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Well My Name Is Anibal Im From The IE So Fuck Dem Haters. Im Fun To Be Around. Im Funny and Nice. I Like Girls Especially Latinas They Sexy. Im Hispanic or Mexican Wutever You Wanna Call Us hahahah. I Like the Miami Heat and the San Diego Chargers and Mexico Soccer Team. I Love Rap and Hip Hop You Betta Listen to Dat Gangsta Shit. Drake Is Pretty Much My Fav Artist Rite Now Cuz He Da Shit. Thts Enough About Me Lets Hear About U Hahahaha.
My 99 Chevy Astro Wont Turn On On First Try?
My 99 Chevy Astro Is Having A Problem I Dont Know What It Could Be It Happened When I Put In A New Fuel Pump And Fuel Filter 5 Months Ago And Now When I Turn It On When Cold It Turns On On First Try But When Ive Used It For A While And Then Try Turning On It Doesnt Until 3 or 4 Times When Pushing The Gas Peddle And Turning Key Please Help
1 AnswerChevrolet6 years agoUnknown Songs On Ipod Go Into Albums?
So I Have A Ipod Touch 2nd Gen 4.4.2 And I Try Putting A Song With Only The Song And Artist Name But When I Do It Goes Into That Same Artists Albums Like Its Part Of The Album
Example: i put big l 95 freestyle when i sync it it goes into lifestylez of da poor and dangerous album WTF!!
How Do I Fix This?
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop6 years agoIpod Touch 2nd Gen Youtube Not Working?
so i have this ipod 2nd gen 2.2.1 and youtube and all that stuff used to work great but maybe a month ago it just doest work anymore i press youtube and it goes to a screen that says with a red square face with its mouth sideways i think its a video it says 3:27 youtube help and i cannot update it because i get an error on itunes when i try to i try searching for anything and no videos will show up help anyone have the same problem?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players6 years agoThe Ipod (Touch) Could Not Be Restored Unknown Error (-1)?
ok so i have a ipod touch 2nd generation and i plugged it in to itunes and it said i can update it so i pushed it and it started to go and then it said the error message so is there any other way i can update it or how do i get it to work on itunes? I Do Not Want To JailBreak It!!!
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players6 years agohow to clean yellow sweat stains from my white fitted hat? hat?
It's basically brand new I just sweated a lot in it I want to clean it I heard you can clean it with bleach but it ruins the hat does any one know a safe way to clean it without messing it up
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories6 years agois roofing hard?
I am starting Saturday and it's my first time doing this I have no experience whatsoever what should I expect I'm really nervous
41 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years agowhat is your favorite android game you are playing right now?
What games are you playing and which is your favorite
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agocan you tell the people at a junk yard to take a part off of a truck or car?
So I want to get a transmission from there but I don't want to go through the hassle of taking it off and I don't know how to do that so do they charge more to do it or do they not do that im trying to get a 95 ford explorer 4x4 transmission
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago95 ford explorer wont go into gear?
OK I'm having problems with my truck I put it in any gear and it won't move R D 1 2 OK then I put it into Park and it made this weird noise so I put it into neutral and put it in 4x4 and then took it off 4x4 and the gears worked it moves now but it makes a weird noise when driving what could it be please help
2 AnswersFord7 years agoWhat Race Of Women Are The Most Attractive?
I Think That asians are one of the most beautiful women ive seen 2nd to that latinas
12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoI have a 95 ford explorer and the windows and lock button fuse keeps going out?
I have noticed that it is the 40 fuse in front in the fuse box idk why it keeps blowing help please
2 AnswersFord7 years agoI have Tongue Blisters?
OK so ive had them for like 5 days already and i've been rinsing my mouth with hydrogen peroxide 3% cuz my mom said It was a remedy I see change but I still cant eat anything without them hurting do you guys have any ideas I dont know how I got them they hurt really bad when I eat i have two of them on the side of my tongue and have one in the middle that looks like a cut and i have white ones on my gums please help
1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years agoMy Halo 3 Is In Spanish?
Ok All The Words Are In English But When They Talk Its In Spanish I Tried Changing The Language On The Dashboard But Still Didnt Work Any Ideas??
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoHow to make shoes in nba 2k11?
i wanna kno how to get the achievement my air
3 AnswersBasketball10 years agowhy cant i go to sleep?
ok ive been trying to sleep for the past 3 days and i cant sleep i dont kno why i cant i just cant and if i do fall asleep its like at 4:00 or 5:00 am does any1 have the same problem?
4 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years agomegaman battle network 4 red sun how to get to videoman?
the lady that has videoman says she will be at "a lively area in the net" where is that?
Video & Online Games10 years agomegaman battle network 4 red sun "a lively area"?
the lady tht has videoman tells you tht she is going to be at "a lively area in the net" can someone tell me where tht is please
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoHow do i cure my athletes foot and fungus?
i have had this for like 3 years and nothing seems to cure it does any body know any way to cure it it is nasty and embarrasing please help
1 AnswerSkin Conditions10 years agoBeats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest Release Date?
i kno they say july 8th but is it everywhere or just one area?
1 AnswerMovies10 years ago