Vaseline on my face for over a year, and it worked, but I hate the feeling, and I’ve read that it mainly just sits on your face, and there’s stuff in it that isn’t good for your health, let alone your face. If there’s any experts or people with really dry skin who can help me figure out some kind of plan, it would be much appreciated.


    4 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years ago
  • Can you get a migraine from bumping your head?

    I’ve had a migraine for the last three days. The first day my phone had fallen on my forehead, and I got a bump there that’s still bruised and hurting. The migraine is on the other side of my forehead and behind my eye though. Do you think it could be from the bump, or something else?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Pain in lower abdomen and down under the vagina down the tailbone?

    I've been having this pain for a couple years now. It happens about every 3 months and lasts about an hour. I ruled out Mittelschmerz since that's not extremely painful like what I'm feeling, and it's not one sided. It's like it goes down from my lower belly all the way underneath me to my tailbone. I've had an ultrasound, and I have a slightly heart shaped uterus, but the doctor said that doesn't cause pain, and no cysts or extra tissue outside the uterus were found. The pain is so terrible I literally cannot move or I feel like I'm going to fall apart. It's not cramps because I get horrible cramps too, and they feel nothing alike. It's a piercing pain that shoots through me, as if it's almost in my bone, not my tissue, or inside Me. It also causes me to have pain there for a couple days more when I sit or stand up from sitting but not nearly as bad. And pooping makes it so much worse after a couple days, but my poop is completely normal. My periods are regular and not really heavy or super light, I'm not sexually active, and I'm not sure it has to do with my period. I'm 17 and this has been happening since I was 14. I really want to find out what's wrong but my doctor doesn't seem to believe me and thinks it's mental. But my mom has walked in me completely paralyzed (not literally but in so much pain I have to stay still) sobbing and trying not to because it even hurts to breath or it feels like I'm going to fall apart down there

    4 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • What kind of sight is this?

    I can't see how far or close things are. Not like nearsighted or farsighted. Like, putting two things together from far away to meet up. I can't tell. What's that called?

    1 AnswerOptical4 years ago
  • Can a lactose intolerance cause these symptoms?

    I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but I want to know if this can happen if you're allergic to dairy. I know digestion problems, bloating, and nausea/dizziness, are symptoms. But can swollen lips, itchy/tight throat, and hives be?

    2 AnswersAllergies5 years ago
  • What's the best charger for iPhone 4/4s?

    So I have to get a charger for my phone like every two months, and I know people who have had the same flimsy charger for a year. But mine always break even when I'm extremely careful. last time I even got a super thick one that was supposed to be really good, but it broke two days ago, and I bought it around Easter. If anyone knows a really good charger, that's long lasting, and not terribly ugly, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • How can you tell when you've fallen out of love with someone?

    So I never even dated this guy, but we had a thing once and I've loved him ever since, for the last three and a half years. But I don't live near him anymore, and I tried dating someone else to get over his (as bad as that might sound I guess), but it made me feel guilty, like as if I was cheating on my own heart if that even makes sense. But I don't think about him much anymore, and other guys are seeming to become more attractive to me, yet I still compare their personality to his (he's by far, one of the best people I've ever met). Idk if I really have stopped loving him, or if it just seems more distant than anything. What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I'm pretty sure my friends boyfriend's cheating on her...?

    I have second period with her boyfriend, and sometimes this girl waits for him and they walk to their next class. But I thought nothing of it cause their friends and they eat lunch together with the rest of their friends. And my friend and I sit in a totally different place. He only sometimes eats with us sometimes. But when he started walking with her to class this next time they were kinda shoving each other and flirting. And I was kinda worried, but I wasn't gonna say anything because it could have just been friendly and I was interpreting it wrong. But today my friend went home sick, and I was walking from third period, and I passed him in the hall, moving behind that other girl, with his hands on her hips from behind, shoving her along with him. We made eye contact and he quickly looked away. And I know him, he knows me, and he knows I'm his girlfriends best friend. But I mean, this couldn't be friendly the way he was touching her. He touches my friend the same way. So I'm not sure what to do. I don't think it's my place, and I don't know anything for sure, and I don't want to cause problems. But later that day I asked how my friend was feeling and she said better cause her boyfriend was telling her how much he loves her. I got the feeling that he only did that cause of what I saw in the hall...

    My questions are,

    Do you think he said that for that reason?

    And what do you think I should do?

    Thank you for all answers. I appreciate it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What should I name them?

    So I'm writing a book about two people who run away together after knowing each other their whole lives. The guys name is Dalton, and he plays guitar, and has no friends, and is super close with his mom after his fathers death. But he's also kind of a mystery, and lives to take care of he girl. Who's name is Lillian. Her dad abused her mom till she was eleven, then he left, and ever since she's been so vulnerable and has a hard life with her drunken mom and flakey best friend. But they run away and I need fake names for them so no one finds them. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • What should I name them?

    So I'm writing a book about two people who run away together after knowing each other their whole lives. The guys name is Dalton, and he plays guitar, and has no friends, and is super close with his mom after his fathers death. But he's also kind of a mystery, and lives to take care of he girl. Who's name is Lillian. Her dad abused her mom till she was eleven, then he left, and ever since she's been so vulnerable and has a hard life with her drunken mom and flakey best friend. But they run away and I need fake names for them so no one finds them. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • I need to know how much fake Id's cost for a book?

    It's for a book I'm writing. I want the price to be as realistic as possible. And going on a whim and saying 1000 doesn't seem realistic enough. It's most likely way off.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How do I get over this?

    I'm in love with this guy but things never really worked out after he found out I liked him. He liked me back but I was confused and long story short, we ended up on and off friends, depending on when he'd actually talk to me. But I'm the kind of person who can't get over something until I've confronted the person and gotten their point of view. It's been two years, he's liked other people, and I haven't. And we haven't spoken in months because I moved, and I haven't been able to have feelings for anyone else because I only want him. He's by far one of the most amazing people I've ever met. I always feel like I'm cheating on my own heart if I start to feel something, anything, for someone else. And I've literally tried so hard not to love him. But it's too late to talk about things. I'll seem pathetic, and he's changed so much since then. Does anyone have suggestions on what I could possibly do to lose feelings for him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How do I get rid of this guy?

    Okay I'm going to be totally honest right now, and I'm not trying to be a jerk or put anyone down. But I need to be truthful here. There's a guy in my class that obviously likes me (I'm 15 he's 16? Maybe?) He might have a condition, but he has a hairline that goes so far back it seems like he's balding. He also has a high squeaky voice and a lisp, buck teeth, and he smells like BO. he constantly talks about porn and girls and it annoys the crap out of me. he thinks it's so impressive that he's been in fights, and he thinks he's all that and a sack of potatoes. I know a lot of people act conceited because their unattractive or have insecurities. But he's literally just full of himself. he thinks he's so clever and so tough and manly. He tries to be near me, and is always practically breathing down my neck and keeps trying to be close with my friends and stuff. I'm not hot either though. People think I have a pretty face, but I'm obese and idk why any guy would like me...but he does, and overall it's not even about the looks. I've liked unattractive guys with amazing personalities, but he's just a jerk. he cusses out teachers, and tries to make me side with him, and he never thinks he's wrong. I tried being friends but he thinks I like him or some crap, and idk how he got that idea. Because after a while I honestly stopped talking to him when he's tried to talk to me. I'm so done. How do I handle this? Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just tired of this jerk of a guy.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What should I do...?

    My best friend and I both deal with depression. But she has bipolar depression, and she's very confusing and hard to keep up with. We've vowed to always stick by each other, and never keep secrets, or lie. Which I've kept. But she never listens to me anymore or wants to talk or facetime. We live six hours away from each other...and I miss her so much. But since I left she's gotten so much worse and she hates her living with her mom and I don't know what to do. I mean there's only so much of her ranting I can take. But when I rant about something she just doesn't reply or says hm. As if it were nothing. My stuff is usually more important about how my mom fat shames me, and she talks about her A- that she's been crying about for five hours. I'm so confused. I don't want to stop talking to her. She's my best friend, and I love her so much, and I'd never want to lose her. I don't know where'd I be if I hadn't met her two years ago. Sometimes she's even suicidal, and it breaks my heart. It used to be different...and I wish that we could both talk and listen and it wasn't just a one sided thing. We do see each other in person but it's with her mom there in a hotel. and we've agreed we need a day to ourselves where we can literally just hug each other and cry and that's it. But I'm not sure when we'll even get a chance like that... What's your advice...?

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • What do you think of these lyrics?

    (verse 1)

    I see you dancing with her

    It breaks my heart

    I watch for a while

    Trying to hold back tears

    Ignoring what's going on around me

    The end of the world could be happening

    And I would never know

    I'm too focused on letting nothing show


    So hide all emotion

    Keep it all back

    Go through the motions

    Of each day,like the last

    And never, ever

    Feel pain,or at least

    Hide it away

    (Verse 2)

    I see you with her

    It tears me apart

    I want to scream out

    And tell you that behind your back

    I see her snide remarks

    Her snarky looks

    Her bitchy tone, but I keep it inside

    And I bottle all Iv'e tried to hide



    If you would look me in the eye

    Maybe you'd realize

    What true love can look like

    See the pain of my broken heart

    If you search long enough

    (Chorus 3x)


    I see you dancing with her...

    It breaks my heart...

    2 AnswersLyrics5 years ago
  • What do you think of this song I wrote?

    (verse 1)

    I see you dancing with her

    It breaks my heart

    I watch for a while

    Trying to hold back tears

    Ignoring what's going on around me

    The end of the world could be happening

    And I would never know

    I'm too focused on letting nothing show


    So hide all emotion

    Keep it all back

    Go through the motions

    Of each day,like the last

    And never, ever

    Feel pain,or at least

    Hide it away

    (Verse 2)

    I see you with her

    It tears me apart

    I want to scream out

    And tell you that behind your back

    I see her snide remarks

    Her snarky looks

    Her bitchy tone, but I keep it inside

    And I bottle all Iv'e tried to hide



    If you would look me in the eye

    Maybe you'd realize

    What true love can look like

    See the pain of my broken heart

    If you search long enough

    (Chorus 3x)


    I see you dancing with her...

    It breaks my heart...

    2 AnswersLyrics5 years ago