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Lv 785,520 points


Favorite Answers31%
  • What provisions can people make in case the human dies before the pet?

    b.q. What provisions can they make in case the human goes to the hospital, but doesn't die? Who will feed the pets for the time being?

    At this point, as an older person, I would be afraid to get a cat, as I would like to do.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • What provisions can seniors make in case the human dies before the pet?

    b.q. What provisions can they make in case the human goes to the hospital, but doesn't die? Who will feed the pets for the time being?

    12 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • What would/will go in your Gratitude Journal tonight?

    There's been a lot of publicity in the last decade or so over keeping a Gratitude Journal. Some people find that taking time to feel grateful contributes to their overall happiness. What makes you happy?

    You can take this to be religious, spiritual, circumstantial, the laws of chance, or the life you've created for yourself.

    in evaluating this, choose one or all three of these categories or another category of your own.

    1. General state of your life or your family, etc.

    2. Current events in your life, like today, this week, or your short term plans.

    3. "These are a few of my favorite things" & what you like about them. Could be plants, animals, where you live, or whatever.

    Could also be your favorite possessions, but of course, materialism isn't the point here.

    From my past experience asking questions, I can only say, if you don't like the question, please answer something else. Don't tell me about it. It's just not that helpful.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What would/will go in your Gratitude Journal tonight?

    There's been a lot of publicity in the last decade or so over keeping a Gratitude Journal. Some people find that taking time to feel grateful contributes to their overall happiness. What makes you happy?

    in evaluating this, choose one or all three of these categories or another category of your own.

    1. General state of your life or your family, etc.

    2. Current events in your life, like today, this week, or your short term plans.

    3. "These are a few of my favorite things" & what you like about them. Could be plants, animals, where you live, or whatever.

    Could also be your favorite possessions, but of course, materialism isn't the point here.

    From my past experience asking questions, I can only say, if you don't like the question, please answer something else. Don't tell me about it. It's just not that helpful.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • What is the best thing to do when you wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night?

    to avoid returning to the same nightmare when you go back to sleep

    b.q. Do you have a lot of these nightmares? Is it more or less frequent than when you were younger?

    14 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • What is the best thing to do when you wake up from a nightmare?

    to avoid returning to the same nightmare when you go back to sleep

    10 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Are many people on Y!A having trouble when they hit the submit button to submit their answers?

    such as nothing happening & the whole thing going into a spin cycle.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • When will unresolved questions be deleted if they will at all?

    I'm getting reminders now about choosing best answers for several of my questions. It still has the same message about going into voting. Then it adds...

    "If neither you nor the Answers Community chooses a best answer, your question will expire and will be be deleted."

    Will it still be deleted in spite of not going into voting anymore? The thing is, I used to extend all of my expiration dates to 7 or 8 days, but now it sends me these notices after only 3 days. Frankly, I'd like them to stop bugging me. After all, they have a contest going on, who will get the most responses in a week of questions starting with "When..." So, I'd like to wait until my week is up. Besides, if I'm not really late after 3 days, why imply that I'm some kind of deadbeat?

    On one of my recent questions, I waited 3 weeks before adding my final comments & selecting a best answer. I was afraid that after a month, they might delete it along with everyone's very excellent answers. So, I jumped in last night & took care of it in a grand flurry of activity. I wondered though, does anyone see any rules on this or not?

    So, is it now a matter of "Worry no more"? with no final deletion dates? Gratefully, I haven't rec'd any second notices, but who knows exactly how it's going to work? Does it say anywhere?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • When does Y!A award our points?

    What time of day or after how many hours? Seems like it's slow to award them lately. I still haven't rec'd points from last night for choosing a Best Answer or for being awarded Best Answer for one that I answered. Also, what time of day do we get a point for visiting?

    Also, it seems very strange when it says what was done "Yesterday' when it's still the same day. i'm in the same time zone as Yahoo, so I don't quite get it.

    In the old version all of the points came up immediately. Is the new version much slower than the old one in awarding these points?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • When is the best time of day for dining out?

    What are your reasons?

    such as quality of food or service

    bonus question: What are your favorite places to eat & the best time of day to eat there?

    16 AnswersOther - Dining Out7 years ago
  • When are the best times of day for senior citizens to eat out?

    That is, to dine out in a restaurant or cafe. What are the reasons for choosing those times?

    12 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • When is the best bedtime for senior citizens?

    Also, what is the best time for the last meal of the day? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Has this changed any over the stages of your life?

    is "Early to bed, early to rise" still the best motto if seniors no longer have to get up for work? What gives you the best energy? What do you think about maintaining some sort of steady schedule?

    31 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • When did you first read a full length novel?

    How old were you?

    What was it?

    How did you pick it out?

    Was it a gift, did someone suggest it to you, or did you find it in a library or bookstore?

    Was it as good as you thought it would be?

    Did you read anymore by the same author?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • When is the latest time that Senior Citizens should drink caffeinated coffee & still be able to sleep that night?

    Does switching to decaf seem to help? How about caffeinated tea or things like chocolate that have caffeine in them?

    Also, do you think that coffee or other caffeine contributes to high blood pressure?

    32 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • When do Senior Citizens decide to start dyeing their hair or else decide to let it all go gray or enhance it to some shade of silver?

    Have you or someone you know made such a decision? How & when was the decision made? How has it continued to work out?

    17 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • Senior Citizens, when did Elderhostel also become known as Road Scholars?

    Do they still use both names or what? My friend & co-worker is going to retire in a few months. I told her about Elderhostel, which my mother enjoyed for travel & staying on college campuses when college wasn't in session. However, when I did a search on it, it was very confusing whether they still even use the old name at all or whether the program still exists as it used to.

    Is anyone on here familiar with it? Have you traveled under either program, Elderhostel or Road Scholars? I think it may have been originally part of AARP, but I'm not sure at all. Does anyone know?

    My mother attended these sessions in the 1980's. Each one included some educational programs, staying in the dorms, eating together, & going on tour buses to see some of the local sites. She was able to visit my brother & I before & after, staying with each of us only a few days, but still having an longer time in Northern California & an adequate tour of the area.

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • When are teens old enough to control their own spiritual lives?

    This might be when teens could learn meditation, stop going to church, declare themselves to be atheists, or join a different church.

    Have you made any of those decisions for yourself? Did you choose your family's religion, a different one, or none at all? At what age did you make these choices? Did your siblings, cousins, or friends make the same choices or different ones?

    Please don't answer as though I'm one of those teenagers. I'm a senior citizen & definitely old enough to choose my own spiritual life. I do think it's good to look back at the choices that we've made & to see how it's worked out for us.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • When do senior citizens draw upon their inner strength and when do they give up & become weak & helpless?

    Is this any different than when younger people do it? What causes people to do one or the other? Please give some specific examples.

    13 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • Senior Citizens, what have you done when a motel bed was too hard & uncomfortable?

    Are senior citizens more sensitive to this? Have you tried adding your own foam topper to a motel bed? How would I pick one out in a nearby foam shop? I'm definitely losing sleep & feeling all achy & sore the next day.

    17 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • Vegetarians, what are some ways that you happily cope while staying in a motel in vacation land?

    What do advise that the rest of us eat to survive very nicely on our vegetarian diets?

    Try it without a motel with kitchen, but you may stipulate a microwave & a fridge in your room & a free Continental Breakfast Room available every morning that's included with your motel room.

    You can add if you like stores & inexpensive restaurants nearby.

    These might be...

    Denny's, Carrow's, or other similar chains

    an Italian deli with soup & ravioli

    Safeway, Trader Joe's, or other grocery stores that you like

    a Whole Foods store or a smaller local health food store with frozen or refrigerated ready-to-eat foods

    How do you stock your fridge & what do you manage to cook in the microwave?

    What unrefrigerated foods do you keep in the room?

    What utensils or supplies do you take along for cooking & eating?

    What do you choose in the Continental Breakfast Room?

    What do you choose in those moderately priced chain restaurants?

    Try to get by fairly cheaply, going out for a splurge in a better restaurant only once a week.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago