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kellie r
when separated from marriage in south carolina can the other spouse rent out the house?
Does the spouse have to split the income from the rental property? It is still under mortgage.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoi work at a hospital and they put out a memo that said they will no longer higher smokers is that legal?
cant they be sued for discrimination, since smoking is not illegal?
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agowho sings this song??????? all i know is a few lyrics please help?
memories and dreams of love days i had with you never thought it'd be so tough to feel the way i do only sounds like boston please help its been stuck in my head for days
3 AnswersLyrics1 decade agowhat does "pure dreck" mean?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agois it legal for a concert security guard to physically grab someones arm and hold it down then throw them out?
of the concert because they were filming with their cell phone i saw this happen at a van halen concert last night the gaurd was a complete b---h there were thousands of cell cameras there and she totally picked on this one person
6 AnswersDrama1 decade agospare the rod spoil the child?
does that mean spare the rod spoil the child or does it mean sprare the rod....spoil the child?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agounder 18 boys and 0 childsupport more to my statement?
there was not enough room for my whole statement. i also think it should be the girls parents held responsible for the child because they failed to properly educate their daughter on birth control and failed to make sure the pill or shot were taken i just believe girls of that age are way more responsible than a boy that age. maybe the girls will take back control of these types of situations and think long and hard before having sex since we are the more responsible person and frankly typically the smarter i know from the time my daughter was 12 yrs old i educated her on birth control and sexual situations and when the time came she came to me and told me it was time to get on the pill. i know im very fortunate in that fact. like 68 percent of boys who get girls preg. at that age do not pay support anyway. so why should society be held responsible?
5 AnswersParenting1 decade agowhat do you think about this. boys under the age of 18 should not be held responsible for childsupport if they
cleary state they do not want the child,give it up or get an abortion. make a law stating that a teenage girl who gets pregnant cannot apply for welfare cash only medical and food stamps. make sure our daughters are educated and offered birth control. i think this law would cut down on teen pregnancy and avoid entrapment of young men. im a female with a daughter. but i see a lot of girls thinking they can trap a guy into getting married or staying with them by getting pregnant. what do you all think?
15 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoi asked the question yesterday about ships and planes instead of ground war?
the question still stands in ww1 and ww2 civilians did not matter this is a war not a pity party civilians matter in the sense of get out of town this is war and we are here to kick your butt not here to feel sorry for you with todays technology there is no country out there to put up a decent defense for what we have. so now explain to me the purpose of ground troops unless used for cleaning out the area sorry guys im a woman and all these men dying makes no sense to me
2 AnswersMilitary1 decade agocan anyone explain to me the reason for ground war when we have ships and planes?
and radar that can anilate everything with out losing one person
6 AnswersMilitary1 decade agomy best friend of 16 years has a husband that has cheated on her numerous times the latest is with the neighbo
on saturday she flat out busted them in the bar holding hands and he had his hand between her legs she beat up the lady called me crying her eyes out said she was ready to leave him then on sunday she went to their house to tell him it was over and somehow he talked her into beleiving that everyone at the bar was lying and he really has done nothing wrong what can i do to convince her to leave him for good. they have 2 girls and she is teaching them that this behavior is ok her girls are like my own children and they are so hurt and angry what do i say to them how do i prove to her that hes a cheater and will never change hellllllp
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoi have an old pendent with this written on it "S. GEORGIVS. EQUITUMPATRONVS" what language and what does itsay
the pendent has a knight on horseback slaying a dragon with a lance and on the otherside is a viking ship it is VERY old i have a picture of it front side only i couldnt get a good pic of the back email me at if anyone has a clue on what it is on the backside the writing says "intempesate. secdritas" please help
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago