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  • A guy might like me and I don't know how I feel?

    I have my first four classes with him. He came off as creepy and annoying when I first met him. He's not exactly attractive, but that doesn't matter. My problem is that he's grown quite attached. He gets sad when I'm not at school, he walks with me to and from class and always talks to me. ALWAYS. It's actually distracting.

    What's weird is that I'm starting to feel this emotional bond between us, and I don't know how I feel. After talking for a while I realized he's a nice guy, and he's not really creepy, just awkward and doesn't know how to talk to girls. I'm afraid he might ask me out at some point and it's not because I'm in any way ashamed of being with him, it's just that I don't know how I would respond. It doesn't help that none of my friends like him, they're all disgusted by him and my friend's mom, who is also my teacher and this guy and I are some of the people who hang out in her class, doesn't care for him much either which could create some awkward situations. Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Help With Senior Year? (Prep, Advice, etc.)?

    My classes for next year are

    AP Environmental Science

    AP English Lit

    AP Stats

    AP Calc AB

    AP Govt/Econ (one class at my school)

    Student Aide

    I know this is a lot, but I've never once not had a busy schedule. I considered taking a regular class, but I learn at a fast pace and after taking one before, I realized it wasn't for me. Any thoughts? How can I prepare for some of these classes? Especially the math ones because I didn't get summer homework for them. I do feel confident in my ability to do well with such rigorous and trying courses, because it's all I know. My classes have always been tough so I'm not extremely concerned with the difficulty level. I'm also not worried about the time management factor when it comes to studying, college apps, etc, because I do fairly well with that. I'm slightly concerned that I might possibly take on too much with clubs. How can I prevent that? Any advice on senior year is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • Weird scrape/cut on knee?

    I have a weird scrape/cut on my knee that almost looks like a chunk of skin is coming off of my knee or like a scrape that scabbed over and the split open. I got it on Wednesday at colorguard practice, because we had a lot of show work where we are on one knee, and we basically have to drop into that position. it has never bled, but it hurts, mainly when I move my leg or rest on the knee. What can I do? I washed it as soon as I got home from practice, wiped an alcohol swab around the general area to clean up any residual dirt, put ointment on it, and covered it with a band aid which I change twice daily. Anything else I should do? Mainly to relieve the pain and help it heal faster? Thanks!

    1 AnswerFirst Aid6 years ago
  • How can I survive an activity I hate?

    I've been doing colorguard since freshman year, and this season, I made jv captain. My problem is, I don't feel as passionate about it as I used to. My mom wants me to continue with it, and I know she'll get over it, but I don't want to do it anymore. I can't quit now because the season started, but I don't want to continue with it and I feel like I can barely survive this season. Any advice

    I had skipped marching season this year to help my mom, who was quite sick at the time, and I can honestly say, I felt happier not doing it. I had more time for homework and studying, and I got to see my friends outside of guard more often, and spend more time with family.

    2 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • Should I continue with this?

    I've been doing colorguard since freshman year, and this season, I made jv captain. My problem is, I don't feel as passionate about it as I used to. My mom wants me to continue with it, and I know she'll get over it, but I don't want to do it anymore. I can't quit now because the season started, but I don't want to continue with it and I feel like I can barely survive this season. Any advice??

    1 AnswerOther - Sports6 years ago
  • I don't know if I want to do marching band?

    I do colorguard, and I'm pretty good at it, and made jv captain. I've done guard since the winter season of my freshman year, and I'm a junior now. I did one season of marching band my sophomore year, and absolutely hated it. I didn't do it this year because I reall wanted to focus on my grades, and my mom was sick, so I wanted to be able to be around and help her.


    -I get to spend more time with my friends

    -consistent exercise

    -more extracurricular credits

    -less drama


    -no time

    -grades may drop

    -I do not have a good relationship with the possible drum major and the possible guard co captain

    -I hate marching band in general, and a lot of the people

    -it's expensive

    -won't be able to join any other clubs or extracurriculars

    I really don't want to disappoint my parents or my guard instructor (I don't really care about disappointing the band director because he doesn't respect guard anyway). I know my parents will be ok with whatever I decide, but I'm afraid me leaving band again might ruin my relationship with my guard instructor. And there's a part of me that wants to do it no matter how much I hate it, because the games and competitions are really fun. At the same time, I feel like it's a complete waste, because its not really going to help me in college, and that's my main concern. Please help!!

