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Lv 729,198 points

the DT

Favorite Answers25%

I try to give the best advice I can give all the while keeping my sarcastic side in check. But it slips out when people are not using common sense and acting like fools---♥♥---♥♥---

  • What natural remedy might help my dog with the itching caused by seasonal allergies?

    She's 13, a Jack/Wire mix, eats high quality dog food (Wellness dry & Natural Balance wet).

    I've heard about Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother" but I'm not sure how to use it effectively. Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts about how to help my little girl? I am on a limited budget. Thanks.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Who's happy with the new format of Y!A?

    I haven't been on here lately so I'm not sure when it changed but I'm not seeing it as a change for the better. Can I no longer see my contacts and fans? Not as user friendly as far as I'm concerned. How's everyone else feel about it? Just curious. Thanks.

    10 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • How do I find what this is worth?

    I have a copy of The Detroit Sunday Journal, Volume 1 No. 1.

    Wikipedia say:

    The Detroit Sunday Journal was a weekly newspaper published from November 19, 1995 through November 21, 1999 by striking workers from The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press. It was staunchly pro-union, and focused on labor issues as well as local news. It was one of the longest-running "temporary" newspapers ever.

    Do you think it has any value? I am moving and de-cluttering so I would like to sell it.

    Any direction would be appreciated. Thank you.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • How do I find what this is worth?

    I have a copy of The Detroit Sunday Journal, Volume 1 No. 1.

    Wikipedia say:

    The Detroit Sunday Journal was a weekly newspaper published from November 19, 1995 through November 21, 1999 by striking workers from The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press. It was staunchly pro-union, and focused on labor issues as well as local news. It was one of the longest-running "temporary" newspapers ever.

    Do you think it has any value? I am moving and de-cluttering so I would like to sell it.

    Any direction would be appreciated. Thank you.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Why did my question not post?

    Asked it twice. Both times it shows in MY QUESTIONS on my activity page but not in the category (WORDS & WORDPLAY) in which I asked it. Not my first time asking, but now I've lost 10 points asking questions that never posted. What gives?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • What do you think of this behavior?

    So someone reported my answer for violating community guidelines. The original question was something like "Which one do you pick?" followed by a list of random numbers (none of which were in the 20's and my favorite # is 27). I responded "What? NO 27?"

    Now I don't care about the 10 points and I'm certainly not going to waste my time trying to justify an answer that was clearly in jest and, did indeed, violate community rules by not supplying a serious answer.

    But I am curious as to why you think someone would waste their time reporting something so frivolous? Human behavior just fascinates me.......

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • I am faced with a difficult situation...?

    I have to move in with someone and she has asked that my 10 year old cat get his hind claws removed. I know that this is a difficult surgery for a cat this old but it can be done. She has rejected my suggestion of using Soft Claws saying "Are you going to replace my $1500 leather couch if he ruins it?" which I can't afford to do. I know that I can probably find a new home for him but that, too, is stressful on him as mine is already his third home. And he and my dog have developed a friendship so I hate to take that away from both of them as well. I really don't know which option is best for all concerned. My cat is not very friendly to strangers and would likely not be cooperative with the Soft Claws but I am willing to give it a shot if it would spare him the trauma of surgery but they will probably be stressful too. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    12 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Frosting Help, Please...?

    I am 60 and when I was a young girl my mom made this white, fluffy frosting that would develop a thin, hard skin or shell when it dried. My sister thought it might be called 7 Minute Frosting. I googled a recipe and I just made that and, not only is the flavor wrong, but it has yet to get the shell on it. I remember it getting the skin on it relatively quickly, not needing much 'drying time'.

    The recipe I used called for egg whites, vanilla, cream of tartar, sugar, and water and wasn't as thick as I would have liked it. Does anyone know of this frosting. My sister's birthday is coming up and I'd like to surprise her if I can get it right.


    Additional Details

    I used granulated sugar because it didn't specify powdered. Would that make a difference?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Frosting Help, Please...?

    I am 60 and when I was a young girl my mom made this white, fluffy frosting that would develop a thin, hard skin or shell when it dried. My sister thought it might be called 7 Minute Frosting. I googled a recipe and I just made that and, not only is the flavor wrong, but it has yet to get the shell on it. I remember it getting the skin on it relatively quickly, not needing much 'drying time'.

    The recipe I used called for egg whites, vanilla, cream of tartar, sugar, and water and wasn't as thick as I would have liked it. Does anyone know of this frosting. My sister's birthday is coming up and I'd like to surprise her if I can get it right.


    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What happened to my Avatar?

    Logged on to Y!A and my avatar is the exclamation point and not the one I created.

    Went to edit my preferences and selected the avatar picture and it remains the exclamation point.

    What gives?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Placement of Quotation Marks?

    I responded to a question and this is my answer. In it, I put quotation marks surrounding what is essentially my verbal thoughts and within those thoughts was a 'sub'-quote, if you will. I then ended my thought.

    In this example, 1) should the quotation marks end before or after the period, and

    2) why or why not "." ? Is there a rule of inference that one set ends the both primary and

    secondary quotes? Thanks!

    Whenever I see someone with sagging pants I think:

    "What a cruel, cruel joke has been played on the young men of the world and how very, very sad it is that, despite being unbelievably uncomfortable and uneasy to walk in, they will follow the trend instead of standing up and saying "That looks totally lame and stupid".

    The girls aren't fans of it either - trust me.

    And guys, if you're over 17 and still wearing them... get a clue. No woman wants someone that looks that disheveled and unsophisticated. Saggy and sexy don't work in the same sentence.

    One last thought... if you're gonna show us your shorts, don't make them gray.... they look dirty.

    I my humble opinion.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Does anyone have any FUN trivia to ask?

    Go ahead, post something fun and interesting for someone who is 40-60 years old. Music, TV, Movies, Geography,...

    Please. I'm bored with the categories I usually answer.


    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Does anyone have any FUN trivia to ask?

    Go ahead, post something fun and interesting for someone who is 40-60 years old. Music, TV, Movies, Geography,...

    Please. I'm bored with the categories I usually answer.


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Should I be concerned?

    Earlier this week I started to have pain behind my eyes and in my forehead. It hurts whenever I move my eyes to either side or up and down. I don't get many headaches but have had a few minor migraines in the past 2 years. I did have a MRI and my doctor found nothing wrong. I don't know if this is just sinus pressure (I don't feel any pain when I press them) or if there is something potentially more dangerous at play here. I am not an alarmist but I don't want to ignore any warning signs that might be at play here.

    Has anyone ever heard of or experienced this type of pain? There are a lot of smart people in this category so I purposefully posted it here instead of a medical category. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Why do some people post their question in the wrong category?

    For the life of me I can not figure out why people post a relationship question in the WORDS & WORDPLAY category or a medical question in the ETIQUETTE category..... you get the idea.

    You all know what I am talking about and have seen it many times yourself. But WHY? Is it stupidity? Is it laziness? Is it carelessness? Is it confusion?

    To me it's a little bit like calling my mechanic and asking for fashion advice or asking my hairdresser for financial advice. Why not ask the question in the category that will likely yield the best results? I mean, isn't it logical to assume that a math question will get a more accurate answer in the MATHEMATICS category than it will in FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS??

    Of course many questions can be asked in multiple categories and some defy definition because of their generality... like this one. Since I am asking about human behavior one would think I should post this in a related category but I will post this in Words & Wordplay because I see the most irrelevant questions (to the category) posted here. I also think more people view this category than PSYCHOLOGY, for example. So is that the answer.... it's about getting the most people to see it?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this long question and answering it.

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Does anyone ever READ their question before posting it?

    Seriously. It seems as though many people just type in letters and hit 'submit' without proofreading for grammar, spelling (doesn't everyone have 'spell-check'?), and that it makes at least a little sense. But here we have "Does giving good optiontips?" and "Does this sentence make depone?".

    Is the world just filled with illiterate, ignorant people who are too hurried to even take a single minute to evaluate the content? What is going on? I don't understand why people don't LOOK at what they are doing!!!

    Do you care about how your questions and answers read?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Suggestions and Answers Please!!?

    Just posted this Q but would love to hear more from all of you. Great ideas!

    Please answer my question. Thanks!;_ylt=AglLi...

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • If you could tell Y!A anything or make a suggestion, what would it be?

    What would make this site better?

    Add some new categories and delete others?

    Should there be a category for TROLLS or SARCASM?

    How would you improve the 'Report Abuse' system? [ I think you should be notified as to the SPECIFIC cause for the report in the reporter's own words (anonymously of course), then you should have the opportunity to rebut the charge. After which, THEN it would be sent to the arbitrator's panel for a determination. The points are taken from the loser's points and then given to the winner. ] This solution would diminish the amount of reports, don't you think?

    Are there any guidelines that should be updated, deleted, or added?

    What do you think? Get it off your chest...

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What possesses some people to report an answer?

    I don't get it and I am hoping the person who reported my answer for violation of community guidelines does me a favor and enlightens me. The question was something like "Can I get a hug? I feel sad or like crying." My answer was "Awww, .... sure. Don't cry. It will be OK" I answered it in all sincerity knowing, of course, that it's not possible to give an actual hug so I was merely trying to comfort.

    Now in all likelihood this person was joking and many of the responders were making comments both good and bad. I went back to search for the question but couldn't find it. It just really pisses me off when there is no logical reason to be reported. Furthermore, trying to appeal it is pointless because the appeal committee lacks any semblance of logic and common sense, or anything more than a rudimentary knowledge of English and all the nuances contained therein.

    So what's the answer? What kind of person reports something so innocuous? And Why?.... Personal vendetta? Jealousy? Misunderstanding?.....

    Please, clue me in on the secret. Thank you.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What possesses some people to report an answer?

    I don't get it and I am hoping the person who reported my answer for violation of community guidelines does me a favor and enlightens me. The question was something like "Can I get a hug? I feel sad or like crying." My answer was "Awww, .... sure. Don't cry. It will be OK" I answered it in all sincerity knowing, of course, that it's not possible to give an actual hug so I was merely trying to comfort.

    Now in all likelihood this person was joking and many of the responders were making comments both good and bad. I went back to search for the question but couldn't find it. It just really pisses me off when there is no logical reason to be reported. Furthermore, trying to appeal it is pointless because the appeal committee lacks any semblance of logic and common sense, or anything more than a rudimentary knowledge of English and all the nuances contained therein.

    So what's the answer? What kind of person reports something so innocuous? And Why?.... Personal vendetta? Jealousy? Misunderstanding?.....

    Please, clue me in on the secret. Thank you.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago