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  • Training an older puppy?

    My mom just bought a Yorkie Poo from someone. He is a year old and the people claimed he is pad trained. Now granted she has only had him a couple weeks, BUT not one day has been completely successful. He will hit the mat, but poops and pees around the house. The previous owners casually said he was kept in a utility room when they were gone (which was a lot, and even more recently. Which is why they found him a home) She is using that attraction spray stuff. What do you all think about crate training? Yes? No? Anymore suggestions. Oh he also is afraid of the dark and hunches down when pet on the head. Which to me could signal overly harsh discipline leading to potty issues. Any help/suggestions appreciated. Should she take a week or so off work to work with him? How long should it take?

    2 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • How to preserve a snake?

    I found a recently deceased snake (small 8 inches tops) at a park. I would like to preserve it for a science area. I read online I could put it in rubbing alcohol in a glass jar. Would this be okay? Suggestions appreciated. Although, I would have this sealed shut it would be around kids so my options are somewhat limited as to what I can use. Thanks!

    3 AnswersReptiles5 years ago
  • What is coming out of my cats butthole/vag?

    Okay, my female cat is 14. I adopted her from the humane society and one of the stipulations to taking her and her sister home were they had to be spade. (6 wks) I know they don't do it that soon anymore. Anyway, her whole life she has this brown liquid squirt from her backside. It smells very strong, and male cats go insane around it. The smell is raunchy, it makes my husband gag. I'm thinking its some kind of pheromone?? It doesn't happen often, and has never negatively impacted her that I know of. What is this stuff?

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • Car help! Please!!?

    So I was on a dark hey going probably 35-40. We've had excessive rain and I didn't see the rather large "puddle." I hit it so hard I jerked for a half second or so. Anyway less than a half mile down the road I hear a very faint different sound. Like a "murrrrrrr." I stop at the light and what I call white "smoke," (water vapor??? Maybe??) starts pouring out of the car. I immediately turn it off, being a bit of a drama mama, thinking the damn things going to explode. To be honest I do t even know if I could have started it back up, I was too freaked out to try. I had it towed. Do you all have any ideas what could have happened. Much appreciated. Thank you.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Social security checks after a death?

    My friend's mother passed away on the 15th of Sept . Usually they get her SScheck around the 5th. Will they receive one more for Oct or is it automatically cut off? It's not a lot, but would help with her final expenses and other things. Please no unkind remarks, they just want to know.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What offends you?

    So I consider myself, for the most part pretty laid back. I've been thinking that I'm really not offended very easily. Like cussing, pornographic, crude jokes, people smoking outside in public, breastfeeding moms (I'm kidding), tabby cats being depicted being run over by a lawnmower, and other things along those lines don't really bother me. Now besides the biggies like racism, injustice, etc what is something that offends you?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • Small business opportunity? Advice would be nice?!?

    So basically my husband and I have been throwing the idea of opening a business around. Recently a friend of the family is discussing selling her Karrousel Kids, childs consignment shop. We almost view this as a sign to make our thoughts a reality. I'm really nervous about it though since it's such a huge risk. The thought of giving up our steady jobs to do this is scary, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'm wondering if anyone, once in the similiar situation, has any advice or opinions. This is a life changing thing so I want to have as much information as I can possible get. Thank you!

    4 AnswersSmall Business6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Sausage Fest in the Pumpkin Plant?

    Im very green when it comes to growing anything, and by that I mean very inexperienced, lol. Anyway, basically I threw my Halloween pumpkin out in to the yard hoping it would spring up a plant. I had done this before. Anyway it did, the plant is very big, and is producing a good size pumpkin. I guess I'm being greedy but would like another one. The problem is the majority of the flowers are male. Right now there are a couple females but they, I guess are immature and haven't opened yet. Any suggestions, tips, etc? I've researched this a bit, but would like to hear from the Yahoo community. :) Oh also, I can't remember, will the pumpkin fall off on its own once done growing. It just now is turning from green to a light orangish color. Is it on the right track to be ready by October, or will it be ready before that? Thanks guys.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years ago
  • Wear deodorant at night?

    I always have but my husband doesn't and thinks I'm weird. So is it common to wear deodorant at night. Oh and I'm not like an overly sweaty stinko. It's just what I do???

    16 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Can you name Sci-fi, SuperHero, and Fantasy, Movies?

    Calling all Sci-fi dorks!! Just kidding, but really I need some help with finding movies that are similar to Guardians of the Galaxy. Specifically the human mixed with creature combo. My son loves that mix, and adores guardians. Just need some good ones :). Thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Do you know Jane Adams?

    Okay, yes, this is for philosophy class, but I definitely will be doing my own research. I'm not looking for anyone to do it for me. I'm just throwing out a net to see if maybe, just maybe, someone on here happens to know a lot about her. Is there anything you specifically know that may not be known by the masses? Something interesting? Just a shot in the dark here. Thanks You!

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Paranormal evidence?

    I've seen many people on here proclaim that the paranormal is not real due to lack of scientific evidence. The only thing it relies on is witness testimony, photos (real or not??), EVPs, etc. My question is how exactly would that be possible? How would the scientific method be used for something that is paranormal? Of course, the most obvious answer is you can't observe what doesn't exist. Although, let's say it does, I still don't see how "scientific evidence," would be gathered. I visualize a bunch of ghosts being rounded up and split into the control group and the experimental group. It's something we discussed today (off subject) in philosophy.

    14 AnswersParanormal Phenomena6 years ago
  • Are people becoming less friendly?

    My mom brought this up the other day. She said she use to say hello to strangers passing by. She said she does this less because of the reactions she gets, frowns. You let people cross the street, they don't throw up a hand to say thanks. Hardly ever hear "please" and "thank you." Let's not even get started on this forum. It seems like one cannot even ask a question without getting a smart *** remark, or twisting your words so they can give "advice," totally unrelated to the question. Do you all think people in general are more nasty? I'm not saying ALL people are like this, but the more the "nice" people interact with the "rude" ones will it wear off? Like a plague? I'm more jaded than I use to be. How bout you?

    14 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Can I reuse Good 2 Grow bottles juice bottles for kids?

    Okay, I'm being a little overly cautious, but hey if one can't ask a silly question on yahoo answers where else? Right? Lol! Anyway, the bottles are so cute with the little character head tops, and they do withstand the dishwasher. I'm just wanting opinions because one the bottles are plastic and two, it's hard to clean the top part. Just wondering what you all think. Thanks

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • What type of cheese goes good with spaghetti?

    Just basic out of the box pasta and sauce with ground beef in it. Thanks :)

    6 AnswersEthnic Cuisine6 years ago
  • Can I post an audio clip on here?

    I have an I phone and an audio clip on it I would like to post. Is that possible? If not, where could I post it to get a link in order to post here? Thanks

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos6 years ago
  • Ghost in living room or prank?

    This was captured in living room, but it could possibly be a prank.

    2 AnswersParanormal Phenomena6 years ago