    1 AnswerAdolescent6 years ago
  • How to work with a hectic schedule?

    I'm 16 and a junior in high school. With AP classes, clubs ( and being a cabinet member/ co-founder of one) and an extracurricular that will take up all free time (starts in a few weeks), I sometimes (actually, most times) forget to eat. I carry a granola and/or protein bar (Luna, zone, or balance, not the hardcore stuff) so I can at least eat something, but the fact that I'm not sitting down long enough to even remember I have it (or I'm sitting too long to even remember to get up because of homework). I used to just eat in some classes so I would have something, but it's now been limited to a little nibble in fourth period, right before lunch. How can work around my hectic schedule. I'll show you what it is now, and will be in a few weeks

    Monday-Tuesday: cabinet meeting/ club meeting (all of lunch)

    Wednesday-mock trial (all of lunch) after school colorguard practice

    Thursday-semi free day, but lately another cabinet meeting

    Friday-community service club meeting, then straight to mock trial after school colorguard practice.

    And I'm normally up until about midnight doing homework

    Any advice? I'm not dropping any of these.

  • Why can't I seem to get a boyfriend?

    I'm 16. I know I'm young and have a whole life ahead of me, but I'm just tired of being rejected. I'm not the skinniest girl in the world, and I'm working on that(for me, not anybody else), but I am also not ugly. I've been told that I'm pretty, not just by friends and family, but by a lot of random people that I don know. I dress nicely and decently, and I'm actually quite smart. It just upsets me that I'm the friend that every guy looks past, but I'm the one being asked for relationship advice, though I've never been in a relationship. I want to be there, but I can't help but be jealous, though I do know that that's a bad thing. I sometimes wonder if maybe I'm just too mature (before I get called out on that, let me explain). I'm not your typical high schooler. I'm not in to going out and being with friends all of the time. I prefer being in ap classes. Psychology and politics are kind of my life. I honestly research psychology and political topics more than I watch tv so I can't relate to what most kids watch. I can relate more to adults and I feel like an adult trapped in a 16 year old body (not even, people always think I'm an adult, maybe that's why the only people that hit on me are adults. I just want some my age. Any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Who were some of your awesome teachers?

    Just a random question.

    My coolest overall would probably be my 8th grade history teacher. She was always super chill and really fun. She did have a huge potty mouth, and she honestly didn't care if we cussed in her classroom. She used to play the Beatles' music while we took notes and my chemical romance and green day. We also would always get off topic and somehow the topics always went to sex and/or periods. She would bond with all of the girls in the class and we all talked about how much periods suck (somehow, pretty much every female in that class, including the teacher, synced so I felt bad for the guys). We could literally be sitting in the class and somebody would just be like "does anybody have midol?" Or "does anybody have a pad/tampon?" It was always so random. Anyway, She treated us like adults and didn't talk down to us and I really appreciate that about her.

    Who were your cool teachers, let me know.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I hate my birthday! Any advice?

    So my birthday is may 13 (seems early to be talking about this, but we were talking about birthdays in history and I started thinking about it), which means its either on or a couple days after mother's day, during AP exams, and used to be during cst testing. I could deal with it being during testing, but its the fact that its extremely close to mother's day that sucks. People just kinda sweep my birthday under the rug and talk about mother's day. People call me and tell me that they are coming out for mother's day, and either don't mention my birthday, or say something along the lines of "I guess we could celebrate your birthday too". I could never really have a party, because I always had to be ready to go out for mother's day, or my parents have to make sure they have enough money to buy my grandmothers dinner. The first time anybody has done anything huge for my birthday was eighth grade when my friend surprised me at our class picnic, and every year, does something to astonish me. Im not asking to be center of attention, it would just be nice if, even just once, my birthday wasn't secondary to mother's day. I know it's important, but it's nice just to not have people give me a partially heartfelt happy birthday. Any advice?

