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Favorite Answers27%
  • Anyone know how to log into a router config page with a smartphone browser?

    I want to access my router with my Samsung Ace 2 smartphone via the inbuilt browser but when I type the router ip address in the browser I get a search result from Google which I dont want. I can do this easily with a laptop or PC with IE10 but not with opera mini or the standard search bar from my mobile phone. How do I force the phone to access the routers built-in web ip address and not search Google results? Anyone?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking7 years ago
  • Intel i5 CPU at 98c ****!?

    With an Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro v2 & No Overclocking.

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Horrible pain in left arm for over 12 weeks (not heart related)?

    I have shooting/throbbing pains in my left arm, it goes from just below shoulder joint through bicep and tricep into forearm. I can only describe it like a toothache or nerve pain, it also hurts when lifting my arm up and when moving it behind me. Its not there all the time, it comes and goes. I could be just sitting watching TV and them bam! the pains start and can last a few hours and then just go off. It seems worse in the evening. No heart pains when exerting and my GP has ruled out heart problem and just gave me Ibuprofen gel which has not helped (I am also on 60mg of Dihydrocodeine 3x day for back pain) The pain is really getting to me now so I would appreciate any sensible advice on what this might be. I do remember my son punching me in the arm a few months back but don't know if this is related.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • i5 2500k with Asus P8H61-M compatibility question?

    I just got an Intel i5 2500k and tried it in the above motherboard with DDR3 and it rufuses to work properly. On powering up it just beeps and goes into a continual loop and beeping. Evenyually I managed to stop the looping and got into BIOS (CPU Temp is 28C. However It still wont read my memtest or linux CD boot disk either. Cmos jumper was reset and BIOS settings all set to default and still no joy. windows 7 will not install and just bluescreens even with the AHCI setting on. The motherboard and memory works perfectly with an Intel G620 cpu, but will not work when inserting the 2500k, Psu is a 500w and the 2500k IS on the motherbord cpu Vendor list with installed BIOS Version. Am I missing something? anyone got any idea whats going on? Or do I have a bad cpu?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years ago
  • Can anybody identify this tablet (medicine)?

    I have been given these tablets today as an alternative to my normal tablet by a pharmacy but are different to the ones I normally take (the chemist says they are the same) but I'm not so sure. Round white tablet 6-7 mm diameter with "DU" printed on one side and a "C" printed on the other. Any info would be great, ie manufacturer, type etc just to put my mind at rest. I cant find any info on them. I live in the UK.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can you appeal driving points on your licence (in10)?

    My 20 year old son got 6 points (in10) last year for being a pillion on his own moped, his friend was driving, and it was on a cycle track.

    Now he is being quoted over £4000 for insurance for his Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 (was £2800 last year)

    So basically they done him for no insurance. He did hold insurance at the time for the moped.

    Is there anything he can do to have the convictions re-considered or down graded, as this seems a bit harsh to me, especially as the insurance companies are really hitting young drivers with crazy premiums.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Can anybody identify this worm? (not computer related)?

    Hi, I found this unusual creature in my fridge door, it was hanging by a thread like a spider, I picked it up from the line it was spinning and while moving it to the kitchen sink it was spinning more line downwards from my finger tip. Never seen anything like it before. It is about 1 cm long by 1.5 mm wide and segmented, it has light colored body with a black head/tail. I am in the UK. There were no grain, rice, wheat, flour products in the fridge, Only non totally sealed stuff was fresh ground coffee, apples, tomatoes, ham. see photo here:

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Can anybody identify this worm? (not computer related)?

    Hi, I found this unusual creature in my fridge door, it was hanging by a thread like a spider, I picked it up from the line it was spinning and while moving it to the kitchen sink it was spinning more line downwards from my finger tip. Never seen anything like it before. It is about 1 cm long by 1.5 mm wide and segmented, it has light colored body with a black head/tail. I am in the UK. There were no grain, rice, wheat, flour products in the fridge, Only non totally sealed stuff was fresh ground coffee, apples, tomatoes, ham. see photo here:

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • JVC HR-S7965 Super VHS video rewind & fast forward fault. HELP?

    Help please. Hi I have the above VCR and all works great apart from tonight it started having trouble on rewind and fast forward when I put and old tape in it. when pressing the FF OR RW fast it sounds like something is slipping real bad and making a terrible grinding whirring noise then shuts off. I put my normal HQ SVHS tapes back in but it is still doing it. If I press the play button then fast forward it goes ok in search mode both ways no prob (just takes ages to rewind though) only when it dissengages from the head drum in fast rewind or forward mode it starts off ok then as the reals start to spin it slips and make the horrible noise. I cant go without my VCR I have a large collection of tapes so any help would be great. I have basic electronic servicing skills but am not great on the mechanical side of VCR'S.

    You tube

    Enlargement picture here :

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago

    Can anyone shed any light on this strange problem with my dvd recorder. I've had it for 2 years and it been great, just in the last few weeks it will not play pre recorded films bought from shops, however it will play record, copied cd's DVDs and plays perfectly with ones i have copied and recorded to (all types) but when i put a normal rented or purchased film it has trouble reading the disks and then spits them out with a unrecognized disc error. All the discs are new and have no marks. I have tried a lens cleaner disk but didn't help.

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • Not able to leave any comments on you tube?

    Anyone know why this is, I have tried Firefox and Intercrap Exploiter 8 but it will not post comments. Comment have not been disabled on the clips. I am using KIS2010 for my AV/security and wondering if this is the cause.

    2 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • can my friend run second life with a 64Mb SIS onboard video?

    Athlon 2.6 Ghz windows xp, via s3 video chipset. Thanks . 10Pnts for best answer

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I stop emails from yahoo answers?

    I Keep getting swamped with about 20-30 emails a day about "your answer was chosen as best.. blah blah..

    I have checked all the preferences in my profile and settings but still the emails keep pouring in, HOW DO I STOP THEM? it's really annoying the hell out of me now.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • no interest in sex or women?

    Been feeling like this for quite a while and don't know why. I have been looking at some real sexy pics of women naked and having sex on the net for the last hour and have no feelings or erection, personally i couldn't care less about it and would rather read the news on Google, haven't been in any relationship for over 8 years and i am 45. I have always had low libido but not like this. Is this is abnormal or what?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • no interest in women or sex?

    Been feeling like this for quite a while and don't know why. I have been looking at some real sexy pics of women naked and having sex on the net for the last hour and have no feelings or erection, personally i couldn't care less about it and would rather read the news on Google, haven't been in any relationship for over 8 years and i am 45. I have always had low libido but not like this. Is this is abnormal or what?

    15 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Extra system32/ directory within system32/drivers - WindowsXP?

    I have discovered another system 32 directory within system32/drivers

    Anyone heard of this or know what the extra system32 is for? The full path is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS \system32\ Drivers and then a few files like atapi, and pciide, usbuhci, and a few others.

    This looks a bit suspicious to me as I've not seen this before. Full rootkit scan done with MBAM, PCtools Spyware doctor (registered) and MS Security Essentials all find no threats.

    Clean install last week. System is Core 2 duo@4Ghz, 4Gb 1150Mhz Reaper Ram.

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Another system 32 directory within system32/drivers - WindowsXP - Advance Tech's only reply?

    Anyone heard of this or know what the extra system32 is for? The extra folder is called drivers in system32 with just a few (what looks like some cd rom files in there) The full path is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS \system32\ Drivers and then a few files like atapi, and pciide, usbuhci, and a few others.

    This looks a bit suspicious to me as I've not seen this before. Full rootkit scan done with MBAM, PCtools Spyware doctor (registered) and MS Security Essentials all find no threats.

    System is a little slow to start but responsive once started and I am getting a ding (as if I've plugged something in a USB socket) just as the desktop loads (this might not be related to the above as I can't be bothered to unplug all my usb stuff at the mo)

    Clean install last week. System is Core 2 duo@4Ghz, 4Gb 1150Mhz Reaper Ram.

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • My cat being sick after just water?

    Anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening.

    She is a longhair, 9 years old normally good health, she doesn't go out much and for the last 4 days has been off her food. tried lots if different things but she is just not interested. She has just been lying on the bed for past 3 days and nights, has nothing coming from eyes or nose or rear end so I don't think it's flu. Tonight she seemed really thirsty and had a good drink of water but it came straight back up. She does gets furrballs from time to time and usually deals with them easily by coughing them up quickly and then she's fine but this time it seems a little different. There have been no changes in LifeStyle food or furniture being moved.

    I intend to get here down the vets in the morning as I am getting worried but just wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Service pack 3 crash after fresh install on nvidia chipset?

    Anyone know why when installing SP3 on to a (Brand New) system with nvidia nForce 630i chipset, service pack fails then trys to roll back then no startup in windows except a black screen and mouse cursor. Tried safe mode same as normal >just get black screen. tried all boot options last known, safe, vga etc. can't get into windows This was a clean install and everything was running all evening, all programs loaded, ran and installed no problems. This is not virus related so don't bother telling me. Went through all the 119 windows updates no problem after restart until I reluctantly done Explorer 8 and SP3 then bang! 4 hours of work wasted. Some help would be appreciated.

    System is a Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2H motherboard (Latest F8 BIOS) with an Intel E5300 core 2, on board nvidia7100 video, 2 Gb Kingston DDR2 (tested with memtest86) sata WD 640Gb HDD . Arctic Power 500watt PSU.

    Windows XP Pro 32 Bit. BIOS at defaults no overclocking. system temps are very cool.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Iphone activation problem?

    How do I get my itunes to re- dispaly the the activation screen in itunes for my new iphone?

    When I first plugged it in after loading itunes the installation menu came up in itunes but I did not have all my info to hand so came back later to try again but this time all it does is sync with the iphone and nothing else. I have done a reset on the iphone installed v3 sofware for iphone and re-installed itunes hoping it will set off the installation screen again but nothing happens apart from sync, I have no service on the phone but do have all the icons on the iphone screen menu. There is nothing in my instruction manual or o2 website apart from saying connect the iphone to itunes and follow installation procedure which is hopeless, and not much help on the net Help anyone please I am getting frustrated.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago