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  • Tell me your weight loss tip/trick?

    I am NOT talking about diet pills, magic beans, or a way to blast off fifty pounds in five minutes. Im talking realistic ways. Here are mine so far.

    Eat less junk-brownies, candy, chips, ect

    Eat smaller portions. No five pound steaks

    Find ways to make healthy foods appealing. Ive taught myself to eat PLAIN oats for breakfast, but it can get boring, so sometimes I add half a chopped peach or mash half a banana in.

    I have cut down on meat and dairy. No fiber there, so I sub in fibrous items.

    No soda or juice. Water is best.

    I walk quite a bit, and strength train for muscle. No, Im not hulk girl, its just for toning up.

    I run in place and do weighted boxing punches for cardio.

    I take a probiotic for digestion, keeps the insides humming along smoothly.

    I walk more than once a day so Im not sitting on my bum too long.

    I keep a journal. I think its good to keep track of exercises done and calories eaten. Keeps me from eating too much by accident.

    I also dont stuff myself when I eat.

    I try to select organic foods when I can.

    If Im craving junk (which rarely happens now), I take a quick walk, and drink some water and/or eat something nutritious to so I don't run for a donut.

    What are your tried and true methods/tips? I have lost eight pounds and my waist has shrunken and my arms and legs are showing more defined muscle and not so jiggly!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Nuts on a diet?

    I've been working out and eating healthy this summer and losing weight and I've always read that nuts ( in moderation) can help with belly fat, lessen cravings, and stabilise blood sugar. But when I eat them (a single or half serving) my blood sugar crashes if I dont include a small serving of carbs, like plain oats or something else healthy. Is this normal? I do have hypoglycemia but its well managed with eating healthy. Should I just eat half servings with a carb food?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Sodium intake question?

    This past summer I have started working out and eating better and losing weight. However, the past 2-3 weeks, I have been getting headaches quite a bit. At first ibuprofen did the job but the past three days, (not today tho) I had headaches that lasted most of the day. My upper neck and either left or right side of head dully throbbed and tylenol did nothing. I took some ibuprofen yesterday evening, loosened my braid, and took a nap.

    Woke up better, headache still lingering. I got some baked lays chips and ate them and very quickly my head starting feeling better and the ache hasnt come back yet. Ive been sweating a LOT this past summer(its flipping boiling outside) and drinking tons of water, to keep fron being dehydrated. I have cut down on junk food and eat way less chips and processed junk than before. Could less sodium and too much sweating cause headaches like this? I eat regularly through the day, like plain oatmeal for breakfast, organic yogurt for snacks, bananas, ect. And I mostly drink water. No soda.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Tips and tricks for weightloss?

    I have been working out and eating healthy and dropping weight due to this. Anybody know of little tricks to burn fat that I could add to my regimen? I a female by the way.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Tips and tricks for fat loss.?

    Ive been working out these past weeks, and eating healthier and dropping pounds. I know there are no magic tips to make me lose weight while eating huge cakes and pies. However, I would like some tips or tricks to burn more fat, on top of what my good eating and workout habits are doing. Trying a few cant hurt. I got time :)

    I am 5'2, a female, and weigh 150

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Cold water burn calories?

    I heard cold water burns calories, is it true? How much(like per 8 ounces). Im not looking for a magic way to lose weight, i work out every day, and Im eating better, but I figured a few extra tricks thrown in might help it along, so thats why Im asking.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Do calf raises work other muscles.?

    When i finish my calf raises, I really feel the burn, lol. Thing is, I feel it all the way up the back of my leg, to my lower buttock muscles. So, besides working my calves, is it also working my back thigh muscles and buttock muscles? Or is the afterburn just traveling up?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • muscle building and calories?

    I found a calorie calculator that said to maintain my weight, i need roughly 1900 cals. To lose weight, I need roughly 1500. I am doing moderate excercise to build some muscle, squats, bicep and triceps with weights, ect.

    I know a pound of muscle burns more cals at rest than a pound of fat does. So if I lost ten pounds of fat, but put on ten pounds of muscle, would my maintain cal amount and lose weight cal amount stay the same, go up, go down?

    Diet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Is cold brewed tea more healthy?

    I like to drink plain cold (or room temp, i dont really enjoy hot drinks much) green tea. The taste is pleasant and they say it can help burn some fat, and that it has antioxidants. Sometimes at night i place two green tea bags in a bottle of cold water and let it sit over night so it is already prepped in the morning. Is it more healthy because it steeped in cold water? I heard heat often destroys nutrients. So am I getting more antioxidants?

    Diet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Too much oatmeal bad?

    Aside from bathroom related problems, (ahem) is eating oatmeal (PLAIN) for breakfast and lunch a bad idea? Not everyday, but maybe 3 times a week. I dont have much money for food, so a dollar tub of plain oats looks pretty good when I need both cheap and healthful. Lately ive been eating it for breakfast just about everyday. I make it with water and I enjoy it plain with no sugar or crud dumped on top. If I have it for lunch too once in a while, that shouldnt be too bad right?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Water intake question.?

    I drink about 1-2 liters of water a day. Why is my pee so yellow. I pee a lot, arent i hydrated enough. Hubby says yellow means dehydrated.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Question about muscle and weight gained.?

    Ive started lifting weights, five pound dumbells, doing bicep curls, overhead lifts, rows, and squats with the weights too. I do ballet leg lifts, calf raises, standing crunches and I walk roughly a mile or two each day. I got serious with this two weeks go. I have also been eating better, no soda, no cookies or cake, ect. I eat fiber and moderate amounts of protein and drink plenty of water outside. I weighed myself after a week and gained two pounds! Another week is almost over and Im scares the scale wont budge. I noticed this week my waist is a bit smaller looking, not a lot, but a little. Even my husband noticed. Not much other differences except my arms are more tones and me calfs more shapely.

    So is it muscle gain? Or is water weight? I heard startinga weight regimen can cause a water weight gainthat goes away later, but Im not sure.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Oatmeal for health and weightloss?

    Im incorporating oatmeal into my diet for fiber and protein. It is plain instant oatmeal. No sugar added. Can I put water and oats into a coverd cup, place in a cool dry area overnight and eat in morning. I dont heat my oatmeal, its summer and I don' t like hot oatmeal for breakfast.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Is it true i should eat fruit by itself to avoid bloating, gas, ect?

    Just wondering because my tummy can be sensitive sometimes-.-

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Eating uncooked instant oatmeal?

    I have a tube of plain instant oatmeal, generic brand. Sometimes I put the oats in a cup, add some room temp water, stir a bit, and eat it. I know it says to microwave it or pour HOT water, but I dont.Is this okay? Am I still getting the fiber and protein? Is it more calories, because I didn't microwave it?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Migraine question?

    As a kid, I got migraines. Only at night, and about once a year. They were extremly painful. As I got older, I realized something weird. Everyon says migraines are worsened with light. But I realized light actually helped my migraines. I only ever got them at night, in the dark of my room. But if I turned on a light and stared at it, instant relief! The agonizing pain would immediately start to lessen and I would feel better and finally be able to sleep. I am wondering why this. Everybody Ive told this says its impossible but its true. The last migraine I ever had was when I was twelve.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Dont you think electronic time for kids should be limited?

    Like time on computers, tablets, phones, video games? How much time do you think is suitable for a six year old? My niece is constantly on her Moms/grandmas phone, or watching tv.

    5 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • which do you prefer, dogs, or cats?

    And why?

    7 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • What does your cat do?

    Whats the cutest thing your cat has ever done.

    5 AnswersCats6 years ago