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • I'm extremely stressed! Any advice?

    I just finished my first week of junior year and am already stressed out. Before you say anything, I'm not dropping classes.

    Anyway, I'm taking AP US History, AP English language and Composition, and AP Physics as my AP classes. I expected history to be a very high pressure class, but my problem is that I was originally supposed to take AP Chemistry, but had to drop it for AP Physics (the only other AP science available). Now I already did the summer homework for AP Chemistry and I am now super behind in physics and have to catch up on a ton of homework that I only have a few weeks to do, whereas this homework took people the whole summer to do, in addition to the homework given in class. On top of this, I have to do a chapter of history a week (not that bad) and take notes and study for a quiz, and I get at least 20 problems for precalculus a night. Normally I would try to space this all out, but my physics homework (with reading and trying to catch up) takes about 3 hours of my day, so around the time I finish, it's already 7-8 o'clock, depending on when I get home. History takes another 1-2 hours (I have to read every night to get through the chapters) and math takes up another 1-2+ hours(I'm not that great at math, so I have to take a really long time). How can I deal with the stress? I already have a caffeine dependency, which doesn't help. I need some advice. I love my classes, but they are stressful and high pressure. I had to drop chem to take asl.

  • How to prepare for classes?

    I want to do really well in my classes next year, but unfortunately I didn't have the best teachers so I didn't really learn much, and some subjects I'm just not good at. How can I prepare for:

    Precalculus: I had a horrible math teacher for the past 2 yrs

    AP Chemistry: I'm not horrible at the basics of chem, but math is not my strong suit

    American Sign Language: I've never learned. I know about 1 letter.

    I have done my hw for chem, and bought precalculus demystified to help me. What are some basics besides slope and functions that I should focus on? And this is the first year my school is offering ASL, so what should I know going in?


    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • Is this a good schedule for junior year?

    AP English language and comp

    AP US history

    AP Chemistry

    American Sign Language

    Spanish 3 (required)

    Advanced Math (Precalculus)

    Also, my school offers college algebra and I wasn't sure how this and precal compared. So I was wondering which was harder? My friend wanted to take it because it's supposedly the easier class. Based off the book, it seems like it but I just want to know for sure. How can I prepare for precal? Please help?

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • How to prepare for junior year? (High school)?

    I have posted this question before, but wanted to get a few more answers and add some details.

    I'm going into my junior year of high school. I am aware that it's an important year and am working extremely hard to do well. Next year, I'm taking:

    AP Human Geo (elective)

    AP Chem (Possibly AP psych if my school brings it)

    AP US history

    AP English and composition

    Advanced Math (Pre-cal/Calculus)

    Spanish 3

    How can I prepare for these classes? I'm already doing the summer homework. I know these are a lot of AP classes, and I do intend to join clubs (at my school, you're kind expected to be in a ton of ap classes, it's an unspoken rule, so I can't really get out as soon as I choose one). My school's clubs aren't too demanding and the ones I plan on joining are bsu (black student union) and unidos, both of which are community service clubs, but you can easily get hours during school so I'm not too worried about that.

    Also, I really want to change up my look. I've been working on losing weight, because I am a little overweight (not just saying that, for my height and age,I'm overweight). I'm not trying to lose an extreme amount of weight, so what are some simple exercises I can do at home? Also, if I can get some tips to change up my style of makeup, that'd be helpful. I have large doe shaped eyes, and short curly eyelashes, any tips to really enhance my eyes would be awesome. (Feel free to add any extra info you think would be helpful)

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • how can I prepare for junior year?

    I'm going into my junior year of high school. I am aware that it's an important year and am working extremely hard to do well. Next year, I'm taking:

    AP Human Geo (elective)

    AP Chem (Possibly AP psych if my school brings it)

    AP US history

    AP English and composition

    Advanced Math (Pre-cal/Calculus)

    Spanish 3

    How can I prepare for these classes? I'm already doing the summer homework.

    Also, I really want to change up my look. I've been working on losing weight, because I am a little overweight (not just saying that, for my height and age,I'm overweight). I'm not trying to lose an extreme amount of weight, so what are some simple exercises I can do at home? Also, if I can get some tips to change up my style of makeup, that'd be helpful. I have large doe shaped eyes, and short curly eyelashes, any tips to really enhance my eyes would be awesome. (Feel free to add any extra info you think would be helpful)

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • Wattpad users help? please? I just joined wattpad and just posted a story. It is all true, but I'm not a very good writer (which is why I joined, so I can improve) I was hoping if there are any users on here that would be willing to help me and give me tips. If not, please answer this question with some tips.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • I hate myself sometimes?

    I'm 16. I have nothing going for me. I'm just and ugly, fat, lazy slob. I've tried so hard to eat less and lose weight, but I have no self control and I think I might have a binge eating disorder because I'm ALWAYS eating. I feel horrible about myself. I have friends, but they'd rather be with their boyfriends, or they have other groups of friends where I don't fit in. And I feel jealous because they are all gorgeous and skinny and have loving boyfriends or at least guys that like them, and I'm just the ugly, fat, friend that they come to for advice even though I've never had a relationship. I'm tired of being that person. I would like to try and reinvent myself over the summer. Please help me hate myself less. Any advice? Please, I need your help. I'm tired of being the fat friend everyone pitied.

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • How to turn hanging out into a date?

    I asked this guy I like to hang out with me on the last day of school, and we will probably get pizza. He knows I like him, and we text pretty much all of time (we both initiate conversations, I'm not the only one). I would really like to turn this into a date, but don't know how to do it without coming on too strong. I'm really not sure if he likes me back. In about February he said he liked me as a friend and it could possibly turn into more, but since then we've talked a lot more and he's shown some signs that he might possibly like me as more than a friend, like planning movie and tv show marathon dates, but we haven't gotten a chance to do it.

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • I feel so lonely?

    I'm 16. Literally all of my closest friends are in relationships except for 1, but she has so many other friends so I can't always talk to her. There's this guy I like, but he's completely friendzoned me, so I don't even know why I'm still trying. I've been rejected by every single guy that I've liked. I just feel like I'm not deserving of being in a happy relationship. Maybe I wouldn't care so much if all of my friends didn't basically ignore me everyday because their boyfriends are always around. I am a pretty nice, funny, smart person, but I feel like the reason I don't have a boyfriend is because I'm fat and not that pretty. I know it's terrible for my confidence, but that's how I feel. All I want is for somebody to love me. I've gotten to the point where I hate going to school or going places, because I hate seeing everyone so happy. I just wish that I didn't feel like I had to be in a relationship to be happy, but I really can't help it. I would really just rather be with my family.

    I just hate being the loner and the ultimate third wheel. I just want someone to make me happy. (I just really want the guy I like). Any advice?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • School tips?

    I'm a sophomore in high school, and I will admit, I'm pretty smart, but I don't apply myself. I know I can do better than what I'm doing, I'm just really lazy and I'm wasting my academic abilities at this point. I'm taking all AP, AP Prep and honors classes, and I have a 3.1 GPA. I know that isn't horrible to most, but I know I can do so much better than that. My problem is that I am a huge procrastinator, I don't apply myself, and I do honestly slack off. I just have so many problems motivating myself. I come up with plans to study, and they work for a couple of weeks, but once a class gets hard(usually math) I just give up. It doesn't help that I have an Algebra 2 teacher that doesn't teach (I'm not just making excuses, I'm dead serious), and it's even harder for me to motivate myself when I don't understand something, because I usually pick things up pretty quickly. Any tips on how to get my head out of the gutter and actually get motivated to bring my grades up? I really try, I just fail horrendously. Could you help me come up with a study plan?

    These are my classes iF it helps:

    AP bio

    AP world history

    AP Prep English

    Honors Algebra 2

    Spanish 2

    Next year I'm taking 4 AP classes so I really need to get it together, I'm taking AP US History, AP English lit and comprehension, AP Chemistry, and AP human geography (any tips on these classes would be greatly appreciated)

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago