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  • Does anyone else think the outcome of the overall election is the best thing that could've happened for America?

    Think about it... we will have a Democratic House, a Republican Senate, and a centrist President.  Granted, not much real progress will be made, but at least we can get back to a sense of calm and normalcy.  I am a Democrat, and I worried that if Democrats took control of the Senate it would've driven conservatives into a frenzy and grown division in the country further.  Its time to heal, and Biden thus far has shown he is the leader that can heal us.

    5 AnswersPolitics6 months ago
  • Should I break up with her?

    I have been dating this girl for about a year and a half. She has been nothing but good to me and I care for her a lot, but my friends hate her and avoid me now because of it. I cannot do anything with my friends and her at the same time because they don't like being around her. Like I said, she has been nothing but good to me, but the one thing that I really hate is that she can be extremely disrespectful to others. She doesn't care what other people think, which is a good thing, but if anybody does something she doesn't like, she is sure to let them know, and many people hate her for that.

    I don't know what to do. She is good to me, and I care deeply for her, but sometimes the way she treats others almost embarrasses me and alienates me from my friends. What should I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Need innocent jokes about politicians?

    I am giving a presentation about my imaginary family made up of famous politicians. I need some material that pokes fun at any politician. It has to be relatively innocent and something simple because it is for a spanish class and I have to translate it.

    For example, i say George Bush looks like a chimpanzee, many people think Obama is the devil, Nancy Pelosi is always smiling because of botox....

    I need something along these lines, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no smart as* answers...I have looked in this thread before and can't believe some of the stupid stuff people post

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • My girlfriend's period is late, can she be pregnant?

    Last month, my girlfriends period was late and we were worried she might be pregnant. She says it always starts on the 25th, but last month it didnt start until March 30th. Now she is late again. We have had sex 2 times since her last period, both times we used condoms and I didnt even ejaculate. She has taken 3 pregnancy tests since the 25th of April and all negative. Given these circumstances, can she be pregnant?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why is it that conservatives accuse Democrats of having no jobs and not paying taxes?

    but the Tea Partiers somehow find the time to travel the country protesting? They must be cashing in on A LOT of vacation time. Or maybe they don't have real jobs?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does Susiepolls2008 direct questions to Democrats?

    when she has blocked them all from viewing her questions?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Remember before the health reform talk started, Democrats were "elitists"?

    But now that the democrats wanted health insurance for everybody, they are all lazy bums that want handouts. How did things change so fast?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Waiting to hear back after an interview?

    I applied for a job last Wednesday. When I went in, I filled out an app, had a interview and was asked to take an employment test. After the test, they told me they would have to wait to get the results.

    I have a friend who worked the exact same job, when she applied, she went in first thing in the morning, and was called back for a second interview the same day and was offered the job.

    Does this mean that I didn't get the job? The interview went very well, and I know I did good on the test.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Laptop battery charge drops instantly?

    I have had my laptop for a few months now. I have it plugged in most of the time but generally let it completely cycle at least twice a week.

    Now when I charge it to 100%, I unplug it and it instantly drops to around 70%. Does this mean that the battery is going bad?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • If health care passes on sunday?

    If health care passes on sunday (which it will), will people continue to bicker on Y!A or move on to other issues?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What Sarah Palin really said about Russia?

    No, Sarah Palin didn't say that she can see Russia from her house. But when asked about her foreign policy experience, her response was that you can see Russia from Alaska. Let's stop talking about his now, and just agree, that it was a dumb comment either way.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it safe to say that conservatives will attack Obama no matter what he does?

    Even if Obama somehow ends his presidency with a 0% unemployment rate and a surplus, the conservatives would still attack him wouldn't they?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who thinks susiepolls2008 should stop copy and pasting the same answer?

    I've seen this about 10 times in 10 minutes. Enough already susiepolls, lets use our brains, not copy and paste.

    Impeach Obama for Fraud against the state!!!!!!!!!!

    Obama's Trinity of Bribery


    The Cornhusker Kickback for Nebraskan Senator Bob Nelson's vote

    Nelson won a provision exempting his state from paying the usual share of costs for new Medicaid patients. The deal critics have dubbed the Cornhusker Kickback is expected to cost the federal government $100 million over 10 years.


    The 2nd Louisiana Purchase for Lousiana Mary Landrieu's vote

    a government payoff to Democrat Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu to secure her vote so that Harry Reid could get 60 votes and begin the debate on Obamacare in the Senate. $300 million payoff for her vote! Hell, the original Louisiana Purchase only cost $15 million. Can you say quit pro quo, payoff!

    3) The Utah Judicial Appointment of his brother as judge for Matheson's Utah vote

    The same day, March 3, 2010,… the president appointed Rep. Jim Matheson’s (D-UT) brother, Scott Matheson, to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

    2 seconds ago

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How much will health reform raise my taxes? I want real numbers?

    My health insurance premiums keep getting higher and higher for no reason, isn't the health plan meant to give me cheap health insurance?

    Because if I can save lots on health insurance, and pay a little more taxes, that just makes good sense to me.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Some questions for christians?

    1.) Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the bible?

    2.) You say if God doesn't exist, who created the universe? Then who created God? (And you can't say nothing created God, then you could say nothing created the universe, it would be the same arguement)

    3.) Why should people of other religions go to hell? They were raised by the beliefs of their parents just like you. Is God punishing them for believing what they were raised to believe in?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people think that the 2nd amendment says they can have guns?

    The second amendment says:

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    Where does this say that every civilian has the right to own a gun? It says that a "well regulated militia" (military) has the right to have guns. Not civilians.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A question for conservatives: What is your opinion on alternate energy?

    We all know that conservatives think global warming is a hoax. But does that affect your opinion on alternative energy sources? You can't deny that we are depleting the Earth's fossil fuels even if you don't believe in global warming. If Obama suggested spending money on wind energy or any other clean energy source, would you attack him? Even though investing in renewable energy would save our country money in the long run.

    Also, where do you think all of the emissions from cars and fuel burning power plants goes? Do you think that the greenhouse gases just magically disapper and don't build up in the atmosphere? Or do you think that greenhouse gases are just a hoax too?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are conservatives now attacking Al Gore? Have you run out of nasty things to say about Obama?

    I've noticed some people attacking Al Gore now. They say they haven't heard from him in a while so he must be "scheming". LOL This just shows how insanely superstitious you psychos are.

    My question is, is it not true that their is more evidence to support the claims of global warming than there is that christianity is correct?

    I know that you crazies will say that global warming is based on fabricated studies blah blah blah, but isn't christianity based on heresay, stories passed down generation to generation?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has anybody that's against Health Care reform read the bill?

    Everyone says that the American people want health care reform, but not the current proposal. My question to you people is what do you know about the health care bill? Everything most people know about the bill is coming from the media, which is biased in both directions. You can not say that you don't want this bill unless you have read all 2000 pages yourself.

    You do not know all of the facts when you haven't gone through it yourself. When you watch FOX news, you are hearing all the bad, when you watch more liberal news, you are hearing all of the good.

    All of you people that say you don't want "Obamacare" (which is the dumbest slogan ever), don't know anything about it. All you know is what Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck tell you.

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago