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Lv 44,974 points

♥♥Merle Raven♥♥

Favorite Answers33%
  • My best friend is making me feel down?

    I have been friends with my best friend for a good number of years, I do know he does get down and I always try to help him get past it. But lately he has gotten down so much so, it is affecting our friendship. He hardly talks to me and has changed while I am exactly the same. I am feeling frustrated that every postive words of encouragement are met with 'why bother'.'you don't know that' .'nvm' ...'Ok' ...words like those. I am the one communicating with him lately, and feel uncomfortable right now, cos he isn't responsive as he used to be.

    I have a lot going on in my life, I am still not over losing the love of my life two years ago and family complications and ill health, and now my best friend is like 'not present'

    I have helped him with lots of things and through very difficult times before but this time I feel I have to dig deep into me to find the strength and to stay positive. It is affecting me. I have told him and we have spoken about this, but nothing has changed and he won't talk to me about it. I feel shut out.

    I just don't know what to do. He told me he feels lost and alone. He is from another country but not living in the one I am in so I can't be with him easily.

    I just don't know what to do. Any ideas or recommendations please?

    Genuine question, genuine replies please.


    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What is the difference between the words Amiga and Amiguita?

    Is there a difference in the meaning?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • My best friend has changed?

    I have been friends for a number of years with my best male buddy. There has never been anything to complicate our friendship and we can talk to each other about anything. He is from another country. I know they have some different customs etc.

    Thing is lately he has been saying stuff to me that makes me think he wanted more than just friendship with me. For example I was late going to chat with him and he wondered why I was late. I just casually said I was having a bath. To which he replied 'my pretty friend in a bath. Then I asked him about what did he hope for the future. He said he would love a nice house and to be closer to me!' He had told me before that there was nothing but friendship between me and him. But there has been little stuff like calling me his native language 'Mi amigtuta queirda and asks me for hugs a lot. I live in another country to him and although he has left his native country and moved closer to mine, we chat every day or night or both. He is on his own and studying in uni, so he needs my support. He has always been there for me and I for him. But I am not attracted to him. I love his company and he has so much to offer a lovely girl and one day I do hope he finds the perfect girl for him and settles down.

    Anyways,thing is just a few days ago when he said he wanted to get closer to me. I asked him again was he looking for more than friendship from me. His reaction wasnt what I had expected. he went quiet. so quiet conversation was a struggle. He said I didnt know how to be friends with a guy, that i dont think of him on equal terms.

    Since then its be a struggle to chat with him. He is quiet and not the usual chatty self. He took his pic of the messanger and replaced it with a building. I have been doing most of the talking and he is unusually quiet.

    We have had such a great friendship, I was able to take the risk in asking him about stuff, without fear of it going against me. But his reactions was nothing as I expected. I am now totally mystfied about his reaction. The quietness is deafening. I hate being the one to hold up a conversation that would otherwise sink if I didn't.

    Why is he behaving like this? Is he telling me the truth that there is nothing? What is going on?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • I have a neighbor who stares at me?

    I have been living in my apartment for the past 4 years and in that time the apartment across the way from me has had two changes of tenants. Before there were 4 girls living there and all was fine. They moved out late last year and the new tenants moved in. From what it looks like its 2 guys and one girl living there now.

    I have no problem with the girl or guy, but the other guy who is the younger of the men, keeps staring at me.

    He sits in the apartment with the balcony door wide open and sits facing this way. I did a test the other day to see what would happen. I was outside sitting on my balcony floor ( he can't see me when I am sitting on the balcony floor) but I can see the reflection of this apartment on my door. Each time I moved the door, he looked this way.

    He even stands in such a position to look through my slightly ajar door. He moves way over to the left of his balcony when there is plenty of space to stand elsewhere. His staring creeps me out. He sits in the apartment with the balcony door wide open and sits facing this way, which he is doing now. He is the only one with a door opened as it is quite chilly out at the moment.

    I feel quite uncomfortable knowing someone is sitting in the shadow of their room staring over at me. It's stressing me.

    This is genuine, so please genuine helpful replies only.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I am afraid my best friend is falling for me?

    I have been friends with this guy for a number of years now. He is from another country and only recently moved to a country near mine. He is presently, seemingly dependant on my friendship with him. He is far away from home and I am his only friend on this side of the world. I have helped him find a place to live and with lots of other things too. He is a great friend and has helped me with things as well.

    Last year the love of my life, my boyfriend of 6 years, suddenly and unexpectedly, passed away. I am still grieving over the loss and I am attending bereavement counselling to help me. I loved my boyfriend so very much and still do with all of my heart.

    I am though worried about my best friend. We do talk every day, chat online. Up to recently everything was fine, but now he is addressing me as, 'my sweet amiguitaa' or' my sweet and dear best friend' and sending me lots of hugs. Flowers and teddy bear hug emotes.

    He knows I love my boyfriend who is now deceased and how I felt and still feel about him. I know my friend is dependant on me for the time being.

    It may be how they address friends where he comes from ( I do not know this but am just guessing!), I am not really used to that, especially from male friends. I have other male friends but they don't call me, 'my sweet dear friend.'

    It only really came to my attention last night while saying good bye to him, that the 'hug' was of importance to him. I had sent him a pic of a squirrel, but he said all he wanted was a hug. (like a teddy bear hug emote)

    I don't know what to think. Am I reading too much into this? I do not know how to approach this with him without hurting his feelings or making him upset.

    Genuine question

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I'm worried my friend is going to cancel!?

    I am holding a memorial for the love of my life, who was also my best friend who died unexpectedly last June. I was unable to attend his funeral at the time. I have been in mourning ever since. I am seeing a bereavment counsellor at the moment to help me through my grief. Through her help I have organised a memorial which will be held outdoors, with the release of a sky lantern, music, and picnic afterwards. I only have two friends coming to this. One of whom rang me this morning, but I missed her call. I am now worried that she is going to cancel attending the memorial. If she cancels the other girl will too as it is unlikely the other girl will come without her there. So that means there will be no memorial for him. She knows it is a special day as me and him first met on that day a good few years ago. If I hold it the day after it won't have the same meaning. I am just so very worried this is why she is ringing me. I called her back but got no reply, so I have left a text message for her to call me when she can.

    If all of it goes pear shaped. Is there any other way I can hold a memorial, something special that I can do just in case she cancels? Have you held a memorial for a loved on your own? I would be interested in any ideas. Thank you

    Genuine question, so please genuine replies only,

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • My friends status in skype is now grey with a question mark in it, what does this mean?

    I just signed into Skye a while ago and noticed that one of my long time friends icon is now grey with a question mark in it and when I hover over it, it says this person has not shared their details with you.

    I do not think it was that way last night.

    So what does this mean?

    Genuine question. genuine replies only please


    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • My friend behaving strangely?

    My friend and I used to date, we had been friends before, tried it, didn't work, so we went back to being friends. We have known each other for a good few years. We have been communicating a lot up till late last year. He has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend, both of whom know we are friends still, so there is no problem, bar the fact that he seems to be slowly drifting away from our friendship. He expects me to tell him everything that is going on in my life, but I get so little back from him about his.

    Recently on one of the many social networks he and me use, he has liked other peoples pages bar mine, even a mutal friends page he has liked. He was offline on chat and then his name disappeared off the chat listings, even though he was offline. I don't understand this. Anyways, he does message me on twitter, in a pm that he is looking forward to my next project, yet he won't like my page about it. Which leaves me thinking, if he is looking forward to it, why the hell can't he like the page for it?! I like his pages, and my bf knows this and its not a problem. Oh he likes other things by me, but not my project, complete strangers like it, so whats stopping him then?

    We have no past issues and have been chatting a lot up till recently, I have left him a small message as its been a while since we communicated. If he is busy in his life I get that, but so am I and yet I can make time for friends. It is unlike him to be this way,

    Adivce please

    Genuine replies only please


    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Fed up with my so called friend?

    Ok, my friend and I have known each other for 2004 and from there we had a really good friendship and at one point even went out together, when it ended we both wanted to remain friends, so it was a mutual thing.

    Time has gone on since, he is with someone else now, which is fine by me. I have gotten on with my life and am very happy with the way things are but, up till recently he has been communicating with me and seems to have all but disappeared off the planet. We are Facebook buddies and although I like his stuff, not all of it and I don't comment that often on his page,, he had not liked my page although I have liked his. Thing is its the same thing with Twitter, he has an account and he wanted me to follow him, I did, but he never followed me back.

    Recently he has been looking for feeders to be put out so he can get work, I did, but he thanked someone else instead.

    He has liked my posts up to a few days ago but there is nothing now. I have a new page to promote my art work but he has been on and has not liked it as I predicted.

    I thought we were friends!! I do like to help him when and where I can. He knows this. The last contact I had with him was a few days ago after a two month no contact ( by me) and he wanted to know all about what was happening in my life.

    I really do not know if we can sustain being friends when I am the one that has been making the effort.

    Any advice?

    Genuine question, genuine answers please.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • why is my ex still interested in what I do?

    Right now he is seeing someone else and things are great with them and they are all cosied up. Yet he still wants me to tell him what I am doing and for me to send him photos of me and what I am up too. All normal stuff.

    Its like the spanish inquistion with him. He tells me things that he and his gf are up too and how they spent christmas. I just say yes cool and great, but it still hurts. I do still love him but I do know he is not with me anymore and that time has moved on. There is no way he would come back to me when he is cosied up with this girl. I do not know if they will get engaged or anything. I just don't understand all the questions

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • 90's girl group that was on a Backstreet Boys Vhs?

    I cannot recall the name of the group but remember they were an american ( I think ) 5 piece girl band. One of them had long dark hair with a couple of braids to the front of her hair. I remember each would sing with a row of flowers in front of them. They wore the 90's style strappy tops and combats. They were introduced as an upcoming girl group at the end of the video. It was shown after the Backstreet Boys video had finished.

    I am wondering if anybody would know the name of the group and the song if possible.


    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • My ex is calling his new gf the same pet name as he used to call me?

    I just heard that my ex ( we were together 6 years ) is using the same pet name he used to call me. I have been told that he is saying it most all the time to her and is even bringing her to the our favourite places where we used to go often. I have remained 'friends' with him ( we were friends before we went out ) but since he has met this girl and went into a relationship 2 weeks after he met her, he has not been in contact with me but only once to chat for 15 mins to tell me he was no longer single... Before he was on most everyday chatting, texting or we would chat over the phone. Now all quiet. It is like I do not exist any more.

    Thing is, I would not call a new bf, the same pet name I had for him. So why not give her a different name? Why use the one he had for me?

    What would you think? What would you do if you heard or saw that your ex call his or her new partner the name he/she called you? How would it make you feel?

    He had told me before that that was my name and it was me. Now I hear he is using it for her.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I approach (4 'small2')(4 'small3')?

    I can't write out squared numbers on Y!A so small2/small3 are just the squared number.

    How do I solve (4'small2')(4'small3')?

    I don't know how to go about solving things with the brackets next to each other.

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Where and how do I get a reverb effect in Audacity?


    I would like to use a reverb effect in Audacity, but when I look at the drop down menu, there is nothing. How do I get a reverb effect added to the Audacity I have? There a few plug ins and nothing is clear as to which one it is. Can you help?

    Thank you in advance for your replies :)

    4 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago